Chapter 9:


Soul Remedy Volume 1

Slowly, my eyes open to the sun's light peaking in through the blinds. With a groan, I sit up, seeing Chloe still fast asleep. I lay myself back down, watching her rest, feeling bizarrely at ease. For a moment, I feel like everything is gonna be alright. I smile, gently rubbing her head. She makes a noise before opening her eyes a little. I tell her good morning with the warmest face I can muster, and she returns one herself. The moment is a nice distraction from all the crap we're about to have to handle. Still, it can't last forever.

"We should get going. The bus will be here in half an hour." I say, bringing us both back to reality. Sitting up, we start by divvying up what we're gonna pack. Chloe will handle books and clothes, and I'll handle food, since she really doesn't wanna go downstairs. We split up at the staircase, each taking a suitcase that we had found in mom's closet. After passing the last step, I heave the thing into the kitchen. The smell of the rotting body nearby is starting to become intolerable. I pinch my nose as I start opening cabinets, looking for the longest lasting food we've got.

Cans of soup, veggies, a lot of canned stuff really. I should have expected that, its the kind of thing that I see in shows and books. Stuffing the suitcase with food, I look on the counter and see the grimoire. Did I leave it down here when I was making cocoa last night? I can't remember, but, well, even if it moved itself I guess it doesn't really matter too much. I pick it up and open the thing up. Inside is all the same information as from last night. I groan. A part of me had hoped there would be a new spell or something. Whatever, my own fault for getting my hopes up. I close the book when I notice something in fact had changed about it. New writing on the inner cover. The words light a flame in my heart.


I feel hotness forming in my eyes. Is this...thing alive? Does it really...wanna help me this much? I smile, giving the thing a peace sign, hoping that it can somehow see me and its senses aren't limited in some contrived way.

"Absolutely. Let's find home."


I meet Chloe at the door. For her sake, just in case she would have spotted where the body was, I moved it into the storage closet. It was definitely not easy, but also was pretty important if I was gonna get her out of here mentally willing.  Standing at the door, I grab the knob and open it wide, looking out at the sunny day outside. The gentle summer wind hits our faces as we hold the handles of the suitcases tight, wheeling them out onto the welcome mat and down the granite path onto the sidewalk.

Walking along, I begin to feel daunted by even the path to the bus stop. Did I overpack this thing? Maybe, but, ugh, I just got to tough it out. I look over at Chloe and see the strain on her face, but its hidden under a layer of seriousness. I'm proud of her, and decide I need to step it up. Gritting my teeth, I push myself to move a little ahead. I feel her eyes on my back, pushing me to keep going at this pace. The corner is getting closer and closer, when I feel someone impact with my back as Chloe warns me to move. I hear the sounds of an angry cyclist as they get back on their back as I try to stand back up.

"You have got to be careful." Chloe says, grabbing my arm and helping me back up. I blush and look away. For some reason, this feels especially awful. I just nod in response to her words and grab the bag again, moving like I was before with a bit of embarrassment. Next time they better make themselves known or I'm throwing a punch. After a bit more walking we arrive at the corner where the bus will show up.

I take a breather, sitting on the suitcase and taking deep gulps of air. God I was not made for this. I hope it gets easier as we go or this may actually be impossible. I groan a bit when I feel Chloe's hand on my shoulder. She sighs, before quoting some random webcomic. I know it's one because of the exaggerated look on her face. It causes me to laugh my ass off. Seemingly doing her job, she crosses her arms with pride before turning to look at the street.

"Chris, do you have the plans?" I nod, slapping my suitcase. She nods. "Okay, good...I was worried that we'd have to go back, and...I wouldn't be able to walk out a second time." The quiet shame in her eyes infects the air as she seems incapable of forming more words from the embarrassment. I look at the street as well, unsure what to say. After a moment, I ask her what books she ended up grabbing. "Oh. Uhm, Time Change Infinite and Lilly's Garden, all the volumes of them. Next, I also grabbed some of our favorite man-ga and comics. I figured the rest weren't as important."

"You figured right. Ah, my sister has the best taste." I ruffle her hair, making her giggle. "I'm sure they'll bring back our library books, whoever goes in there. I hope they don't send debtors after us." Chloe looks scared at that. Me too, honestly. Surely a place like a library is ruthless in getting back what's there's. I mean, the buildings are usually so impressive looking, even our old school's looked pretty nice. I shake my head, if they decide to come after us, we'll just have to lose them.

I'm broken from my thoughts as the bus pulls up. We both stand up. A feeling of nerves strikes me but I shake it off. I can't show weakness, or give Chloe a reason to waver. I step ahead.

"Let's go find home, Chloe."


