Chapter 37:

NoFutsuu Specials: One – I Guess this is the World Now

Normal in Parenthesis

“Ehhh… What a nice warm weather.”

I don’t even feel a change compared to when I was still at school.

It has been exactly five days since I graduated from junior high school. It really did feel like nothing has changed aside from I have no school for two months since summer vacation just started.

It was like I slacked off for the whole year because of some crazy events that had happened ever since August. And recently, my boss at work told me that we were going to Japan together with my girlfriend for work, because we are opening a branch somewhere in the North.

By the way, Rin does not work on the restaurant.

“I guess I really don’t need to buy layers of clothes since I had them for the first winter.

So we are going to fly to Japan next month, which is the cherry blossom season.”

It doesn’t look like it, but I’m extremely excited for this trip.


“I wonder what Rin’s doing right now…”

I’m actually just slacking off in my house right now because of the reason that I can no longer work in Giotto’s. Renovations started two days ago. Yes, I can help with it too, but I can’t stop fidgeting on what I should do for the trip.

“Oh well, I guess I’ll go buy stuff soon before we fly to Japan…"

Summer hasn’t started, but the heat is blazing as expected. But surprisingly, it’s not as hot as the usual summer in this country.

That does not excuse me for wearing a very understated attire whilst fighting off the sunlight like those bloodsucking creatures—you know, mosquitoes. Of course not.

Flip flops for the win.

Just as I opened the door of my house, the great heat embraced me “warmly.” What hospitality… or rather, I might be sent to the hospital because of heat stroke.

A few minutes of walking already made me sweat buckets. Thankfully, I ran into a nearby convenience store to buy some refreshments. The sunlight even got through the tinted windows of the store.

It got me scared to even leave because the sun will pretty much kiss me if I open the door. But I still did, and was once again welcomed by the blinding light of a giant star right on my eyes.

“What an enthusiastic morning…”

It hurts. It hurts my eyes to the point that I even lost the ability to open them for a handful of seconds.

But when I opened it…


Is this what they call mirage?”

It’s probably because of the heat that I am seeing things. Right now, it looks to me that I am standing on a path around a field of flowers. It’s so beautiful that I can stare at it all day.

“Hoho… This illusion is very realistic. Did the temperature just dropped a bit?”

My vision finally came back to its crystal clear state, and what I saw in front me is a gate with two guards.

“Roughly thirty meters, I guess.”

It seems that they finally spotted me, but I can barely hear them talking as they make their way towards me.

“Hey…! Who’s there?”

“It’s just one person. But I don’t think I’ve seen him anywhere.”

“You there! Are you working inside the castle?”


He just said “castle” right? Where exactly am I? Is this some kind of a kingdom or another country?

There’s no point asking myself. I shall do my best to gather information.

“Ehem… ehem…

I… uhh… I actually lost my way from a journey and stumbled upon this castle. May I ask what country is this?” I very politely spoke.

The two guards were unconvinced.

“Hey… Is it okay for us to answer?”

“He doesn’t seem hostile…”

“You are currently in the country of Avarco.”


Wait, was that even a country in the first place? Ugh, I seriously don’t know what’s happening. But by the current situation, I’ll just go play it by ear.

“A-As you can see, I am lost from a long journey so I need to take shelter briefly.

You just said that this is a castle, so I presume that you two are royal guards?”

“Yes. We are here as guards of the back gate of the royal castle.”

“I see… I know that I am what seem to be a suspicious person right now…

I mean no harm, but for the sake of justness, please apprehend me and put me in a cellar or a prison for the time being.”


“I would sincerely appreciate it since I haven’t escaped the heat of the sun for a bit of time.”

“I am confused… but if you say so. We’ll send you straight there.”

“Thank you very much. May I know the names of you two? In exchange, I will state my name.”

“Roy Vier.”

“Vans Ofwall.”

Pfft… Must… resist… laughing…

But I’m not that dumb to tell them my real name so…

“My name is Gram Sancht.”

I will use my username in a certain RPG game I played.

~ ~ ~

Thank goodness they did not confiscate the bottle of Natorade that I was holding ever since. I am extremely thirsty.

As what I suggested them to do, they tied my hands with a rope and sent me to an empty cellar.

“I think I’m forgetting something…

Where the heck am I, seriously?!

