Chapter 13:

Unleashing Chi (1)

Reborn as a Shogun: The Magic Girl of Sengoku

The atmosphere between Nanami and Obaa-chan was charged with anticipation as they faced each other. The intensity in Obaa-chan's eyes spoke of the upcoming challenge, while Nanami's determination shone through, ready to embrace the training that lay ahead.

Obaa-chan's voice cut through the air, commanding and composed. "Nanami, your first training begins now. We'll start with a partial samurai duel."

Nanami's excitement was palpable, her heart racing at the prospect of a sparring duel. But Obaa-chan's next words brought her enthusiasm to a halt.

"Before we proceed with the sparring, you must first learn how to control Chi and materialize a weapon using it."

Nanami's eyes widened, fascination replacing her excitement. "Materialize a weapon using Chi?"

Obaa-chan's voice was calm, tempered with wisdom. "Yes, but remember, focus is paramount. You must remain composed and centered, devoid of distraction."

Nanami took a deep breath, her eagerness reined in by Obaa-chan's reminder. "Right, I'll stay focused."

"Sit down in the most comfortable way possible," Obaa-chan instructed. "Your journey to harness Chi requires deep concentration."

Obaa-chan and Nanami sat, the space between them a bridge of learning and growth. As they settled, Nanami could feel her heart racing. She knew the task ahead wouldn't be easy, but the opportunity to manipulate Chi and form a weapon was too alluring to resist.

Obaa-chan's voice was soothing, guiding Nanami through the process. "To start, focus on your breathing. Inhale deeply, then exhale slowly. Clear your mind of all thoughts except the task at hand."

Nanami followed the instructions, her breath becoming a rhythm that steadied her mind. She was ready to delve into this uncharted territory.

"Now," Obaa-chan continued, "visualize the Chi within you—a force waiting to be harnessed. Picture it as an orb of energy, a source that can be shaped into a weapon."

Nanami's eyes remained closed as she imagined the orb of Chi—an energy pulsating with potential. But her initial attempts to control it ended in frustration, each effort leading to failure.

Obaa-chan sensed Nanami's struggle and concern, her voice calming and reassuring. "Nanami, I understand your frustration. Everyone unlocks their Chi differently. Now, let's try something different."

Nanami opened her eyes, her determination unwavering as she met Obaa-chan's gaze. "What should I do?"

"Close your eyes again," Obaa-chan instructed. "Imagine yourself surrounded by darkness. Imagine that you're journeying through this darkness—focused, unwavering, and unafraid."

Nanami followed the instructions, embracing the darkness in her mind, and as she did, she could feel the Chi within her responding to her will.

"Now," Obaa-chan's voice echoed in her thoughts, "see a glowing orb in the distance. It's the manifestation of your Chi."

With each word, the orb came into view—bright and radiant. Nanami focused on it, her mind honing in on its brilliance.

"Now, reach out and touch the orb," Obaa-chan's guidance persisted.

As Nanami extended her hand, her fingers connected with the orb. A surge of energy coursed through her, and a sense of triumph filled her being.

Obaa-chan's voice, gentle yet commanding, reached her ears. "This is your Chi, Nanami. A manifestation of your potential and power. This is where you'll find the key to materializing a weapon."

Nanami's focus deepened, and she felt herself entering a realm of heightened awareness—a space where her Chi was at her command.

"You're doing well," Obaa-chan's voice echoed, as if from a distance. "Now, use your Chi to create a weapon. Picture it in your mind, let its form take shape."

Nanami's concentration was unwavering as she envisioned a weapon—the hilt, the blade, every intricate detail. She could sense her Chi responding, bending to her will.

And then, before her eyes, the weapon materialized—a katana, its blade gleaming in the radiant energy of her Chi.

Obaa-chan's voice carried a sense of pride. "Well done, Nanami. You've unlocked the path to materializing your weapon using Chi. This is just the beginning of your journey."

As Nanami opened her eyes, her heart raced with accomplishment. She met Obaa-chan's gaze, the sense of achievement shared between them.

Obaa-chan's expression was warm, her tone filled with encouragement. "Remember, unlocking your Chi is a process unique to each individual. You've taken the first step, and now we'll continue to shape and refine your abilities."

With a newfound sense of purpose, Nanami knew that her journey was far from over. The mastery of Chi, the pursuit of the Hakai no Yumi, and the promise of Piria Academy all lay ahead—an intricate tapestry of challenges and growth, woven by the threads of destiny.
