Chapter 18:








He won't pick up. Makes sense, all things considered. We discussed the plan but maybe he forgot. There's no way he would give up on this; give up on me...that's another thing. Can't say it isn't deserved.

"What are you doing? Staring off into space once more?" says Shindo, aka my father. "Let's go. We have some business matters to discuss." he directed me, as always towards the company car that was heading northbound towards the main office in Tokyo. It's easy to deny how you feel, which, is something that isn't foreign to me but that one night we spent together continues to replay in my mind. One can only wonder if the person you feel that way about returns or feels the same sentiments that you do. I did what had to be done. No matter how strong these feelings are, to give up on a once and a lifetime opportunity to find more about the Yuzu tree and the rest of what's unknown?  X-1, as my father always said. Basically, X being what it is we don't know, yet long to find out. I left the map in their hands, it's up to them now. 

"The production of yuzus have gone up in the most recent months, about 3-5%. A few of the execs at the office have been crunching the numbers and who knew it'd be such a lucrative business venture to embark on selling fruits. I only posit a question: Are you done running around with that boy and able to return to your job? I've let you off for a month now, but things are changing, we need you." 

Skyscrapers, people on bikes, taxis, the clean streets and even clearer air in Tokyo. As if he meant that. He just likes to keep an eye on me. He was the one who told me to seek him out. 

"You met him at dinner the other day, what did you think of him?"

"I think he's a very smart man, very deserving of his former position as professor. It's very coincidental that there happens to be a lead researcher position open at Osaka Industries. I wonder who made that happen? He seems to care about you."

"Hmph, I knew it. You've fallen in love again with clients. How would he feel to know that you were the one to get him fired?"

Knowing him, he probably suspects it was me. Add it to the list of things that make me untrustworthy. Why there's an insistent effort on my part to refer to him as my dad, couldn't tell you. 

The driver turned right, marking a sharp turn around the corner where there were a few people, models maybe, doing a street fashion shoot. "There is one thing I need from you to finish up with this. Make it so that he becomes a part of the team."

"That was your job the other night. I even left to give you time to give your spiel. Don't tell me you wasted your opportunity."

"Sweetie, t-"

"Don't call me that."

"Fine, that's not how things work. It's you who I send to recruit the clients, make it so they have an incentive to join, and voila. I've carefully crafted a team of the best scientists in the world to help with this project."

"You never mentioned exactly, what it is."

"In due time. Look alive, we're here."

Today's the quarterly board meeting that happens, well every four months for Osaka. Very standard for all multi-national companies. There has to be a way, deeper inside this hole of knowledge, this gap that seems to stay between my father and me. This one, the meeting that is, will be unprecedented because as it usually stands, only board members are allowed to attend. Obviously, excluding me. But today, he decided to invite me. Probably to ask me about Shin. I wonder how he's doing.

The car let us out on the sidewalk, chauffer waiting hand in door swinging it out so we can walk out towards the building. A high rise, one of the biggest in Japan. My father has always had a thing for the dramatics. Although, it begs the question as to why he still remains my father in my mind. We grew up together and he raised me, my mother was never around, and I understand why now. She was truly in love, I understand. It was bitter, but one can't help the way it feels when it calls you, as they say and so I've experienced. He keeps running through my mind, but business first as always.

A glass door pushed open, unleashing warm air from an already hot day outside. It was September, and just barely could you feel the changing of seasons. One front desk sat to the right of the wide space, only that and a single elevator. 








"How does it feel to be invited to a board room meeting? I've always told you-you had potential to rise up."

"Does this mean you are going to tell me more of what's been developing within the company for the last few months and why Shin was so pivotal to this new direction?"

He smiled.










There's 30 floors but for some reason, he decides to make the 15th floor the executive branch. Don't ask me why, he's for the dramatics. Upon walking down the hall, I still couldn't help to wonder what he was doing. Did they get the map? Look over it? More importantly, did my chances get ruined because of my pursuit of dreams? Rather not think that way, but if so, I would do the same thing over and over. It had to be convincing. 

A room filled with 11 members in suits, all men (the exception being me) who've known me for a while, but never as an attendee to their meetings. There's a first for everything as they say. It's certain that Shindo, my father, feels confident about letting me in on what's been going on and to be honest, the most probable outcome is that no one on the Board of Executives knows much of anything besides him. Ritsika's father, who, for intents and purposes, is truly only her father. He's never done anything for me except-

"Greetings, all. Welcome back to another quarterly meeting for Osaka Industries. Does everyone find themselves well?"

No one answered, so it's to be assumed all is well or they're too scared to answer candidly or at all to my father. 

"There's something to be said about hard work, persistence...dedication. What are the quarterly stats for fish exports for July to September?"

"10% of total exports."

"Whereas in two years ago, it was 3%." he paused, dramatically, looking at me now. What's his angle? "We've expanded into fish, electronics and microchips as our very own Japanese producer of semiconductors. Cargo, many other things but it still is left to be that we first and foremost produce fruit." He kept looking around the room, everyone stayed silent, anticipating the following words that would leave his mouth. 

"Apples, Pears, and Mandarin Oranges are the top exporting fruit for Japan but within the recent years, there has been a demand of Yuzu that is rising in the West. Although known to be indigenous to China, it's been spread to Japan and Korea over the years. It's reduction of inflammation, cancer cell fighting properties, all very well researched and known. What does this have to do with quarterly sales? For 20 years, we've been gathering the research, data, scientists but it is only until now are we able to truly expand. We found that there is more to be done with the Yuzu fruit and it's healing properties."

Simultaneously, everyone started to turn to one another, with puzzled looks on their faces. Which means it was correct to assume they didn't know anything. But why tell them? What's the endgame? Does he believe it's already figured out to where no one can touch him? He should think twice.

"Sw-I mean, Rin, my daughter has completed the last phase. As you all know, she's the top recruiter for our fruit sector in assuring that we can gather the best researchers possible and with the newest acquisition of Shin Suigyoku, and all of what it is he brings with his studies from the University of Ottawa, we finally have all the scientists we need. And..."

"...With the addition of the port in Nagoya a few years ago and all of what it has brought to the Japanese government, there has been an effort to open a medical lab near the North of Japan under the name of Osaka Industries. Our very first step into pharmaceuticals." Everyone started clapping; that sense of worry had washed over to ecstasy. What did the Yuzu have anything to do with this?

I have to know more. 
