Chapter 0:
Tales of the Eternal King: The Heretic King Part I Winter’s Chill and a Hot Heart
The garden was what one would expect from a royal garden with a variety of flowers and other vegetation seemed to be chosen for their esthetics and not for fruit bearing.
Also, spaced out throughout the garden were statues of very beautiful women of varying races. Mostly what are considered “Demi Human” to this world which included Foxia, Wolfen, and other Beastkin. There were also Elves of varying sub races. In fact, there were only two human statues or what appeared to be human after all.
A man wearing rich looking robes wandered the garden apparently looking at the greenery and flowers, however, he would pause from time to time to look at the statues. He lingered at one statue, one of a woman with fox-like ears and a tail, for a long moment then took in a deep breath of the sweet morning air and brushed a tear from his eye.
He was approached by a young maiden who looked very much like the living embodiment of the Foxia woman immortalized in the statue. She stopped about three paces away from him and curtseyed deeply, laying her fox like ears flat on her head and dipped her tail to be parallel to the ground.
The man who looked to be in his twenties with sandy blond hair and hazel eyes turned to the maiden, smiled and made an upward motion with his hand.
As she rose from her curtsey he asked, “Now, which one are you?”
“I am Milia, Sire.” She said respectfully.
He looked up in the air thoughtfully and said, “Ah yes, you’re one of Kit’s.”
“Yes, Queen Kitarra was my great, great, great, great grandmother oh grandfather of my grandfather’s grandfather.”
“Ah, very good, so you’re accompanying me to breakfast this morning?” despite his smile there was a glint of sadness in his eyes as he said this.
“Yes, Sire!”
“My dear child, you are family and since we’re alone here, you can forgo all this formality. Isn’t there something else you’d rather call me?”
“I don’t know, Sire. Is there a different way to refer to a grandparent from your world?”
“Well let’s see. In my world and time, we would call our grandfathers either, Grandfather, Granddad, Grandpops or just Pops for short. Why not call me Pops while we’re in private since we’re family.”
She looked uncertain but said, “Alright Pops.” But she didn’t seem comfortable with the informal speech.
The two of them approached the gazebo and a table already set with breakfast. The table was surrounded by four servants of varying races who were bowing deeply as the two of them approached.
As the couple took their seats, two of the servants respectfully laid a napkin on their laps, while the other two started uncovering the dishes.
As the servants were preparing breakfast, the man said, “Milia, you look very much like her. Same fire in your eyes. I remember the events leading up to meeting your foremother so very well.” As he looked to his right over the garden towards the statue which had brought a tear to his eye earlier and his face took on the same faraway look.
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