Chapter 4:

my sister is missing !

Earth of Realms

I can't believe it! I drifted off to sleep my, sister is missing who knows what's lurking out there now? what do I do? what if she is in danger?  this place doesn't look like it would take kindly to strangers that's for sure.

Hannah !! where did she go? Where are you Hannah come back!  Hannah ? I should look back through the forest backward at how we came to this way its been a mile and I still haven't seen her let's try looking around these odd-looking trees it's hard to find anything the trees almost match the dark sky all these trees look like ash a perfect fitting for a blood moon  Its been two miles now and I walked back to the area where stayed I still don't see her anywhere?  at that moment I just broke down because of not being able to find my only family member and as her guardian I felt helpless because I did a bad job at protecting her I know we are only a year apart but she is the only family that I have that is of my blood running through my veins. I sat there in deep thought for two hours after searching back and forth from early dawn until dusk and I still couldn't find her thinking about all the things she had said to me and what she wanted to do. 

I am really hungry but food is the last thing I should be worried about. its been 24 hours since my sister went missing and I still can't find her or know where she went I keep looking around for clues I think I found something but I am not sure of what it is? 

It has been 72 hours now and as  I kept looking I started to find some clues although I am not sure if it is  a trap but its worth the risk to find my lil sis no matter what! 

Earth of Realms