Chapter 15:

A Fiery Assault

Reborn as a Shogun: The Magic Girl of Sengoku

Nanami's heart raced as she descended the hill, her concern for the villagers and the chaos that had erupted weighing heavily on her mind. She remembered Obaa-chan's words of reassurance during her training, which offered a glimmer of comfort as she approached the chaotic scene.

The village was shrouded in chaos—fire and smoke engulfing the once-peaceful homes. Nanami couldn't fathom what could have caused such devastation. Panic-stricken villagers ran in every direction, their screams and pleas echoing through the air.

Amid the chaos, Nanami heard a desperate voice urging others to flee from a looming threat. Fear gripped her heart as she realized that the situation might be even worse than she had initially feared.

"Run for your life if you don't want to die from the beast!" the villager shouted.

Nanami's worry deepened, and she scanned the area for any signs of the approaching danger. It didn't take long for her to spot a young boy, tears streaming down his face as he lay on the ground, paralyzed by fear.

Without hesitation, Nanami moved to rush to the boy's aid, but before she could take a step, a nightmarish red beast emerged from the flames, its growl filled with bloodlust. Nanami froze in her tracks, knowing that any movement would provoke an attack.

The beast's eyes locked onto her as it charged forward, fangs bared and claws poised to strike. Nanami called upon her recently acquired skills, drawing Chi into her being and materializing her katana with a flicker of her will.

The beast attacked with relentless fury, its powerful strikes met by Nanami's swift and precise blocks. She moved with agility, avoiding the creature's onslaught, each clash between blade and claw a testament to her newfound strength.

As the confrontation unfolded, Nanami noticed a momentary opportunity. The beast lunged for her once more, and she deftly parried its attack, dodging to the side. With a burst of Chi-infused speed, she scooped up the trembling young boy and raced towards safety.

They took refuge behind one of the village houses, the boy still trembling with fear. Nanami held him close, offering comfort and reassurance as she whispered, "It's alright, little one. You're safe now. I'll help you find your mom and dad."

The boy's voice quivered as he spoke, tears welling in his eyes. "I want my mom and dad."

Nanami hugged him gently, her heart aching for the child's distress. "Don't worry, we'll find them together."

A moment later, Nanami noticed that the chaos in the village had subsided. There were no more screams or panicked villagers running. The fires, however, continued to rage, threatening to consume everything.

Realization struck her: she had to act quickly to save the village. Nanami put the boy inside the nearest house and assured him that she would return soon. She closed the door behind her and ventured back into the fiery turmoil.

Nanami focused her Chi, drawing it into an aura that surrounded her. She raised her right hand to the sky, her mind filled with the image of calm and tranquil waters. With a powerful surge of Chi, she conjured water from thin air, forming it into waves—the Arctic Water Waves.

The waves of water moved with precision and purpose, extinguishing the flames with remarkable speed. As they spread, the fire's advance was halted, leaving behind a trail of smoldering embers.

After quelling the inferno, Nanami rushed back to the house where she had left the young boy. She found him safe, and a wave of relief washed over her. She offered him a piggyback ride and began the journey up the hill toward safety.

As they reached the hilltop, Nanami was greeted with a heartwarming sight—the villagers, including the boy's mother, were gathered there, safe and sound. The boy's mother rushed forward, calling her child's name in a mix of relief and joy. Nanami gently placed the boy on the ground, reassured the mother that he was unharmed, and shared a comforting smile.

Nanami's gaze then turned toward the village, which now lay in ruins, the fires extinguished but the scars of the attack evident. Obaa-chan approached her, her expression a blend of concern and contemplation.

"It's a shame that such a peaceful village was attacked out of nowhere," Obaa-chan mused. "I wonder if there's more to this chaos than meets the eye—a hidden hand behind the destruction."

Nanami nodded, her mind filled with questions and unease. The attack had raised more questions than answers, and she couldn't help but wonder about the origins of the red beast and the motives behind the assault.
