Chapter 4:

Maze of Trust

Rense's Law

The Prince and I approached the gate to the gardens. A pair of big doors were flanked by guards. The two of us were arm in arm, but it felt more like he was dragging me along while I was melting away from sweating so much.

Anxiety was hitting me on every front it could. I wanted to tell Prince Elyon what Finn said, how the future of all the children was in danger, but could I even trust him? How do you bring something like that up? If nobody could help me though, then nothing would stop all those poor kids from becoming super soldiers!

Oh no, why am I supposed to figure all this out?! I’m just a peasant!

“Gia, is everything alright?” Prince Elyon spoke up, clearly feeling my trembling.

“Y-yes, Prince…”

“Very good.” He adjusted his coat, noticing his sleeve was drenched in my perspiration.

The two guards standing at attention saluted Prince Elyon. He snapped a finger and they quickly tugged on their respective door handles.

First the harsh sunlight passed through the maw, but as my eyes adjusted, I saw the splendors of a royal garden beyond the archway.

I was struck with awe. Maybe it was the constant buzzing of small bees, or perhaps the beautiful assortments of richly coloured flowers I’d only read about in books, some of which were glowing at the core of their buds. But for the first time in my life, I truly felt like I lived in a magical world.

We peasants don’t really see the fruits of this kingdom's technological benefits. If we were lucky, we usually ended up with table scraps of old models that were worn out, practically broken. That meant that our world was never going to be very colourful like this. But we’d always hear of stories of magical forests and enchanted villages with amazing advancements. Dreaming something like that kept us from feeling too dull.

Now my imagination was coming to life before my eyes. The Prince let me walk forward on the path and actually dive into this very real dream.

“Those are magnolias!” I cheered. “And that one’s a daffodil! Look at the size of those sunflowers!” It’s amazing how close the descriptions in my books matched these wonderful plants. “Prince Elyon, how big would you say this garden is?”

I probably made it really easy to see I came from a dingy little town. Go figure I’d be so expressive.

“Are you impressed?” he chuckled. “This is just one of four gardens, all connected by a hedge maze. It stretches out half a kilometer, and we have plans to expand.”

“A hedge maze!” My excitement finally burst through the roof. People really make those? “I-I’m sorry…I didn’t mean to get so excited…”

“Ha…hah ha!” The prince started laughing at me. I must have been the biggest joke to him. “If you’d like to see the maze, you need only ask.”

That was a relief. But I’m sure deep down he really thought of me as dumb for caring so much.

He took me to where the maze started, claiming it was very difficult to get lost in. It really wasn’t a maze in the traditional sense, but with how big it was, I still wanted to keep close.

Despite my clinginess, the prince was more than happy to run a little further than me, playfully hiding around corners to shout  "surprise" whenever I’d approach. It was actually kinda cute.

After a few times, I joined in and played along. I ended up losing him around a corner though.

“Greetings!” His head peeked over part of the hedge. “Run to your right and turn the corner, then we’ll meet in the center.”

“Okay!” It was only supposed to be a short run, but my legs started sprinting. Quicker and quicker I ran, as if something was chasing me and I needed to find safety. I was panting, wheezing. The playful smile I'd had during the fun was drifting downward.

The plant walls seemed to be spinning around. Was this a magical trick he was pulling? I got so dizzy all of a sudden.

My heart was pounding, my head was throbbing. Where was the prince? I didn’t see him when I turned the corner.

Oh God, did he already leave? Was I too slow?! I must have been left behind.


Whose voice was that? Why did it sound so faded, like a distant echo?


Oh dear, I was on the ground. What was happening…?

“P-prince…E-ly…?” The light from around me was fading fast. My strength left me all at once and I passed out.




Gia had randomly collapsed while we playfully scampered about the hedge maze. I, Elyon, relaxed her body over a bench, letting her head rest on my lap. She was panting and turning red, not waking up no matter how much I tried. I called out for any assistance, but none of the gardeners came to my call.

