Chapter 1:

Chp. 1-Phase


     When I first gained consciousness, I was in a large factory. There were others just like me, mirror images vastly reflecting upon other mirrors in a sense. Though it seems like they couldn't move, emotionless, not a soul in them like a husk.

 Though I was the same, my limbs were not following my commands, like in a lucid dream but then I slipped out of my consciousness. I once again open my eyes to a little girl gleaming with enjoyment. Those days were blissful but it seems as years passed on she gave me less and less attention. I was forgotten, I was sad but I couldn't express my emotions. I felt stuck in my body itching for movement.

 I was out of that house as soon as I was there. A little boy was riding a toy bicycle when he found me. He went into his house, but the cycle repeated. I was passed on and on, abandoned in the wilderness, battered, broken, and ripped apart. Though I didn't hold a grudge, I was growing cold.

 I was on my own for a while and began slipping out of consciousness more often until I was in a coma for a very long time……

