Chapter 1:
The Ancient Weapon of Aineura
“We have caught them off guard with our initial attack. Surround and secure all their exits and escape routes. Don’t let them escape!”
I ordered the remainder of my men to secure an entire floating fortress in a recently discovered undersea cave under the Avia Abyssal Islands controlled by the remainder of The Empire of Aineura. How in the holy god’s name did they even create such an extravagant and intricate fortress? This last Aineuran Fortress was well-hidden underwater inside a labyrinthine system of caves. From the view of its exterior, it would almost seem like it used to soar above the sky. Its walls are made of the purest metal which even the most skilled craftsman and artisans would have not imagined to produce such a perfect material. Pure black and red color cover the entire exterior of the fortress along with some straight lines of paint that seem to indicate hidden rooms to which we have no access.
The fortress even lacks the means to house their armies behind its walls. Unlike most of the Aineuran fortresses some heroes of other tower nations have encountered, this one lacks defensive towers or any sort of defensive position. Not a single trace of scratch or puncture is seen inside or outside of this deviant design from their empire. For whatever it is purposely built I do not know, however, I do know that it must be destroyed or at least cleared of those Aineuran control. Ahh yes, this fortress must be cleared from them and shall be claimed as my prized possession. Hahaha of course! It may not have any use underground but when such a time for our nation, the East Toratoga Island States to be at the brink of defeat, this shall be our last stronghold. Destroying such a fortress would take more than just Lvl. 10 Light Arrows from our ships alone and would be an incredible waste one would say. Taking over their last fortress shall be my next intention. None shall take these islands along with their secrets other than I, Astin Petrel, Hero of the 7th Tower, Admiral of the East Toratoga Island States!
“Admiral Petrel we have cornered the demons in a chamber just above this level. They seem to have barricaded their only way out.”
One of my subordinates cleared me of thoughts of this fortress. How ignorant of you to clear my thrill! His head will be on my admiral chambers once I have conquered the last of the Aineuran Demon Race! My focus returns to the main target of our hunt of killing every last demon on the face of this world and that includes the demon lord. The ruler of the damned shall present her dead body in front of me as their price to pay for their shameless existence.
There are only a few accessible doors inside this fortress with most of them barely moveable. Most of these doors were initially opened by the demons themselves passing through these long hallways and oversized chambers, the sizes of which almost dwarf those of the throne rooms of most tower heroes. Symbols and panels made of the finest glass are also placed numerously in each room. The end of the hallway contained a huge, round metallic door which one of my men reported to contain the remainder of the demons along with the demon lord herself. I simply cannot allow them to play mouse forever in this fortress or they risk tainting it from the inside with their presence and blood. The end of all conflict lies behind this very door, the only problem that remains is opening it from the outside. The metallic door that stores the remaining demons is less bulky compared to the exterior walls of this fortress. I shall save my sword from being scratched for cutting this door open and let my men handle this obstacle.
“Mages, use your fire array spell on that door. As soon as it melts, hit it with an Earth spell. That should push the melting metal enough for us to enter.”
“Understood, admiral!”
These mages are more effective than me in dealing with spell-based attacks. I do not envy them for their excellence and knowledge of casting multiple spells as they are an important asset to the elves. These assets were rightfully claimed as ours when their ship managed to pass our territory on the sea. Mere slaves are expendable but their affinity for magic is beyond our nations’ capabilities. It is not that we are not the best at creating and leveling our spells alone but our doctrine defies any form of magic practice. That rule is approved and made by yours truly to prevent anyone from being too powerful than me! None shall surpass my abilities as their hero else I shall deal with them myself before they get too powerful.
“Admiral, all other forces in the fortress have been slain.” implied Drake Morgan who always arrives in haste and stops exhausted beside or behind me.
He is a formidable man, able to take down several men all at once with his claymore. Most of his psyche only musters in strength as well as magic but not in agility. That may be because we never run around that much anyways as we only fight on the high seas. Going on raids and attacking merchant ships is the thing for us pirates, but not attacking a less fortified but massive fortress in an island cave. I pity him in that regard as I too am drained from jaunting around the fortress finding the last of the demon race.
“Mage Squad! Conjure: Fire Array Lvl. 5 Hiyahh! BOOOM sshhhhh”
The mages attack the door with a steady beam of fire, engulfing the door with melting flames. The metal yields to the mages’ flames as it turns into liquid and tears apart.
“Ready!.. Now! Conjure: Stone Earth Spell Lvl. 3!” a collective spell of stone formed on the hands of the mages and flew directly at the door with a high speed, similar to that of an arrow tip in both speed and shape. A gaping hole forms and we could see the dark-lit chamber from the outside.
“AAAAAHH!” a loud charge from the remaining 5 demons came out from the hole and parried with my men’s swords. Clashing from the outside of the chambers ring throughout the hallways of the fortress.
“Admiral, help me! Aghhh!” “AAAGHH” In the heat of the battle, 15 of my men were killed to the last breath with the cost of 4 demons. I simply stood behind the chaos and waited until my men had killed most of them but they seemed to be too useless to take out one last demon.
