Chapter 40:

Passing the Baton

The Governor's Queen

"What do you want..." Nivelir quietly whined outside the Doctor's office. He was rubbing his eyes as if that would help with his headache, and leaning on the wall to make sure he doesn't fall over. He was dizzy and ill and he wanted to sleep. It was barely dawn! Why did he need to put up with this little menace?!
"I gotta report something! Take me to yer office!"

Ekliptik seemed to have remembered their manners. They took off their hat. Most of their face was still hidden away by a scarf, but this was a rare chance to have a look at them, for sure. He didn't expect they'd have such ordinary hair, considering how they always hid it with a bandana, but then he realized that parts of their scalp was also black. Dyed hair, then. Shabbily done, too. Their bright cyan eyes had dark circles around them, implying that they didn't sleep all night. They were crushing the hat in their hands, looking as anxious and shy as ever. Their shoulders were trembling, he noticed. And yet, they stared up straight into his eyes.


He could tell he will regret it, but since Rosamund had such a high opinion of this pest, the least he could do was entertain them for a bit. Otherwise, they may decide to go and wake up the poor man, and he was in the worst shape of them all. By far. He briefly pondered asking for the time to get properly dressed for the day, but he got the feeling they would stand outside his room waiting like an abandoned dog. Nightwear and slippers it was. He wished he at least had a ribbon with him to put his dreadlocks up into a bun, but then he realized that this child was in an even worse shape than him on a daily basis. He can make it through for a few minutes. How long could they even need him for?

He made his way to his office. The menace followed him in absolute silence and he needed to make conscious effort not to turn around every few seconds to check they were still behind him. He sat down at his table, positively exhausted from walking all this way. Despite Officer Teodolit's best efforts, he still felt ill. He also had nothing to offer to either of them, considering that the servants were still mostly sleeping. The pest clearly noticed that he was angry with them for waking him up. They stayed at a distance away from him, visibly terrified.

He took a deep breath. Rosamund would want him to be nice. He pointed at the chair across from him and did his best attempt to soften his face. "Have a seat. Tell me what you need."

Oh gods this will take a while. They sat down, tightly gripping on their stupidly oversized hat. They started to talk quietly enough that he had to strain to hear them.

"Last night, I caught th'assassin 'n' she told me she was hired by Khamil," they said. "I went t'is'place an' found evidence 'n' all."
"What?" he asked.
They repeated themselves, distressed with the interruption.

What nonsense was this? Were they making this up? If they woke him up for nothing, he will really get angry. They continued mumbling, turning more and more quiet as his headache grew stronger. "What are you talking about?" he asked. "I can't hear you. Are you lying to me?"

They jumped out of their chair at that, staring him down angrily. So... they were lying, then? Or maybe not. They dug around their cape for a few moments, before taking out a pile of papers and slamming them down on his table. Unnecessarily dramatic, in his opinion, but he decided to have a look at the papers. It wasn't as if he had anything better to do.

It was letters. He started flipping through them. It took him a few moments to recognize the handwriting, and for the meaning to actually get through to him. "This is..."
"Letters! From- from that woman. To Khamil."
Now that they got Nivelir's attention, it seemed they also got their voice. "Where did you get them?"
"I went to 'im. Broke in th' manor'n'all."
The cogs were starting to turn in his head properly, and he set the papers to the side, staring down the dear little Spymaster. "Have a seat. Tell me everything."

And they did. Gods help him, their presentation was slow, but he let them talk without interruption. They explained how they did, in fact, catch the assassin last night. They just decided to lie to Rosamund to make sure he wouldn't try to get to work in his horrible shape. They questioned her and she answered everything. He was aware of the Coterie, Rosamund wanted to have them turn into a reputable business - or get out of Hipparcos - at some point. According to them, Khamil ordered a hit on Rosamund, Lilac, and him.

"Lilac was specifically mentioned?"

Amazing. There was no way Duchess Almukantarat would want Lilac to be murdered - that is, if Captain Vervain was correct and Dorja wanted to marry him. Khamil went behind his benefactor's back. There was no way that she would decide to support him after this, especially not after Ekliptik removed the only evidence of her involvement in this entire affair. Khamil's time ran out. The best part of it was that it was all his doing. His stupidity was instantly sniffed out and exploited by this youth. In one night, they bypassed the need for weeks of proper investigation that he was working on, and reliably removed the only support the man could get.

