Chapter 42:

Ch.37: Fenwick's Game

King's War Game

Miller rushes in, swinging his sword as he slices through a wolf-like monster. It falls into two pieces as two more monsters charge at him from behind. Sam rushes in, holding out his shield and blocking the attack and pushing them back as Fiona and Faye come in to slice them apart. Miller turns as the three look over the dead monsters.

“Good work. Only a few more and we can clear this area.” He says.

Sam nods. “Yes. But we best not let our guard down or else….”

A larger wolf monster charges toward Sam bearing its jaws. Before it can get in close, an arrow flies out, piercing its skull. The monster collapses as the group turns to see Tisha approaching. Tan flies down from above, landing next to Miller as Glyn walks up, catching his breath.

“I brought back up!” Tan yells out.

Glyn looks around. “Where are the others?”

“Dealing with the other packs of monsters. Zanrit and Rufus also checking the dungeon to make sure nothing is amiss there.” Miller says.

Glyn nods. “Good.” He looks down at the gigantic monster and approaches it. “I’m going to have a look at this guy.”

“What why?” Sam asks.

“You don’t think someone’s behind this, do you?” Miller asks.

Glyn nods. “There are ways to cause Monsters to act up. And I wouldn’t put it past Fenwick to cause trouble just because he can.”

“If you're sure about this, then have your fun.” Miller raises his sword as another group of monsters approaches. “But we might be too busy to keep you protected.”

Tisha holds onto an arrow and draws back on her bow. “Don’t worry, I’ll keep the Lord safe. You all beat up some monsters.”

A large snake monster emerges from the woods as several wolves surround it. The wolves charge forward as the snake slowly slithers ahead. Tan charges at the snake, kicking it back with her legs as Fiona and Faye charge toward it. The two girls launch an attack on the snake only for their attack to bounce off the snake’s scales.

“Damn it. That hide is tough.” Fiona says.

Faye leaps into the air. “If I can’t cut through it. I’ll just have to beat it to death with brute force!” She yells, striking its head.

Miller charges toward the wolves, swinging his sword as the metal pierces into his hand. The blade extends into a jagged blade as he slices through the monsters. They lunge at him with Sam coming in to block the attacks and he thrusts his sword, running one monster through.

As the group fights, Tisha fires off arrows at the monsters, with Glyn examining the corpse of the larger wolf.

“Hey, are you done?” She asks.

“Almost.” He says looking at its mouth. “It looks like the monster was drugged.”


“Yeah. Its tongue is swollen and there’s some discoloration in its mouth. Someone drugged this thing.”

“Would that explain all of them?”

“No. But all you’d need is one big enough monster to kick up a fuss, and that’d get a swarm of them going.”

As the duo talks, a wolf leaps at Glyn only for Tisha to kill it with a single arrow. “Was this the monster?”

“No, not the only one. Looks like multiple monsters were drugged and set up and they got the swarm going.” Glyn stands as he pulls out his book, notating something within it.

Tisha shakes her head. “Don’t take cover or anything.”

“I have nothing to worry about. I have a professional Elvan archer watching over me.”

“Shut up.”

She fires off another volley of arrows as the wolves surround the group.

Tan comes down from the air, smashing into the snake as it collapses to the ground. It slithers ahead, bearing its fangs as Fiona stands awaiting it. The snake bites down on her, with Fiona holding its mouth open as Faye charges ahead. Faye swings her claws, sending an attack through the snake’s innards as it convulses and bleeds internally.

The snake stops moving as it loses all of its strength. Fiona and Faye jump back, watching the creature awaiting any motion only for it to remain still. Tan lands on top of the snake, poking at it with her feet as she tries clawing into its head.

“I think it's dead.” She says.

“Good, now let’s finish….” Fiona turns back to see Miller and Sam finishing up the last of the wolves. “Oh, come on.”

Sam smirks. “You should’ve expected no less from Miller and myself!”

“Tisha was backing us up, so she deserves some credit too.” Miller sheaths his sword as he bandages his hand. “Hopefully, that’s the last of the monsters.”

Glyn walks up to the group. “Good work everyone. Hopefully, the guards will be able to clean this mess up, or else we’ll still have a lot of work to do.”

“Hopefully this meat can be used or it’ll be such a waste.” Fiona shakes her head.

Sam stares at Glyn. “You figured something out, didn’t you?”

“Glyn says it’s likely the larger monsters were drugged, and that caused this whole incident,” Tisha says.

Glyn nods. “It’s likely Fenwick or someone under his employ doing this.”

“What? Isn’t that against the rules?” Fiona asks.

“Yes. But Fenwick is such an asshole that he believes he’s above the rules.”

Tan nods. “Then let’s call those cloaked guys and have them sort this mess out.”

“Sadly, the Shadows can’t do anything in this situation. Am I right?”

Glyn turns around to see a cloaked figure standing behind him. Everyone stares at them as cautiously as the Shadow walks forward.

“When did they get there?” Tan asks.

“The Shadows are always watching. Especially us King Candidates.” Glyn says.

The Shadow nods. “Sadly, there is no proof. Without proof, we cannot act.” They say in a distorted voice.

“I figured you would say that. I’m sure that the other Shadow is watching Fenwick?”

“We are always watching.” They say.

“What does that mean?” Miller asks.

“It means Fenwick has to be very cautious and use proxies in some way. Or he’s bribed the Shadows.” Glyn turns to see the Shadow gone. “Hopefully that gets looked into.”

“Are you sure it’s Fenwick?” Miller asks.

“Almost certain. I should’ve expected him to play dirty. It looks like I have to work faster. We only have a few more days left before we can fight him. That leaves so little time to prepare.”

As the group stands around, an enormous explosion goes off in the distance. Everyone turns to see a large plume of smoke rising out of the other end of the island.

“Was this all a distraction?” Glyn asks.

“Never mind that we have to get to the village!” Miller yells, rushing ahead.

Glyn nods. “Right. Everyone, let’s move!”