Chapter 1:

Episode 1: When Life Gives You Lemons Make Lemonade!

I Traded My Life As A Villain To Work In A Small Bakery Cafe!

Episode 1: When Life Gives You Lemons Make Lemonade!

“Unlike my father, Overlord, I never hated the people of Joy-town or its pretty heroines the Confetti Girls but being his son I thought I had nothing else but to follow his footsteps.”

“Then one day, my father was defeated by the Confetti Girls, both disappeared that day, one left with appreciation, love and a happy ending and the other…hate, loneliness and a sad ending.”

“I wanted to have a happy ending, no matter the costs…so I ran away from my villain destiny to live a normal life.”

“Ugh! Why it had to rain today?!”

Running on the paved and wet red brick-layered ground of Joy-town, Shade tried to remember a special place that held his favorite dessert that he used to send his minions to fetch for him but couldn’t find it among the rain and got lost.

Out of breath and tired from his sudden runaway, Shade looked around for shelter in the forest, quickly he set-up his tent, he tried to get comfortable taking some wet layers of clothing off but soon his sleepiness whisked him away to dreamland as he snored, “Strawberry..strawberry shortcake...zzzz..”

As the sunny morning emerged, Shade got out his tent to stretch when suddenly he heard a loud crackling sound and something hit his face!

In a panic, he shot a flurry of flames in a frenzy then opened his eyes to find nobody there but a pink piece of paper, now burnt a little on the grassy ground...

With a heavy sigh of relief, he grumbled, “Curse these fire braces, I have to be careful not to show anyone my powers…”

He was about to throw the pink paper in a trash bin he saw from afar until he recognized some words on it and that it was actually a flier, to work at his favorite small bakery! Even better, its location and the owner was illustrated with a mini map. Immediately he went searching for it.

His heart skipped a beat when he actually found it, quickly he opened the door and shouted, “Please, I’d like to work here forever!”

Shade’s loud interjection made the owner jump as did its customers!

All of the customers started to whisper about Shade.

“Never seen him before.”

“He looks kinda scary…”

“Does Rose know him?”

Shade shouted, “I-I always liked your specialty cake, the Rosy Strawberry Shortcake! Anytime, I felt down or tired it always made me feel better to eat those feelings away, s-so I’d like to help this bakery and recreate those same feelings to consider me!”

Rose, the owner of Confetti Rose Bakery, was shocked at Shade’s interjection but calmly chuckled, “My, my forever is a long time, but you must apply after business hours...I’m sure that detail was on the flier.”

Shade gave a nervous chuckle back then looked around seeing the customers frazzled, “Oh! I-I see s-sorry everyone!”

Now unsettled Shade realized he was bit too ambitious and didn’t consider his outside, villain appearance, “There’s goes a “good” first impression! But...she said to come after business I didn’t do too bad! I’ll just wait in my new home til then!”

So, after many hours have past Shade went back to the small bakery, where Rose sat Shade down and finally interviewed him,“Do you have any previous job experiences?”

“Does telling people what to do or else...count?” Shade gave a nervous smile.

Rose raised her eyebrows and smiled, “Oh? So, you were a team leader or manager on your last job?”

Shade grinned in hesitation, “Yeah...something like that…”

“Ever handled food in a working area?”

“Y-yes, of course, I always make sure to handle my food with a knife and fork even when I’m working! Etiquette is still a thing right?”

Rose chuckled, “You have quite a sense of humor, I think you’ll work just fine as a counter staff worker, is that alright with you?.”

Shade gripped his hands, “I don’t know what that is but I’ll take it!

“Alright, that’s the spirit,! You can start training tomorrow morning.” she smiled.

Shade was ecstatic, he was really going to work here, well at least prove his worth. As he headed out, Rose watched him, she thought, “You’re an interesting one all right…”

Rose taught Shade how to interact with customers, handle food, use the cashier and practiced getting up early for a week. As soon as new week came in, he was exhausted, “I didn’t know there was so much to do as a counter staff and you do this all by yourself?”

“I guess you can say I’m one tough cookie but no, not all the time, I have help every now and then. Besides, I really like uncle taught me how before he passed some years ago.”

“I’ sorry to hear that…it must’ve been hard...”

“It was...but look at it now, he’d be proud and we can’t let the past get us down, right?”

Shade strongly nodded, moved by Rose’s demeanor.

Rose smiled, “Come follow me, there’s one more thing you need to complete your training!”

Shade followed Rose to what was the dressing room, as she was twiddling with some kind of device.

“This is the “special” changing room, so you can get into uniform in a jiffy!”

But before Shade could question her, a flash of light lit the dressing room, Shade and Rose were donned in an instance into the bakery’s cute, flowery aesthetic theme attire.

Rose put a mirror in front of Shade, “So, what do you think of your new look! You look quite dashing!”

Shade was flabbergasted, he did look different, from the red-rimmed glasses, his hair tied-back and gentleman-like clothing.

“This will be your official uniform, if you still want to work here.”

“Of c-course I do! Thank you! Thank you for giving me this chance!” Shade quickly nodded.