Nivelir completely misjudged them. Ekliptik was a genius.

They explained the way they infiltrated the house - apparently they already had their people in there. They were just waiting for the right moment to spring the trap on him. They possessed impeccable foresight and Nivelir once again felt shame for how he treated them. They described where Khamil hid his incriminating papers and where they hid them from him.

He needed to act fast.

Before the news of Rosamund's survival reach Khamil, he had to be there with Hexkey and at least two dozen guards, ready to turn that damned place upside down. This was their one shot to take him out as clean as possible and he will be damned if he doesn't take it. He grabbed a piece of paper and started writing a search warrant for Khamil's manor while Ekliptik was finishing their report.

"I am very grateful for all the work you have done. I will let Lord Governor know everything," he promised. "You need to bring that assassin here, so that the guards can take over."
"I don't trust Hexkey. Or anyone. Someone else could've decided t'work for Khamil. She's safer wi' me."

He rubbed his face. On one hand, they were right. On the other hand, they were highly paranoid. Well, they had a reason to be, but there was a correct way to do things. He needed to have the witness. Rosamund would prefer if he entertained their demands...

"Fine. How about a joint operation, then? Your people can continue to protect her along with Hexkey's guards."
They hesitated, but finally gave him a nod. Good enough.
"You may go rest now. I will handle everything."
"Why not?"
"I'll- I'll come with. My people gotta stay safe. An- and you too. I'll protect you."

It was both charming and deeply insulting that this child thought they could play a role of a bodyguard for him. But, fine. Fine. He could take it. They earned this much good will from him. "Wear that livery of yours. I can't come there with you looking like... this. If you pass for Lord Governor's servant, we won't arouse unnecessary suspicion."
"I was gonna," they said, equally annoyed.
"Good. You may go now. I'll send for you when we are ready to go. You will probably have an hour or two to sleep."
"Aye. Oh, an'... Y'don't need t' rush too much."
They hid their face with the hat and mumbled something.
"I cannot hear you. Speak clearly."
"...spiked'is water... tives..."

It took Nivelir a few moments to decode what they said. He couldn't help it. He burst into laughter.

Genius, indeed.

Nivelir ordered the endearing menace to go and sleep for a bit while he was getting everything ready. He finished up the necessary paperwork and sent a message to Hexkey. Final step was going to be putting the Governor's seal and signature on the search warrant. And on the arrest warrant. Better come ready.

He rolled up the papers and marched off to Rosamund's office. He wasn't insane enough to place his seal on anything, especially not without his express permission. He took it with him and made his way downstairs. Rosamund needed rest. The best way to ensure he rests easy is if he knows that everything is being handled for him. He will temporarily have to disturb his sleep.

Rosamund, along with all the other patients (except Nivelir), was asleep in Soxhlet's office. He was placed on a bed that was separated from the rest of the room with an additional wall. It wasn't exactly a different room, just a space with a bit more privacy and safety, considering it was farthest from the door. Officer Teodolit gave him a smile when he came in, and he gave him a nod in return. Doctor Soxhlet immediately frowned when she saw the papers he was carrying.
"Lord Secretary!" she quietly hissed. "I will not allow you to disturb Lord Governor!"
He responded equally quietly. "I am here so that I won't have to disturb him later! I need him to sign these, and then I will be gone for the rest of the day."
"He is in no shape-"
"And he won't get into shape if he wakes up and tries to handle this case on his own. This will keep him in bed. Get out of my way, Doctor. Do not force me to order you."
The woman huffed up at that. "Ten minutes," she whispered angrily.
"More than enough."

Nivelir made his way to Rosamund's bed. It was hard to look at him every now and then when his enemies would catch up to him. Rosamund was too good of a man to deserve to suffer this much. He deserved rest and all the joy of this world, not that frightening look in his eyes, practically begging for death. As usual, Nivelir will see to his safety and happiness.