“Curses!” I shouted into the air. “What’s the use of hired help if they can’t even come at a time like this?”

What did that little beast of a scientist do to Gia when the lights went out? How horrible the torture must have been. Perhaps this was a little too much of a hazing for her?

Fear crept into my soul, inching up my spine and heading for my mind. Could she have been poisoned? I wouldn't put it past some deranged associate to make an attempt on her life for being here.

If Gia were to expire at a time like this, would my plans be all for naught?

Despite how many peasants there are, I chose her. How many of those filthy looking, rag trodden smelly folks did I pass, only to lay my eyes upon this flower growing through the cracks? Ha…what sort of thought was that for a prince like me? I have all the beautiful women I could ever want. Even my maids are of the finest pluck of human preen, yet this one still caught my eye.

I suppose I’m very particular about my toys. If they break, they're hard to replace.

There was nothing exceptionally strong about Gia. In fact, I’d say she wouldn’t last a day in this castle if I hadn’t watched her. She went through quite a lot today alone, and I can’t fault her for wearing herself out.

Could that be all that was wrong? Did Gia even take in any sustenance today? Her lips were so parched, and her skin was dry and hot. It was a rather sunny day. Brutal, even under an umbrella.

I had a small container of water hidden at my side. I lifted her head and gently poured it into her mouth. She was awake enough to sip at it.


As the moisture coursed through her, she started to awaken.

“There we go,” I said with a honeyed smile. “You just needed a little fresh water.”

“Oh…” her voice was weak. “How stupid can I get?”

“Now-now. Don’t be so unkind to yourself.” Roses were behind our bench, hanging over me as if to watch over Gia themselves. They were orange with red slowly blooming out from their center. I plucked the closest one and placed it in her hair. “It was my fault for not tending to your needs. Forgive my rudeness.”

An apology, from me? I must be getting soft.

Gia gazed at the bunching flowers behind me. By the look on her scrunching, puzzled face, she might have been curious what species they were.

“I’ll bet you’ve never seen anything like these.” I pulled a stem down closer to her. Its sweet fragrance wafted toward her nose as a breeze passed by.

She shook her head. “Never. They’re lovely.”

When we first arrived here, she was all but enthusiastic to name all the plants she’d merely read about. It was humbling to see she didn't know these.

“We call them Corallium Roses. They are the result of cross breeding with a similar species, or so I’ve been told. I don’t know the science myself, but it took many years to get them as perfect as they are. Fragrance, design, and hardiness. They can survive no matter the storm or drought.”

Her curious face turned sour. Now she looked depressed.

“Er…P-prince Elyon?”

“Yes, dearest Gia?”

“I…if I were to…how would you feel if I told you…” she shook her head and sat up.

This odd behavior of hers was surely spurred on by something. What questions drifted in that ditsy head of hers? I could only assume the mind of a commoner was a simple mess in my presence.

“Prince, do you think people need to be perfect?”

Ahh…I see now. Such a simple question I’ve pondered many years over. I think the answer should be clear as the daytime sun above us.

“No. In fact, I like people and all their imperfections.” I proudly displayed my most charming smile. “It makes me stand out all the more.”

“What if there was a war?”

War, eh? A common subject for anyone as high up as myself.

“Even still. It’s the adversity of besting imperfections that breeds the perfect man.”

That's why I originally put her through becoming a lab assistant. If she could make it through that, she'd surely be strong enough for me.

Gia put a hands over her mouth, her eyes squinted and her head bobbed in a curious way.

“Ha ha! Haa ha!” she burst into laughter. “What a relief.” Her eyes closed, almost peacefully. It was the most calm I’d ever seen her. “I think I can trust you after all.”

A test, eh? I didn’t think she’d have it in her to challenge me in such a way. Consider me impressed.

Jon Spencer
Ana Fowl
Lucid Levia
Steward McOy
Taylor J