Chapter 0:



As the words escaped my lips, a stark realization hit me. This wasn't Japanese. It was an entirely foreign tongue; one I had never encountered in my 28 years of living. Learning a new language had never been on my agenda, and yet here I was, grappling with the inexplicable. I spoke words I have never heard. The peculiar situation left me contemplating the mysteries that seemed to be unraveling around me. But suddenly, one of the old men sitting next to me responded:   "Good morning, Omen. I am Dole, a retired mage," the gentle old man greeted with a warm smile, revealing his name.   "Hmm, so 'Dole' was his name. Wait. Huh? What was that?" I thought in confusion, the mention of 'mage' catching me off guard.   "MAAAAGEEEE?" I shouted awkwardly, a mix of surprise and confusion coloring my tone.   “Don’t shout you drunkard” grumbled the man who kicked me previously.   “Yes, I am a priest mage” Dole confirmed, unruffled by my outburst.   "The situation is that Jess and I were in town picking up new books when we found you collapsed on the street, reeking of alcohol. So, we decided to lend a hand, put you on this carriage, and transport you to our church, where we can treat your hangover," he explained patiently.   „So, they are priests. That's a relief. I wasn't exactly a believer in fate, but I trusted their kindness,” I reflected. Despite my questionable habits, I prided myself on knowing my limits when it came to drinking. Collapsing on the street was not my style, but I appreciated their assistance, nonetheless.A revelation struck me like a sudden gust of wind. Priest mages? My speech no longer in Japanese? And the assertion that I drank excessively? This couldn't be right; it didn't align with the person I knew myself to be.   "This can't be! This isn't me anymore," I mused, grappling with the surreal nature of the situation.In a moment of clarity, I acknowledged the profound shift within me.
I didn’t want to jump to conclusions, but by this point, that could only mean one thing: I wasn’t on Earth anymore; I was in a different world. A world of swords and sorcery.
Fixing my gaze on Dole and Jess, the retired mage and his companion who had, in some inexplicable way, become integral to this newfound chapter of my existence.The surreal scenario unfolding before me triggered a wave of memories from my high school days, where I immersed myself in the enchanting worlds of fantasy stories. Back then, the notion of becoming a character in those tales felt unattainable. My yearning to escape the confines of school and the complexities of my family led me to bury myself in the realms of sorcery and magic. It was my way of evading the harsh realities of Japanese society, much like my recent attempt to elude the relentless pursuit of the police during our ill-fated heist. Yet, in this moment, the motivations behind those escapes seemed inconsequential.
   Here I was, situated in the middle of nowhere, transported to an unfamiliar realm in the early morning. In the back of a horse-drawn carriage, accompanied by two enigmatic figures who identified themselves as "Priest Mages." The stark contrast between the fantasy I sought in high school and the fantastical reality now surrounding me left me contemplating the unpredictable twists life could take...

Author Note: It is 2023.11.27, and "Flow - Colors" playing in my headphones.

