Chapter 17:

XV. Ackerman

Attack On Titan - Ackerman's Legacy


As the Titan approached them, Roku swiftly dismounted his horse with a confident stride. The sudden move startled everyone, including the captain, who yelled at him, demanding to know what he was thinking.

Without a word, Roku made a swift, calculated movement, slicing through the Titan's neck with remarkable ease.

The squad, along with the captain, stood in stunned silence, astonished by Roku's exceptional skill in combat.

The captain's initial anger at Roku's impulsive action was evident as he scolded him for acting without permission, emphasizing the critical nature of following orders.

However, amidst his reprimand, the captain couldn't help but recognize Roku's extraordinary potential. He observed a unique quality in Roku that set him apart from the typical recruits—the young man's unwavering composure and almost detached demeanor in the face of danger.

Unlike most new recruits, who often succumbed to fear and panic, Roku remained remarkably calm and collected.

While the captain's words were stern, there was a subtle note of realization in his tone—an acknowledgment that Roku possessed something truly different, something promising that could make him a remarkable soldier.

Their conversation was abruptly interrupted by the sighting of several more Titans approaching in the distance. Five Titans loomed closer, their eerie presence sending a chill through the squad. The captain's focus shifted instantly to the impending threat, recognizing the urgency of the situation.

The squad immediately went into action mode, realizing the imminent danger of the approaching Titans.

The captain, although furious at Roku's impulsiveness, also recognized the urgent need for defense.

"Form up! Defensive formation!" he bellowed, rallying his soldiers as they swiftly maneuvered.

Roku, despite his earlier action, quickly adapted to the captain's orders. He swiftly joined the formation, readying his 3D Maneuver Gear with precision.

Gerrard and Anna were visibly shaken by the incoming threat, but they followed the orders and readied their ODM gear, though their movements were less refined compared to Roku's.

The Titans thundered closer, their massive bodies closing the distance with each passing second. The squad launched themselves into action, their ODM gear propelling them into the air. Roku led the charge, swiftly evading the Titans' lunges, moving with such agility that it stunned even the seasoned soldiers.

Gerrard and Anna, still adjusting to the equipment, struggled to keep up.

As the Titans drew nearer, the captain commanded, "Hold your positions! Coordinate your attacks!" He directed the squad, positioning them strategically to take down the incoming Titans.

Roku, displaying remarkable skill, engaged the Titans with swift and calculated strikes, aiming for their weak points with precision.

Despite their initial fear and the chaos of the situation, Gerrard and Anna followed Roku's lead, they distracted the Titans so Roku could slash their necks with ease. Dirk and Marcel, who were initially hesitant, joined the fray, following the captain's orders and attacking with the squad.

The battle was fierce and intense, the soldiers fighting with all their might to repel the Titan threat.

Roku, with his exceptional combat prowess, managed to take down one of the smaller Titans. However, the fight was far from over as the remaining Titans continued their advance.

With each Titan takedown, the squad gained more confidence. The captain, acknowledging Roku's abilities, delegated commands to him amidst the chaos. Roku's combat skills proved valuable, guiding the team in their coordinated attacks against the remaining Titans.

As the dust settled and the last of the Titans fell, the squad was exhausted but relieved.

The captain, though still stern, acknowledged Roku's bravery and natural talent in battle. Despite his earlier scolding, the captain saw Roku's potential to become a formidable asset to the Survey Corps.

"Wow Roku you are so good," Gerrard told Roku, "I killed 2 what about you?"

"I lost count" Roku replied to him, Anna let out a small laugh as she watched them

The recruits, though shaken by the intensity of the battle, looked at Roku with newfound respect, realizing they had much to learn from his skill and composure in combat.

It was a pivotal moment, marking the beginning of their arduous yet crucial journey as members of the Survey Corps.


End of the Chapter