I just got out of the convenience store to buy a drink and suddenly I am in some kind of a castle that I don’t even know! Is this some kind of illusion? Am I dreaming? Are these things just part of my fantasies or-

It couldn’t be…”

It took some time thinking but I am confident that I came to the most reasonable and rational conclusion.


Yeah, this is dumb. So smart, Gin.

I heard footsteps coming from the staircase leading down to where I am currently at and that person is also a guard. He wears the same uniform, probably middle-aged and he is accompanied with a fairly grown beard.

But it seems like he has a higher position compared to the two.

“Greetings, stranger. My name is Garo, one of the head officials of the royal court guard here in the castle of Avarco.”

“I… I am Gram…”

“Why does his name sound like Japanese?”

“Excuse my sudden intrusion as a stranger in the royal castle. I asked the guards of the back gate to bring me here. Right now, I am lacking the ability to grasp the situation, so I need help.

But I suppose you are here to interrogate me?”

“Yes, young lad. They told me that you mean no harm, but I can’t be sure about that.”

“Well, it’s better not to make trouble so I came to the conclusion that led me to where I am now.”

“Impressive decision-making.

So, where are you from?”

I kind of expected that they will ask me that. But I seriously can’t answer it. If this is really a different world, who knows if Orio even exist in here.

Wait, I just thought of a good idea. But this is a gamble so please work…

“Umm… it’s a bit… difficult to answer that…

My country recently perished from a war and almost all of our people had been wiped out… In my count, there are probably hundreds of us that remained.”

Unexpectedly, his and his men’s eyes suddenly widened out of surprise, but it soon faded to a gloomy expression.

“Don’t tell me… You are from Orio?”


“It was a neighboring country that has been a good friend to us, but just a few months ago, war broke out and even with our help, they were still defeated.

I am so glad that there are still surviving Orions out there…

You should’ve told us earlier that you are an Orion. His highness issued an order to give surviving Orions a shelter if ever we find them, and you’re the first one to have stumbled upon the royal castle and in this country.”

Did they seriously buy my story? More importantly, what is up with this development? Orio was defeated in a war?! Whatever is this world?!

“Remove his bindings. We will take him to His highness.”

“Yes, sir.”

“W-Wait, what? To the king? Seriously?”

“If he sees you, he will definitely be overjoyed. Orio is a very dear country for him since he often visited it.”


“What did I just get myself into?!”

▪ ▪ ▪

This is definitely a royal palace… and I feel very much out of place with my shabby attire. I look so dumb.

I was accompanied by a few guards to the center of the castle which is where the royal blood lives. I am currently in front of a painfully big door which will let me through the king’s room.

“Your highness, we have arrived.”

“Very well.”

“Woah… I seriously don’t know what I should do. It’s quiet. Should I just introduce myself?”

“I-I-It is a pleasure to meet you, King Nevan Cajima of this country. This lowly person right in front of you goes with the name of Gram Sancht from the fallen country of Orio.”

The king is fairly young in appearance but my intuition says the he has a child or two. More importantly, I just said his name… and why is it Cajima?

“My word… I am so glad that there is still a living person in Orio. Oh, goodness… how I am very much filled with joy in my heart to know of such news!

Child of Orions, Gram. As the king, I sincerely welcome you to my country. If you have no place to call home, I will gladly have you here.”

“My word, this is intense… and weird.”

“I thank you very much for your warm welcome. Indeed, I have been in my journey for months, walking in nothingness. Just the presence of His highness makes me feel alive once again.

As acceptance to a lowly human like me, I will not waver and ask of the generous king to please let me serve the royal castle as an act of gratitude.

I will assure you that I won’t disappoint.”

“Yeah… Keep the stupid but great act, Gin.”

No wait. That's too tall a request, isn't it?

“I accept.”



“I will let you serve here in the royal castle, I mean.”


Did he just agree without any second thoughts…?

“My men, you are all my witnesses! Today, I hereby appoint Gram Sancht, an official entry to the palace and let him live as someone who is a friend of this country.

Don’t humble yourself anymore. You are now considered a citizen of this country.”


That was painfully quick.

“Starting from the bottom... now we’re here…?”

▪ ▪ ▪

A few days have passed, and I started living inside the castle, just like those who work here. It still felt kind of weird but the people gave me a warm welcome.

