Chapter 5:

Another Annoyance

Assassin's Guide to Being Ordinary

Three knocks came from the door of my dorm room. That's strange. I've never had anyone knock before.

I remember reading somewhere that if you hear three knocks, it means that a demonic spirit is calling out to you. I've always been curious if those myths were actually real. A part of me thought there was a chance, but seeing how normal people operate, it's probably just a fairytale.

I stood up from my desk and made my way to the door. When I opened it, I nearly let out an audible gasp. The good news, it wasn't a demonic spirit. The bad news, it was something worse than that.

"Sup, man!" Sakuno greeted me with the largest grin.

And I immediately slammed the door shut.

"Hey, what the heck?!" his muffled voice shouted.

With a heavy breath, I opened the door once more.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"If you let me in, I'll explain everything."

My eyes trailed down to the suitcase that Sakuno was holding onto. This situation better not be what I think it is.

"Come in," I sighed.

"Great!" he smiled.

As soon as he stepped into the room, his face lit up like a child who had just seen something for the first time.

"So this is what a dormitory looks like," he said. "It's kinda nice."

"Yeah," I agreed. "It's definitely a lot better than the apartments we stayed at during some of our overseas operations. I guess the University of Tokyo isn't called one of the best schools in Japan for nothing."

"I wonder what they learn in school. Well, I guess I'll find out while I'm staying here."

I could've sworn I felt a vein pop.

"What... do you mean...?" I asked maliciously.

"Hey, hey! Chill out!" he exclaimed. "I don't know either, alright?! Watcher gave me the order to come here and that's why I'm here! Honest!"

I thought I would be able to call his bluff, but this time, I couldn't. Since Watcher essentially gave me that exact same order, it doesn't sound too far-fetched. I just wish he had told me ahead of time. It has only been a couple of days since I saw Sakuno again in months.

"So, what? You're gonna be attending school like I am?" I asked.

"I guess so," he said. "That's what Watcher told me anyway."

"Tch, that bastard... Well, orders are orders, I suppose. That side of the room is all yours. I wasn't using it anyway."

"Hehe, sick."

Sakuno began unpacking while I went back to my desk and continued my studies. Having been trained my whole life to be an assassin, I never had the opportunity to go to school. From what I hear, there's a prerequisite of twelve years of grade school before someone can go to college. Now, here we are as second-year students in college, no less.

I'd imagine Watcher had to bend a pretty important rule to get us both into this place. Even then, I would've preferred if he hadn't.

I like to think that I'm pretty good at following orders. I might be one of the best. However, that all goes to shit when a professor tells me to do something. Studying? Homework? What even is all of this? 

At first, I tried not to question it and just do as I'm told. Seeing as how I'm not confident at all about how I did on my final exams, it's safe to say that I'm doing a pretty bad job.

"Hey, Tsuki," Sakuno said.

"Hm," I replied.

"How's school been treating you so far? The boss told me you've been here since April."

"Yeah, I have. It's... interesting, to say the least. I've never been to school before, so the experience of being bombarded with a bunch of new information is stifling."

"Sheesh, how have you not failed out yet?"

"Watcher has connections with the dean. I sat down and spoke with him when I first came here. He said that all he wants me to do is look like I'm trying."

"The hell? What's the point?"

"I guess Watcher wanted me to have a taste of the normal life since business has been dying down, and the dean is helping him with that. I'm sure he knew I wouldn't excel academically, but I should still show some effort. Now, it seems like you also have to share the burden."


Maybe if I had some experience with school, then I would've had a better time adjusting. At this point in my life, I can't even concentrate on words and numbers. It's too much for my brain. Do I even have a brain? Who knows.

"What about your social life?" Sakuno asked. "How's that been going?"

"Don't even get me started on that," I mumbled. "I've been here for more than half a year, and I don't have a single person I can call my friend. Normal people are just built different. I don't know how to explain it."

"Huh? For real? I thought you'd be drowning in beautiful women."

"Oh, no, It's not like the only people I've ever interacted with were the ones I ended up killing. Yes, for real, you dipshit."

Sakuno fell on his bed and laughed. "Dang, and here I was thinking that you'd be one of the more popular ones. You got the looks down. Now, all you need is to learn some social cues."

"... The looks...?"

"Yeah, you know. Your physique is good as a result of all the training you've been through. Not to profess my love or anything, but I think you're pretty good-looking."

"Dude... Just shut up."

"Hey, I'm being serious! Look!"

Sakuno suddenly pulled out a mirror and shoved it in front of my face.

"Damn, check that guy out," he grinned. "He's got messy black hair that sways with the wind. Not to mention the elegantly sharp dark purple eyes that could pierce through the heart of any woman. The face shape is pretty good too, but not as good as mine."

"You wanna die...?" I growled.

That was all it took for him to back up. "Alright, alright! Damn... Sheesh, no wonder you have no friends."

Sakuno dropped the mirror on his desk and plopped onto his bed.

"I think you need to change your mindset a bit, Tsuki," he spoke again.

"What are you on about this time?" I sighed.

"Hear me out, man. Maybe the reason why you're struggling is because you're too cautious of people who pose no threat whatsoever. Being a trained assassin does that to you. How about you relax a bit and see how it goes?"

"Hm... I've tried, but it's hard. I'm not yet used to being around so many people."

"That makes sense. Before, we would only be around people who could potentially be a threat. Now that we're surrounded by normal people our age, we need to adjust to the norm. You know what that means?"

"... What?"

"We needa do what normal students would do! Like going to parties or social events, maybe even join one of those clubs. I saw a bunch of them out in the courtyard."


Sakuno tilted his head over to see my horrified expression. "What? Got a story you wanna tell?"

"Not necessarily. It's just that... Watcher gave me a mission to join a club before the end of the week."

"Wait. He told me to join you on your mission. When I asked him what it was, he said that you would fill me in."

"Consider yourself informed."

"... But today marks the end of the week."


It seemed like the sounds of life were immediately drowned in silence. The birds chirping, the students relaxing outside, and even the hallway, which is normally pretty busy in the morning. It was deafening.

"So... I guess we should probably go club hunting?" Sakuno suggested.

With painful hesitation, I replied. "I suppose so..."