Chapter 88:

A welcome home meal

Escape Witch

"Looks like its safe to return to Japan," Madoka stated as the mansion sailed back into the Tokyo bay.

Once it was docked, Madoka and Emeri along with Yuni, Serika, and Fubuki headed over to a restaurant by boat.

"Well look who it is. So nice to see you all again," Rika smiled as the boat pulled up to the restaurant.

"I'm glad to see you are doing well," Fubuki nodded as she got out.

"Same to you. So I take it you're here with your daughters and daughters in-law?"

"I guess you could view it like that."

"So what do you all want to order? It's on the house to celebrate your return."

"Crepes!" Madoka smiled.

"That's our crepe goddess. Mimi's already working on em now."

"Honey takoyaki," Serika smiled.

"Unadon," Emeri stated.

"Some egg rolls for me," Fubuki stated.

"Col Masaru's chicken!" Yuni smiled.

"Coming right up," Rika smiled.

I'm glad I can finally dine with my daughters like this," Fubuki stated.

"This place really is amazing. Rika also helped me out big time once you disappeared," Yuni stated.

3 years ago...

Rika stopped as she noticed Yuni crying on the sidewalk next to a suitcase.

"Oi, what's wrong, Yuni?" she asked.

"Rika? Today's the worst birthday ever! Oka-san's missing, aunt Hitomi ran away, Kasumi ran away, and Nika kicked me out of the house and blamed me for everything!" Yuni cried.

Rika went pale as she dijested the information. "Fubuki's missing? Shit, that's bad. Yuni might also be in danger too," she thought.

"Yuni, why don't you come to my place for a bit," Rika offered.



"So that's what happened. I'd say give it some time and your cousins will probably forgive you," Rika stated.

"I hope. Nika was really upset and locked the door as soon as I left. Miku was the only reason I was even allowed to leave with anything besides the clothes on my back," Yuni stated.

"I see. In that case, do you want to work part time at my place?"

"C- Can I? I don't know how to cook."

"You're going to need to make some income to cover living expenses now that your aunt has vanished. Besides, you'd only be a server. Maybe you'd be asked to make a smoothie or cup of coffee, but otherwise, you wouldn't need to worry about cooking at all. Plus, you'll get an employee discount on meals."

"Thanks Rika."

Back in the present...

"So Rika helped you out when you were at a low. I will need to offer my thanks," Fubuki nodded.

"Don't worry about it, I figured taking Yuni under my wing would put you at ease," Rika smiled as she arrived with the food.

"Rika actually figured out you were my mother," Yuni stated.

"How?" Fubuki asked.

"Believe it or not, the first time you came in here. As soon as I saw your eyes, I knew you were Yuni's mother," Rika stated.

"From just my eyes alone?"

"Well, that and the food you ordered. The egg rolls were Hitomi's favorite and Col Masaru's is Yuni's favorite. Me seeing your eyes only solidified my theory."

"I see. Well, a chef can easily identify someone by their eating habits."

"So could you tell that Kumi was Kumi by her eating habits too?" Yuni asked.

"Kumi? Uh, she's the big Ewetuber. Likes the strudel cake."

"Someone call my name?" Kumi asked as she entered with Nika.

"Kumi and..."

"...Nika," Nika grumbled.

"Nika? Wait, are you THAT Nika, like one of the triplets?"

"Yeah, and this is Miku," Nika grumbled as she pointed to Kumi.

"HUH!? Wow, Guess that's a loss for me. I had no idea Kumi was actually Miku."

"Probably because her personality shifted so much."

"Yours did too. Now you're a bit more like Kasumi."


"Ah, Kasumi's evil now so mentioning her upsets Nika," Kumi stated.


"I guess we'll explain."

"Want me to get a strudel cake cooking while we chat?" Rika asked.

"Very well, it's been years since I had one."


Tears began to pour out of Nika's eyes as she ate the cake.

"It really is good, but it would have tasted better if Kasumi was here with us," she cried.

"Sorry about that," Rika sighed.

"You're not at any fault. I'm honestly the one that feels bad that I haven't been here in over 3 years."

"Because coming here would make you feel bad about Kasumi?"


"I still came," Kumi grinned.

"Still, to think you were once that cute little triplet. You've certainly changed. Well, wanna attempt to chug an emperor sized N.F.S.D. smoothie and eat a giant Col Masaru's chicken bucket with extra mayo?"

"I'M DOWN!" Kumi grinned as she whipped out her phone.

"N.F.S.D. smoothie?" Nika asked.

"It stands for Nero's fruit smoothie of destruction," Rika explained.

"Nero- Ugh, Muramasa Jouzu's alter-ego, er is it his original form. Ugh, guess I'll have a normal sized one."

"Coming right up.


Once everyone had finished eating, they all relaxed on the terrace lounge at gazed out at the bay.

"This place truly has grown since I was last here," Fubuki stated.

"Yeah, and thanks to your hard work, my little ones can grow up in an Illumous-free era," Rika smiled.

"I imagine there will never be perfect peace, but I can do my best to make the times as close to that as possible."

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