My life here is like very peaceful… but of course I have my worries.

Like… will I ever come back to my original world? It has become painfully obvious that this is a world different to mine. I've never even experienced what could be the life like this.

Thankfully, I watched an anime that is similar to this. You know, the girl with the red hair who met a white haired prince?

Anyways, I am once again being summoned by the king. But this time, I do not know the reason.

“King Nevan, I have arrived.”

“Indeed, Gram.

The reason I summoned you is to propose a duty to you, as you have promised to serve here in the palace.”

“Really? I would gladly accept it, if that is what you wish.”

“Then, have you ever heard of my son?”

“Umm… Y-Yes… If I am not mistaken, his name is Nero, the prince of Avarco.”

“You are correct. So the duty I am giving you is with regards to my son. I would like you to be his closest aide.”

“As his aide…”

“Mitsuhide much?”

“But… I haven’t met him… not even once.”

“You needn’t worry, he’s here right now.

Look. That’s him sitting on the window frame.”

“The window? That’s quite high. How did he even get there in the first place? But I’m one to talk. That’s very easy for me climb.”

Perhaps that was a queue for him to show himself. He jumped off from the window and there displayed a silhouette of him landing to the floor with his sword sheathed on his waist.

“It is my pleasure to be working with you, Sir Gram. I am the prince of this country, Nero Cajima.”

Fair height, probably at his teens, a well-groomed hair, but those large eyes… he looks exactly like…



“Ah! Excuse my rudeness, Prince Nero…! It is our first meeting and it is also my pleasure to meet you.”

“Nero, son. We will assess him right now with a trial since I do not know of the skills of this young lad.

Lend Gram a sword, and let one of you cross swords with him as a mock battle.”

“A mock battle? Wait a second-“

“Here, Sir Gram.”

“A real… sword.”


“Don’t worry. This is just a test of your skill if you are worthy of becoming my son’s aide. With your physique, I think you have what it takes to be beside my son.”

“I am left with no choice…”

“If both sides are ready, we shall begin. Ready your positions.”

“Let me just tell you, I have little to nothing experience with swordsmanship…”



I am currently fighting a royal knight that is probably skilled in swordplay. He drew his sword quickly and charged to me with his blade ready to thrust on me.

He is fast and I was caught off guard. I don’t have any time to draw the sword I wield. He first aimed at my upper body, but I dodged it just in time. It has a blade, but thankfully it was just a practice sword. That would make it a dull blade, but it can still wound someone.

I have dodged four of his strikes but he keeps getting faster. His swings are being more strategic and he’s looking for weaknesses on me.

I saw a very faint opening and stepped forward, still not drawing my sword. I blocked his next swing with the guard and used my elbow to pin the blade of his sword down. I successfully stopped his right arm and lightly hit his ankle and left thigh, and thrust my sheathed sword before his neck.

“The match is over. Sir Gram Sancht wins the mock battle!”

A few claps sounded in the room but a lot of the people were surprised that made me confused.

“No way… even though it is a practice sword, it should still be very durable…”

“And he broke the blade with just his elbow…? I never heard of something like that happening!”


I looked on the floor and saw the dropped sword of the knight. In my surprise, I stepped backwards seeing that the blade broke into two.

“D-Did… I do that…?”

“Just how strong is he…?”

“Who is he actually?”

“That’s amazing…”

Whispering was what I can hear at most. Some of the knights and guards are surprised, amazed, and frightened. Those are just proofs that I just accidentally made such an interesting feat.


I am greatly astonished, but I sincerely accept him as one that can be beside me. I have no oppositions whatsoever.”

“Ah- Very well…

The judgement came from my son himself. Do you have any words for this, Sir Gram?”

“It is my honor to serve under the prince, your highness. But I shall say this before it is too late.

I will not kill nor hold a bladed weapon that does goes through a person’s flesh. I am aware that it will hinder my being as the prince’s aide, but this is the vow that I have made to myself long ago.

However, I will assure the prince’s safety in the time that I am under him.”

“A brave statement, indeed. I do not know what happened at your time in your country, and I never intend to know. I will respect your notions and your will.

Men, accompany my son and his aide to the prince’s room.”

“It is not needed, father. I shall walk with him by myself. Him being a trusted knight, I want to have a conversation with him.”

“Hmm… I will permit.”

“As you wish, Prince Nero.”

