Chapter 30:

Hope is…

Living with a Ghost: I Wasn't Able to be Reincarnated so, I Became a Ghost.

It’s been four years since our marriage and we are awaiting out first child who should be joining us any day now.

The doctors told us it’s a boy so we decided on the name Kotaro for him.

I quickly rose to one of the best researchers at Kanzaki Bio-Tech.

It’s been a great 4 years with Youko and she has been there for me every step of the way.

She’d also been keeping her IT skills going at her job until she found out she was pregnant.

I don’t know who was happier to find out. However, something interesting happened.

While we expected Kotaro, from the 1st doctor visit when it came closer to the final month there appeared a second child in the womb.

It was a girl.

We are going to have twins!

The two of us were astounded and could only think of one name for her…Michiru.

Renga Kabe