Chapter 11:
Will you give this cute tsundere love?
"*Sigh* I wish I could freeze time now," I sighed aloud as I gazed out the window at the Christmas lights on my street.
"Why?" Nina asked.
"Because after Christmas is over, the Christmas light will start to come down. Sure, many will keep then up till New Year's, but many also take them down before then as well."
"So why do you want to freeze time now?"
"Because this is the peak time for Christmas light viewing. Since tomorrow is Christmas eve, I doubt any new lights will be put up. Though if I could stop time now, we could see the Christmas lights forever."
"What if they just kept the lights up year-round, save for Halloween?"
"That would be nice. December is my favorite month because of Christmas lights."
"Is that REALLY the only thing you like about December?"
"I know your birthday is on Christmas. *Sigh* My apologies. If I had the power to freeze time, I'd do it on Christmas night."
"Freeze time away then," Nina smiled.
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