“Conjure: Regina Aqua: Lvl 5… hiyyaa!” my sword engulfs itself with the sea and slices through even with the thickest of armors, it could even tear a ship in half if I wish to do so. The last demon is finally killed with his shield broken in half. Their crest, a symbol of their great conquest in recent centuries, is sliced by the only Pure Oceantite blade in this world.
Pure Oceantite can only be found in the deepest depths of the Aiyan Ocean inside The Great Aiyan Typhoon, where no one dares to enter, not even the greatest heroes of the other towers. One single piece was only found when an Aqua Dragon Queen was rumored to be at Lvl. 90, emerged from the abyss and plagued the seas of destruction for any ship that floats. We, pirates in the East Toratoga States on the Sea, managed to defeat this colossal leviathan with everything we had. All 12 fleets of ship cannons were replaced with Lvl. 5 Light Magic Arrow ballista that could pierce the Aqua dragon in that ruthless battle. The dragon released the Pure Oceantite upon its defeat, and I have claimed it as my trophy and my most powerful weapon. Regina Aqua was a special skill that came to me after the sword was forged. Anyone who wields it gains that special skill and anyone who names their weapon gets the skills it has forever. Regardless if I happen to destroy my sword to kill the hardest targets, I will still have that skill that was given to me by that weapon. In which before me I have named my sword, Shiva, the weapon of the abyss.
At the entrance of the still-burning door, Morgan and I entered the chamber of the fortress. An unattended and vulnerable demon lord, Arika Tenevris Aineura, can be seen in the center of the room appearing to be casting a spell on a central metallic monolith extruding above the floor. A crystal panel then appears to be showing a slowly filling up circle which reveals to be showing a language far unknown for anyone in this world to understand. Neither I, who encountered many languages across my raids, fail to understand what is written on that panel.
!Audio Sample Authentication Required!
< Execute Program: Magicnet. Authorization: Aineura >
Loading Program...
“What is she saying, Admiral? Does any of the text written on that panel familiar to you? That’s not any of the 9 tower languages!”
“I do not understand it either, but whatever she is thinking or even doing, we must put an end to it before another calamity begins after her death.”
“As you wish. Admiral!”
A loud shout enters both of our ears. This one was not from our brethren as they all have perished from the 4 demons earlier.
“Stay away from me! We demons haven’t done anything to you!” the demon lord pleads with obvious lies.
“Silence! You demons do not have the right to live in this world. Your existence shall be purged and the last fortress here shall be purified of your presence!”
A bright blood-red light then greeted us at our entry and dealt quite the force as how an Aqua Dragon Queen would give. Morgan blocked the attack with a Lvl. 10 Lesser Light Shield spell and the constant red beam is bouncing in all directions.
“Admiral Petrel, I am blocking her attacks! Circle her and finish her now!”
“Conjure: Sprint: Lvl. 5, Illusion: Lvl. 2, Regina Aqua: Lvl. 5! Aaaagghh” “ssshhhh..”
The upper slash of my sword managed to cut her body from her left leg to her right arm. Blood spews out from the cut and the water from my sword enters, dealing an incurable curse spell that drains life from anybody it enters.
“HIIYYYAAAAAAAAAAA!” the demon queen screams in agony as all her body, stats, and skills are slowly being purged. She is then rendered immobilized and kneels in front of the monolith and whispers her last breath. Morgan stands down after the red beam has dissipated.
“Admiral, appraise her first before approaching, she might still have an ace up her sleeve.”
“I was just about to do that, Morgan. Do not underestimate me just because I keep forgetting to save you after every mission”
“My sincerest apologies, Captain Petrel.”
“Admiral Petrel. Conjure: Instrument Skill: Appraisal Lvl. 10.”
A magical tab then appears in front of my eyes and my eyes only. Only people who have this skill can initiate an appraisal. Anyone can learn it in 5 years of constantly imbuing their eyes with magic as it gives XP in that skill. Morgan, in this case, has not been to any training with Appraisal so most of the time, I do it myself.
### Target Name: @#$%!!!KL Arika Tenevris Aineura ADF@%!!#%$%
Race: Demon
Faction: Aineura Demon Empire
Lvl: 25
HP: 25,000/25,000
ATK: 2,500
DEF: 6,250
MP: 12,500
XP: 25,900
State: [None]
Titles and Roles: @#$%SDFSE 2nd Demon Lord BRNTS@#$% | Current Ruler of Aineura | @#$%aasdRWQsa Second Ruler of Aineura sdXC@#$% | Divine Intervention | Ruler of the Ninth Tower
Passive Skills: [ Armor: Lvl. 1 ] [ Speed: Lvl 1 ] [ Fear: Lvl. 1 ] [ Rapid Calculation: Lvl. 1 ] [ Reaction Haste: Lvl. 1 ] [ Longevity: Lvl. 1 ] [ Spell Incantation Acceleration: Lvl. 1 ] [ Spelless: Lvl. 1 ] [ HP Recovery: Lvl. 10 ] [ MP Recovery: Lvl. 10 ]
Instrument Skills: [ Appraisal: Lvl. 25 ] [ World Scan: Lvl. 5 ] [ Search and Destroy: Lvl. 1 ] [ Tower Enhancer: Lvl. 1 ] [ Tower Recovery: Lvl. 1 ] [ Blood Analysis: Lvl. 1 ]
Extra Skills: [ Blood Ray: Lvl 3 ] [ MP Barrier: Lvl 1 ] [ Oculus Medusa: Lvl. 1 ] [ Mind Control: Lvl 1 ] [ Control: Lvl 1 ]
Special Skills: [ Absolute Tower Control: 9th ] [ Demon Lord ] [ Incarnation ] [@#$% LKBSDFBVSDFYIUGReincarnation Type: DivineSBLFGHSBFGSH @#$% ] [ Last Stand ]
“..That’s not that many skills for a demon lord… Is she even the real one, Morgan?! It is possible that we have been fooled this whole time!?” I spoke in anger and confusion as the words left my mouth without regard for anything. Morgan visibly recoils as he replies. “There is only one demon queen in this world and that is in front of us now. Blood Analysis tells me nothing out of the ordinary.”
