Chapter 20:

XVIII. Recognition

Attack On Titan - Ackerman's Legacy


In the dimly lit confines of the prison cell, Roku sat in solitude, his thoughts swirling amidst the shadows cast by the bars.

Gerrard, his fellow soldier, cautiously approached with a tray of food. He attempted to engage Roku in conversation,

"Hey, Roku are you alright?", but Roku remained silent, his gaze fixed on a distant point in the room.

"I hope you know that what you did back there was totally wrong, but despite that, I still respect you, Roku", there was an earnestness in Gerrard's demeanor that struck a chord within Roku, prompting him to express gratitude for the offered meal.

Meanwhile, in the commander's office, Commander Shadis and Captain Darius engaged in a serious discussion regarding Roku's recent conduct.

Darius, expressing regret, offered to mete out punishment for Roku's actions. However, Shadis dismissed the notion, recognizing Roku's value to their cause.

He regarded Roku not just as a skilled soldier, but as a force that surpassed many seasoned warriors. Shadis likened Roku's strength to that of multiple men combined, referring to him as a 'monster' yet one they needed in the ongoing battle against the Titans.

Acknowledging Roku's prowess, Shadis instructed Captain Darius to bring Roku to his office. There, Shadis intended to address Roku directly and chart a course for the soldier's future in the Corps.

Roku was brought from the cell by some recruits, they left him at the commander's office.
In the Commander's office, an intense atmosphere hung heavy as Roku and Shadis locked eyes. There was a certain tension in the air, and Roku anticipated a reprimand for his past actions.

However, Shadis surprised him by inquiring about Roku's well-being, catching Roku slightly off guard. He nodded in response, taken aback by the unexpected turn of events.
Shadis initiated a conversation about Roku's background, indicating that he was familiar with Roku's history. He delved into Roku's past, revealing a depth of knowledge that startled Roku.

Shadis spoke of Roku's potential, acknowledging his skills and prowess as a soldier. He concluded his discussion by extending an offer for Roku to join the special squad, which is the elite squad of the Survey Corps.

Roku paused, contemplating the opportunity presented to him. The notion of joining the special squad appealed to his ambition and desire to excel.

However, as thoughts whirled in his mind, he found himself hesitating. He reflected on the bonds he had formed with his comrades, Gerrard, Anna, and the others. Roku found himself drawn to the unity they shared and was reluctant to sever those ties.

In an unusual turn of events, Roku allowed his feelings, not just his logical reasoning, to influence his decision.

He declined Shadis' offer, explaining his attachment to his friends and his reluctance to part ways with them. It was a moment of emotional resonance for Roku, one that was unfamiliar yet strikingly genuine.

Shadis listened intently to Roku's response, his expression thoughtful yet firm. He understood Roku's sentiment but sought to impart a crucial lesson.

He conveyed to Roku the importance of teamwork, emphasizing that protecting his friends would require cooperation and unity. Shadis underlined the necessity of working together as a team to ensure the safety of all members.

Roku absorbed Shadis' words, acknowledging the wisdom in the commander's advice. He expressed regret for his past actions, recognizing the impact of his behavior on the unit and the fallen comrades.

In a rare display of humility, Roku apologized for his previous defiance, showing a willingness to learn and grow from his mistakes.

Shadis, in response, reassured Roku, advising him not to dwell excessively on past grievances. He acknowledged Roku's apology and urged him to channel his remorse into actions that honored their fallen comrades. Shadis emphasized the importance of learning from mistakes, ensuring they were not in vain.

The meeting concluded on a note of mutual understanding, with Roku departing the Commander's office with a newfound sense of purpose and a determination to work harmoniously with his fellow soldiers, striving to safeguard their unity and honor the sacrifices made.


End of the Chapter