~ ~ ~

The two of us left the king’s room and walked through the courtyard. He's the spitting image of Nagi Kajima and the fact that his name is Nero Cajima is simply astonishing.

“Hahh… That’s a bit exhausting…”

“Prince Nero? Are you okay?”

“I am fine. And please refrain from calling me with my title when we are alone like this. As someone that I will be with most of the time, it will make me displeased to be addressed like that every time.

One more thing, I am not some sort of a tyrannical prince, so I ask of you to consider me as your friend instead of being your master.”

“Hahaha… If that is what you wish for.

I apologize for being rude but… your demeanor somehow changed a bit right after we left his highness’ room.”

“I am not usually like that. My father and I are not out of the ordinary. When we have some time alone, we’re like some father and son that you can see anywhere. It’s just that I need to act like what you just saw since there are knights in the room.

And if you were to ask of my mother, she is probably in the shopping district together with my little sister.”

“Is that so… Then I guess the princess is a year younger than you?”

“H-How did you know that?!”

“Wow. Close to reality.”

“It’s just my intuition.”

“By the way, Gram. Have you wandered around the castle already? I heard that you just got in here a few days ago.”

“Not that much, but I would love to, in some other time.”

“Then I’ll give you a tour.”

“Is that really okay, though, Prin-


“It’s fine, it’s fine…

I haven’t had a lot of time to take a stroll, so it’s a great opportunity for me to take a break.”

“Then… I guess I’d want to look for a tailor and a blacksmith. I will need a uniform, right?”

“Now that you think about it, I guess that really is needed. But why meet a blacksmith? A sword can just be sent to you anytime.”

“That is because I want a sword personalized in my own preferences. Like I said just earlier, I have no intention to kill. So a sword without a striking blade is what I would prefer.

Actually, I would want to avoid being involved in combat, at most.”


You’re peculiar.”

“Ahaha… I sometimes get that.”

▪ ▪ ▪

Once again, the days took a few cycles.

My uniform was delivered early as per my preferences but the sword I asked for took a bit of time before I got it.

“Red and black… That certainly is a unique outfit.”

A black shirt is layered before the red coat and a black bottoms and boots. It certainly is a peculiar combination of clothing.

“This is probably the best that will suit me. It is very simple, but I really like the way it turned out.”

“As for your weapon… What sort of a sword is this, Gram?”

“I really didn’t get surprised that the blacksmith took some time to figure out and forge this since I found out that this has never been made in this country.

This type of sword is a katana. But the normal type of this has a blade on it. However, I made sure that this will not pierce through flesh. It’s just that it can break one’s ribs with a powerful enough strike.”

“Ehh… You just made me imagine that…

But isn't it kind of thin compared to an ordinary blade. Will this really not break easily?”

“It is thinner, but this actually has more weight into it. Since I’m used to carrying weighty things, it won’t be a problem to me. Additionally, I feel comfortable with the heft of it when held.”

“You sure know your things, Gram. I guess it’s really not the wrong choice to be my aide.”

“Now I’m flustered.”

Our petty conversation was interrupted by loud running footsteps of a messenger that hurriedly came to Nero’s room.

“Prince Nero, Sir Gram…! Your immediate presence is needed in his highness’ room. I think we have found another person from the fallen neighbor country.”


“Alright, tell me the details!”

As we quickly ran our way to the room, the messenger started to describe the person of topic.

“As of right now, that person has probably reached the room. She’s a young woman with a peculiar outfit. She also has a black hair in the length that is reaching her shoulders.”


“No way…”

Without us even noticing, we already reached the door of the king’s room.

“My king, I have brought the prince and his aide.”

“Come in,” the voice of the king resonated outside of the shut door.

The guards behind that door slowly opened it and Nero then entered the room first.

And just as I got to clearly see the inside of the king’s room, I was left frozen in surprise in the sight I saw on the inside.


The person we were just talking about arrived earlier than us and she is now standing in the middle of the spacious room.

“Huh…?” she slowly turned her head and her blank face immediately shifted to a surprised expression. Her eyes widened, and her jaw is on the verge of falling to the floor.

She is not the only one that is surprised. My heart pounded like it was about to explode, and my worries turned into ashes just with her gaze alone.

O, how I did not expect to see this development.


Yes, Ringo Akanami enters the scene.