However, the next day business was slower than usual…

I stood by the cashier nodding away until I saw Rose looking a bit panicked.

“What’s wrong Owner Rose?”

“I forgot to pick up some items for the bakery supplies, so I leave the bakery to you.”

Shade’s heart skipped a beat, “She...trusts me…?”

“No worries, I have a good batch of customer favorites and orders already made, just serve them with a smile and you’ll be alright, okay?” she gave him a thumbs up.

Shade nodded and gave a thumbs up back, with that Rose left but inside Shade was screaming in his thoughts, “How do I make someone happy by serving them food and drink?! I only ever made people cry or get angry…!”

As soon as Rose left, customers started flooding in and asking about Rose’s whereabouts.

The line was hectic as Shade struggled to served the customers, “I’m going to die before I can even live normally! Owner Rose, where are you?!”

Then an old woman came up to Shade from the line of customers, “Son, is this is your first time working here?”

“Y-yes, ma’am, is t-there something wrong with your purchase? I can fix it! Was it not to your liking or the wrong order?” Shade’s head spun, “Ah! I messed up didn’t I?! It was too good to be true!”

The old woman softly nodded and smiled, “No, I just wanted thank you with this tip, its wonderful to see such a young man like yourself work hard.”

Shade’s confidence flourished, “T-the pleasure is all mine, ma’am, please enjoy your purchase and c-come again!”

The old woman waved goodbye as did Shade. He decided to take a breather and put some of the customers on hold for a minute or two.

After a short break, he went back to work as he did he noticed the customers’ smiling faces and felt a joyous atmosphere from them getting their orders, he thought, “I’m really doing it...I’m doing a good job!” but immediately he felt uneasy.

Within the customer line, a man was growing impatient and started to cut the line.

Shade felt the atmosphere changed, along with the customers, he knew this feeling too well...the feeling of discomfort... and he hated it.

The man was causing a commotion from the back of the line shouting, “Move it kid! I got more important matters than to stay in this eternal line!”

Then the man pushed the kid that was next in line to get his order, almost making him fall.

Shade stilled when the man came to the counter.

“My order can’t wait, I’ve places to go! Give it to me.”

“Sorry, sir but you will have to wait your turn like everyone else…”

“Are you saying you aren’t going to serve me?! I got the money right here!”

Shade clenched his teeth, “Not until I get that kid’s order first!”

It was then Shade’s anger got the best of him as his right hand heat up, slowly burning the kid’s order he had in hand.

“Aw, I see why this place is going down, it’s because of idiots like you who can’t do their stupid job!”

Shade was so infuriated, he just noticed he accidentally burned the kid customer’s order!

“Oh no! Rose took so much care into that and I ruined it!”

Quickly in a panic, Shade put it in the nearest trash bin.

The man customer just scoffed and left the bakery in a huff, the same time Rose returned.

Shade quickly explained what happened but inside he trembled in his thoughts, “I-I made a ruckus and only made things worse here...the one shot I had and I blew it! Shade, you big she’ll never trust you!”

Rose was displeased after hearing what happened then murmured, “Shade…”

Shade clenched his eyes as Rose touched his shoulder.

“I’ll remake the little one’s order, help me put away these bags of lemons and get back to the counter theirs still other customer orders we need to fill!”

Shade was taken aback but Rose gave him her signature smile and in a hurry got back up on his feet.

Before Shade could process anything, he went back to giving and taking the customer line orders.

As the sun set, Rose closed the bakery with a tired sigh.

Shade was behind her, fidgeting his braces, “R-Rose..I-”

Rose turned toward him, “Good job today, Shade!”

Shade’s eyes widen as Rose continued, “All orders were accounted for and you held the bakery down like a champ!”

Shade bit his lip, “But I failed you...the kid’s order wasn’t fulfilled and I lost a customer...I didn’t come all this way just to have your bakery go down because of me...I would hate it if that was the case!”

Shade couldn't help feeling like a failure, he remembered the terrible events of his past evil doings and always failing in them, it caused a rip of distrust among his late father and those under him.

Rose went closer to Shade, then on her tippy-toes bopped Shade’s head, “Wrongzo!”

Shade was completely confused, “Huh?!”

“You did fulfill all the customers orders, when you finally gave the young boy’s order, he was happy wasn’t he? I’m sure he wasn’t expecting an extra treat but he was more than accepting,” she smiled.

Shade slowly nodded as Rose continued, “Plus that other customer was a jerk and totally mean...but those kind of customers come and go.”

Shade looked at Rose, “You did the right thing not letting him get his way, so don’t be hard on yourself. You did great and I trust you can handle things and more. So..what do you say want to keep working here as the new face of Confetti Rose Bakery, Shade?”

Shade grinned teary-eyed showing his fangs, “Yes, madam owner!”


And since that day...I made it my duty to help Rose and the bakery. For once I had someone that trusted me to keep things in order, something I was good at and care about and even more was for good.

Shade goes to take the next customer’s order with a bursting smile of confidence, “Hello and welcome to Confetti Rose Bakery, would you like to try our Sweet and Sour Lemonade?”

END OF Episode 1: When Life Gives You Lemons Make Lemonade!