“Of course it would not, you fool. It only tells you the blood origin and the status of the living being such as HP, MP, and XP. Skills will not show us anything.”
Despite not having Appraisal, Morgan does have Blood Analysis currently at level 1. Commonly used skill for the vampires in that empire next to ours as we share the same tower, The West Cardavenia Empire. Even if it showed that the demon queen is slowly decreasing in HP it would not relieve my bewilderment at the fact that this witch is at a low level. It makes me believe that the demons never bothered to check on her physically, they could have dethroned her if they knew.
What has also confused me in this appraisal is the fact that her name and some of her titles contain gibberish text. As if Appraisal was manipulated and some of the information has been altered. I pay no heed to it as I am ecstatic, watching the demon queen kneel and slowly lose everything.
Starting Program...
A sudden blaring of a bell pierced both me and Morgan’s ears. Glass panels are going berserk with more unreadable text on them. The circle which I noticed earlier that was slowly filled in color is now full. The central monolith where the demon queen once chanted a spell became more active as 6 smaller versions of the monolith rose and levitated around the bigger one at a rapidly increasing speed. “Oh swift end… come to me..” the demon queen whispers slowly as the floor emits a light, shaped like that of a summoning spell.
“What have you done?!” I grab the demon lord by the hair, raising her head slightly above the floor and reaching near my chest. She squirms and tells me in a whisper
“You can’t stop it now. It will awaken soon and soon shall it consume you too.”
The entire fortress shakes in agony as the monoliths move faster and faster. Morgan gives me a worried look as he conveys his panic in words.
“Admiral, we need to get out of here! This entire thing is collapsing soon. Whatever she may have summoned, it will surely drag us with it!”
“Get out now! We shall leave her here to die on her own. Signal The Aiyan Conqueror to leave as we board.”
“Yes, Admiral!”
We left the chamber in haste without even a glance back at the monoliths. The fortress foundations continue to rattle as we leave and a daring escape. I looked back once more at the demon queen in a glance and I saw a slight grin on her face. Damn you Arika, even seeing us run away made her smile despite slowly dying by my spell. What a wretched being you are to ever walk on this world. Morgan and I then reach the top levels of the fortress with red lines of lights slowly creeping up on our steps. At the edge of the fortress, I see my ship attached to the fortress, un-anchoring and releasing her sails, preparing to turn away from the collapsing cave on the cliff side of the island.
“Admiral Petrel, we must jump over. The planks and ropes are no longer attached.”
“I can see that Morgan. Hope you won’t die over something this high and stupid.”
“Heh. I sure hope you won’t either”
Both me and Morgan hit the deck and almost went down lower than the bow. I do not possess any skills to increase my movement on any solid surface, most of them I used in water movement. I almost hit my head on a mast upon landing, Morgan on the other hand hits another crew member.
“Get us all out of here!” I yelled my order on the deck as I walked on my way to hold the helm once more. We exited the cave just in time as the entire crew watched the entire cave entrance collapse, closing almost every entry point to the fortress.
“Why do you look so distressed, Admiral?” Morgan asks me as he walks to my side.
“There are just so many things I don’t know in that encounter. Something tells me there might be more to this after we have finally defeated the Aineuras.”
Despite dealing with the demon queen once and for all, there are still so many things that do not add up. Who made that fortress and why was it there? Why was the demon queen at a low level? What did the demon queen summon?
“Oh cheer up sir! Everyone on this ship is glad to hear the news of us finally defeating the demon lord. You should be happy! We will prepare the largest feast we have yet since the battle of the Aqua Dragon as soon as we arrive in Toratoga. All drinks are on me.”
“Well, I guess you are right about one thing. Evil is finally brought to justice on this very day. The end of the nations is no more thanks to our efforts. I guess we'll just have to drink up.”
“Yes yes. That’s it! Let me see the face of a hero who has successfully defeated the demon queen, not the pale and miserable one!” Our ship then set sails to the waning sunset, onwards to a port of Toratoga. As that moment passed, I got a glimpse of lightning striking the island. I paid no attention to it as I believe I’m just hallucinating and overthinking it. Not even the sound of thunder arrived to shake our attention toward the island.
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