Chapter 23:


My Other Half

He immediately peeked from behind Kay to see if he was right. Indeed! It was that male cousin of his human girl. Their eyes met and Ivaylo got pointed out by that human male to Kay. "What the HELL! That's the freeloader!"

Ivaylo didn't even have the time to turn his head towards Kay, as he got snatched by him. Kay grabbed him under his neck and aggressively pushed Ivaylo into the wall. Ivaylo didn't show any reaction, any pain... nothing.

He was so used to the temperament of Animalistic Beastmen. Kay was holding him in the air, Ivaylo's feet dangling freely. He raised his eyes to meet with the angered Beastman's. Kay was squeezing Ivaylo's neck harder, snarling at him, lips curled back and saliva dripping everywhere.

"So...!" Ivaylo could muster with his airways tight-wrapped. Kay gave out a guttural growl. How dare he play the hero! Ivaylo had enough. He slightly hit Kay's nose with his finger and then showed him his moves to free himself.

Kay dropped him to the ground holding his nose. Ivaylo touched his neck and then just fixed the collar of his shirt and the crooked tie. "Let me explain everything..." Ivaylo glared at Kay. "Just listen before you lose your temper on me again. I won't be lenient next time and I will fight back. You won't like that..."

Ivaylo glanced at the human guy. "And you... don't walk around accusing others of something that isn't true. That's called slander and it's punishable by law." The human man flinched. "You are arrogant as ever!"

Kay shook off the little contra attack from Ivaylo. "Good! But be sure to tell the truth. I will sniff out any lie you will try to hang on our necks. I was in the military, probably you can tell from my appearance, and learned few things." The Doberman tapped his nose. The trio sat down at a round table across from each other. Kay brought some drinks and the interrogation of Ivaylo began.

Kay introduced the human male as Marsh. The older cousin of the human girl he was haunting for several weeks. Now, that Ivaylo had the time to take a good look at him, he really resembled her. They had the same color of their eyes... icy gray and brown hair.

Marsh didn't hesitate to spit venom. "You attacked her, and had the audacity to freeload from her! You are the reason she was hurt on her arm." Kay glared at Ivaylo nervously jerking his hind paw in the air while sitting. Ivaylo sighed. "Well, that is true... but only half of it."

Ivaylo looked up at him. "I got attacked and stabbed in the street. I fell unconscious and the next thing I saw, as I came back to my senses, was an unfamiliar human being pressing down on my wound hurting me. I got startled and swiped at her to scare her off but accidentally injured her. It wasn't rational of me, I agree that was wrong."

Marsh looked at Kay to check if Ivaylo was telling the truth. The Doberman guy nodded at him. "Fine! But you crashed at her place and freeloaded off of her and overall behaved nasty!" Ivaylo rolled his eyes. "I paid her 5k but she took only a small portion and the rest was returned to me in different ways. Once I found that money in my book..."

Marsh was surprised because the rent over there was under 1k. She could take the cash and get rich. Such a naive and honest girl, Marsh sighed. That was all, that Ivaylo said to that whole accusation and Kay pressed for more. "And? Where is the rest? About the "nasty"."

Ivaylo's eyes darted back and forth from Kay to Marsh and back. "Sigh! I admit that I Beasthandled her... a few times. I don't even know, why I did that because she was always nice to me... But believe me, I feel remorseful." You could see on Kay's face, how the color was getting darker and he was slowly losing his temper once more. How dare he!

Marsh victoriously nodded his head. "See! I knew I was right!" Kay hit the table with his fist to channel his anger and frustration. Ivaylo now turned the table and asked them a question. "So, what happened to her? I couldn't find her at the apartment. When I returned, she was gone!"

Marsh leaned into the seat and crossed his arms in bigger anger. "It's all your fault! She was fired from her job because you couldn't keep your paws off of her in public. Someone... but I am positive, I know who exactly... called our office and demanded my cousin be fired or the anonymous Beastperson would expose the call center employing humans.
You see, humans have a hard time getting a job in this world. Mostly, we do odd jobs or work that does not require us to show our face. Both, me and her, worked at a call center. You can't tell, who is a human and who is a Beastman by the voice. So that was the best option. Our Beastman boss had no other choice than just to let her go. And I followed her of course."

Bewildered, Ivaylo gave them both a questioning look. "You don't know, do you?!" Kay proclaimed and sighed. "Aren't you aware how other Beastmen look down upon a Human x Beastman relations? Remember, when you came here and wanted to cause some ruckus in my bar? You were appalled to see humans mingling with Beastmen. How do you think, she was treated?" 

A lightbulb lit up over Ivaylo's head. He was so ignorant and arrogant.

Marsh chimed in... "I am sure, you are aware of that retriever bitch store clerk... She paid to attack her last time." Marsh lowered his head in sadness and glanced over to Kay. He averted his head from him. He knew what he meant. Ivaylo pressed them for more details.

Kay finally opened up. "She was searching for a job here at the Outskirts and I brought her to my bar as a part-timer. I found that apartment through my connections. The landlord is open-minded towards human tenants and I was visiting her almost every day. That store clerk saw us together... At first, she pursued me to stop going over to her. I didn't budge... and it ended in a catastrophe..."

Kay covered his face in shame with his paw. "A group of Beastmen lurked up on us when I was walking her home. My legs got broken and she got stripped in the street and almost assaulted. The cops came at the right time... but still, that store clerk had enough time to cause bodily harm. Claw marks on her shoulder." Kay gestured with his paw over his left shoulder.

Ivaylo bent over and dropped his face into his both palms. It dawned upon him... that request she made that day. He was so full of himself, that he didn't pay attention to her safety or feelings as a human.

Kay continued... "But she is strong-willed. A few days later she was running my bar under my supervision and my military friends, who don't mind humans guarded her. I called Marsh to come live here and look over her... because I was bringing too much attention to her.
After everything, I decided her safety was the most important thing. I found her a new job and we stopped to meet frequently. The store clerk with her so-called friends got just a slap on the wrist for what she did... because it was just a mere human.
It makes me sick to my stomach, imagining what could happen to her, seeing those animals and their lustful eyes... I still have a problem looking her in the eyes because I failed to protect her."