Chapter 1:

Chapter 1

Authors reincarnation

I found myself standing at a line of people. I was definitelly too calm for the sittuation I'm in. When the line moved so did I, when in Rome...

People were walking past us to the opposite direction, some looked like they won the Jackpot whilst others looked like they were sentenced to death. Kinda reminds for the opening scene for "The valiant heart of the lion knight", a little something I wrote. I know it's a mouthfull but you have to get creative with the title nowadays, by statistics there are atleast 6.000 people who had the same idea as you. 

What are we lined up for anyways? How did I get here? Last thing I remember is driving down the street behind a truck... did I get final destinationed? So is this some very original "Author trapped in his own work after diyng in the real world" trope? Whoevers writing this needs some grammar classes. 


Three people and it will be my turn.

If this really is the opening scene then I will soon have my skill deduced. Even though it's called awakening its actcually closer to a confirmation. In this society how you are treated depends on your skills, rascism is nonexistent but discrimination and stereotypes are still a big problem. If your skill is too weak to help you grow stronger then that could stop you from unlocking all the other skills you could have had. 



Trash is only trash to the ones who have no use for it. The best example is Chapter 24: hells kitchen. In that chapter a chef who can make dishes with all sorts of effects and a Glutton who can eat seemingly infinite amounts of food instantly, proved that with the right teammates "trash skills" can be game changers.


One person left until my turn.

Besides, skills aren't everything. You can still persue martial or arcane arts. I already know that I will try to learn healing and death magic in hopes of becoming a life mage. Ironically I died before I could publish the chapter where it was shown how strong offensive healing magic is.

 Basically a healer can give you cancer and the best cure to cancer is death magic. 


Oh, my turn. 

I opened the door and closed it behind me after entering. 

There was one more person in the room, the rotte. Rotte is what I decided to call people who can see the skills of others. 

"Please give me your hand."

The procces is quite simple. A bit of blood is mixed with a broth and after drinking it the rotte can see the skills of whoever that blood belonged to. It's the slowest and most expensive option but it's also the most accurate. 


The rotte stayed quiet for way too long for it to be good news.

"I'm sorry to tell you this, but you got the skill Luggage carrier."


Now it was my turn to be silent. 

I took in a deep breath and let out a longer one. The rotte stayed silent, probably mistaking my sigh of relief for me triyng to stay composed. 

So I am Liam, huh?

I walked out of the room without saying anything.


I know that I'm Liam because he is also a luggage carrier and the keepsake around my neck. It's the keepsake the mc will find after the sabotage in the dungeon which shows him that the world is a cruel place and that he has to steel his heart. 

I have given Liam quite the short straw since not only is he meant to die in the dungeon but the dragon huntress Elara would also be a problem. That madwoman would love to have a packing mule that can survive encountering a dragon, the worst part is she would have trained him until he could keep up. So saying that I would just slow her wouldn't work. 

Not just that but there's also the spreading darkness, though that affects everyone. 

I followed the guys before me until we arrived at our final destination...

Alright, maybe I should go over what's going to happen next. We are in the magic academy of  Royeil, which also teaches martial classes, and they allow anyone to attend, even the poor. If you're signed up and over sixteen years old you get to "awaken" your skill by visiting a rotte for free, the academy paid for it. Next, classes will be assigned, it might seem random how the students get assignet to their classrooms. Because it is. 

Right, now they're waiting for the last of the bunch to finish visitting the rotte. I just need to confirm if this world follows the events in the novel one to one or if certain things could play out differently. 


This is basically just highschool but some of these idiots here could kill me. I also noticed that not everything goes one to one to the novel since I'm not in the same class as Laurence, the mc. 

Whatever, the only reason I showed is because I needed to know where my classroom is. In this academy you only need to attend during exams, which is great because I already hate it here. But I can't pass up on the materials they allow the students to use for their growth. 

I didn't listen to a single word the teacher sayd but since everyone is leaving I take class is finally over.

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