Chapter 1:

Chapter 1: What the hell, the becoming as a magical girl?!

Magical Girl - Otoma

It was an fine sunday of the Japan, there an 17-year old boy has an black hair and blue eyes, Allen Kazuka was walking in the sidewalk. Well, he is an mostly mindless person in the history.

"Well, it's a good day for me, I want some things to make anything for experiences for mine." Allen said.

Until, she sees something, it was an pink wand with wings on it. As Allen took the pink wand.

"That's a wand. I know that, a magical girl wand, the heroes are the Mahou Shoujo!" Allen smiled, he puts the pink wand inside the bag. Soon, he walked away. Allen was an quite person. Also, he saw an bald lanky man with a thin mustache, wearing a dark suit and a hat was walking on the sidewalk.

"Well, he's a doctor chad!" Allen smiled in grin.

At the park, Allen took the pink wand from the bag. "Okay, what transformation word will be?" Allen said in questioned.

Although, it seems he literally doesn't know, but he had an idea.

"Transform!" He said, his transformation phrase. An harsh red light appeared, within this, Allen was now an magical warrior.

"Protector of peace! Heart of love! True love of energy! I am, Magical Girl Otoma!" Allen said in a feminine voice. But, it seemed that something is wrong! Allen was an becoming an young girl, he, now she has black short hair, an pink tiara was on her head, she wears an white uniform with an pink ribbon, pink skirt and pink boots. She looked her magical girl look.

"WHAT....THE CRAP!!!!!"

Allen was in a state in shock. Once he was an mindless and quite a boy, and the next she was an magical girl, Otoma. Why, but why? It seems that the gender change is a mystery.

"Oh my gosh! Oh my god! This is an dream, it is? But, it was not an dream now!!!," she said with an intense worry while looking her look.

"Okay, it was not a dream, like I reading the body horror book was A Bad Case of Stripes, the girl was turning into an some death room. Okay, I go to the strange doctor!!" Otoma said in scared, she runs off from the park.

Later, at the road. The lanky man was sitting down on the bench, then Otoma was arrived once to the lanky man.

"Strange doctor, you gonna help me. The pink wand turned me as a magical girl warrior, is there a doctor in the house?" Otoma said in panic, but she saw something, horrified.

"You are saying?" The lanky man smiled, it was revealed was Martor, he walked to Otoma, he said. "Wow, wow! Just like you like magical! But, only to die, shadows! Get rid of that magical girli!"

As Martor commanded, the evil shadows appeared, Otoma runs away from the shadow, screaming. The shadows are flying to her.

"Can this get any worse!!" Otoma said. "I have to do this!!"

Otoma pulls her wand to the shadow, she begins firing rapidly to the shadows, causing them to disappear. Just then, Martor begins closing in on Otoma, as she runs once. Otoma ran through the cemetery, with dark shadows in hot pursuit. She stopped when she saw Martor's shadow. Martor arrived to the magical girl, Otoma.

"Got any last words?" Martor said.

Otoma didn't make her last words, as she saw something, it was dark tailsman that he wear it once. Otoma smiled and said. "You're history!!" Otoma pulls her wand and she shoots Martor's tailsman, breaking it into pieces and bright lights began to appear.

"No! How am I ever going to pay back my debt?!" Martor yelled. Masks started appearing around the cemetery, and Otoma hid behind a tombstone. "Friends!" Martor exclaimed, with a nervous smile.

"Are you ready?," the masks sang.

"No! I'm not ready at all! In fact, I have plenty more plans," Martor said.

"Are you ready?," they repeated.

"This is just a minor setback! I've got defeated by the magical girl! I can fix this! Please give me a little more time!" Martor pleaded, as voodoo dolls crawled out of the ground.

The voodoo dolls grabbed Martor by the shadow and started dragging him over to a portal in a mask's mouth. "I promise I'll pay you back! I promise!" Martor yelled.

It was too late. Martor was pulled through the portal. The mask's mouth snapped shut, and it all disappeared. All that remained was a tombstone with Martor's name and picture on it. "Thank god, heaven!" Otoma whispered.

In night, on the blue house. Otoma walks to the house, she is outside.

"Well, it was an disaster day! But, I'm gonna say, de-transform!" Otoma said, when she turned back become as Allen again.

"Hey, I'm me now!!" Allen said in male voice. Once, he entered the blue house, that is Allen's house. He eats his dinner food, as Allen finished eating, he turned on the tv, watching the movies.

"I love it now!," he smiled.

That is what, he becomes an magical girl. What could just happen?

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