His face was paler than usual, but he looked peaceful. His breathing was slow and deep, a certain improvement from the state he was in last night. He looked like a sleeping prince from a fairy tale... no. He needed to keep his wits about him, for everyone. He gently shook his shoulder, calling for him.

It was painful to watch him waking up. He flinched in fear, his mind clearly lost elsewhere, before his silver eyes cleared out and recognized him. Rosamund blinked away the sleepiness and gave him a tired, confused smile. "Is it morning yet?" he quietly asked.
Nivelir also kept his voice down. There was no need to wake Lilac or Captain Vervain. "Yes. I need you to sign some papers for me."
"Why are you still in your pyjamas?"
"Nightwear. Did you work in this?"
"Yes. I've been up since dawn."
"What is happening?"
"Sign first. I will tell you everything after I have your seal on it."
"I will not allow you to work in this state, Rosamund. Sign. I will keep you in the loop, but you must continue resting."

He wouldn't be bothering him if it wasn't urgent, and Rosamund knew it. He gave up on arguing and sat up, visibly exhausted from what would normally not even be a strain. Doctor Soxhlet angrily handed him a a bed tray, and Nivelir carefully placed the documents on it, covering the text with a sheet of paper.
"Nivelir..." Rosamund complained again.
"Sign. I will not discuss anything beforehand."
Rosamund let out a sigh and accepted the quill and the stamp. He signed every document without reading it, and placed the Governor's seal on everything. Only after it was all done, Nivelir removed the blank paper.

Rosamund's eyes widened in alarm.
"Last night, Ekliptik caught the assassin. She testified that it was Khamil who hired her, and presented them with a written contract with Khamil's own seal on it. Ekliptik then broke into his manor, found the documents that prove his guilt and involvement in the assassination attempt, as well as embezzlement and other lesser crimes. They left the documents inside the manor, of course, but moved them so that Khamil doesn't get the chance to destroy them."
"They didn't need to-"
"The assassin also let them know that she was hired to kill all three of us, you, me, and Lilac. I trust you know what this means?"
Rosamund stopped for a few moments, before slowly leaning back. Nivelir made sure the pillow was comfortable for him, and Rosamund gestured him to continue, much calmer.
"Ekliptik also took the opportunity to remove the letters Khamil exchanged with Dorja from the rest of the documents. The papers are currently in my possession, and we can later use them as we please. The assassin is under joint custody of Ekliptik and I, currently safe in the city prison. She was a part of the Coterie, by the by. I can take them all out. And I will."
"Khamil first," Rosamund ordered.
"Naturally. I'd like to thank you for signing off all the authority to me, Lord Governor. It pleases me to see how much faith you have in me."
Rosamund looked disgruntled, but he didn't order him to burn the papers he had him sign. Victory. Nivelir gave him a small bow and rolled up the documents again.
"You can relax," he promised. "I will handle everything for you."
"I know."

Nivelir was about to leave, when Rosamund asked another question. "How is Ekliptik?"
"Tired. But they insisted on coming along, once I head for that idiot's manor."
"They... outdid all my expectations."
"Mine, too. Not that I had any, to be quite honest. That little spy operation they are running will certainly be of future use to me. I keep an ear out on all the happenings in the high society, but they can sneak their people in almost anywhere, it seems. Oh and, it seems they have a bit of a mean streak. They laced Khamil's water with laxatives."
"You can't be serious."
"Do you think they'd lie about it, after everything else they have done?"
"No." Rosamund thoughtfully rubbed his beard. "They seem to follow the old saying, an eye for an eye. I will keep it in mind. You should, too. I got the feeling they have some amount of dislike for you - mutual dislike."
"I was rude to them. I will find a way to apologize, I promise."
"Very good."
"If there is nothing else, I will have to ask you to go back to sleep." Doctor Soxhlet was starting to seriously look as if she was going to inject him with something if he doesn't skedaddle. "I will handle the rest for you."
"Yes... thank you. You may go now."

Nivelir bowed deeply to his friend. He turned around on his heel, and was just about to walk out when Rosamund called out to him again.

"Nivelir," he said, tapping his temple. "Wear the gold eyeliner. Bury him for me."

Nivelir gave him a wide grin.

"Yes, my lord." ❤
