Chapter 12:


Soul Remedy Volume 1

Standing at the doorway of the place, I was surprised by how big the building was. I've never seen a shelter bigger than someone's home or, no, I guess there was talk about one that was being built in the remnants of a bank's calling center, but I think that one got blocked by a sudden buyer who proceeded to do nothing with the place. I always wondered what the point of that was, but, I guess I'm not smart enough to really know. I snap back to reality once a teenager opens the door and smiles down at the boy in front of me.

"Find some people Michael?" The teen asks. The boy nods, asking us to introduce ourselves. I give my name and, after Chloe remains silent, I give them a fake name, Bea. The teen seems satisfied, nodding and grinning. "Well, hello Chris and Bea. I won't ask about your circumstances, just that you don't feel ashamed for needing help, and understand everyone here is as down on their luck as you. So, treat em right. Come on in." The teen moves out of the doorway, letting us three enter. The teen ruffles Michael's hood before closing the door. Inside, there's a massive main area filled with mattresses, most of which are occupied by people. Some are sleeping, some are reading, some are playing on game consoles I think I've seen at the Walmart checkout aisle but never had the balls to yoink. Whatever, I'm sure Chloe wouldn't have liked it anyways.

The teenager takes us to our beds, where we set down our suitcases and relax. The feeling of getting to lay down on something that isn't concrete is incredible. I mentally thank god for this gift. Taking a deep breath, I look over and see Chloe sitting on her bed, watching Michael as he and the teen talk to each other just a little bit away from us. Curious. Are they family? I guess that would make sense. The two don't look nearly as down on their luck as everyone else here. Are they volunteer's, or are they kids of the people who own the place? Eh, actually, not really my business. We have a place to sleep, that's enough for me, really. I lay my head back down, relaxing as I feel the worries of the day pass me right on by. I feel a moment of bliss when I look up and see Chloe gone. I jolt up, looking all around. The only person I see that I recognize is the teen, who I rather quickly rush over to.

"Uh, uhm, uh, g-g-g-girl! I mean, my sister, have you seen my sister?!" I manage to get out. The teen cocks his head before tapping his chin. Making an O face, he tells me that she probably went with Michael to go handle some chores. I felt just a little bit at ease, though not too much so. "He-he's a good guy, right?" I ask, and the teen nods before smiling.

"He's my little brother. Trust me, no one in this world is as gentle as him. I'm sure he's making sure to kiss her nice and gentlemanly-"


"Hahaha!" The teen has a good laugh at my expense before rubbing his eyes. "Don't worry, I'm joking. I'm sure they're just getting stuff done, you don't got anything to worry about." His words hold much less weight than they did before, but the consequences of being apprehensive are unknown, so I remain quiet. "Ahh, hey, I don't think I've given you my name yet. Go ahead and call me Ken." He holds out a hand. Despite my soul telling me to back away slowly from this gesture, I take his hand and shake it. It's a firm grasp. When he lets go, he turns his attention to the rest of the place. The look of pride on his face is unmistakable. It seems like he does a lot here just from the look on his face. Since I don't really have anything else to do, my mind comes back to what I had been wondering about before. Since he doesn't seem to busy either, I figure I can ask.

"So, what exactly do you and your brother do here, if you don't mind me asking."

"Hmm? Mm...too much to say really." He rubs his chin and snickers with pride. "Clean the place, do maintenance, cook for everyone. It's been like that for a while." He crossed his arms. "I don't think I'd bother if it was my choice though." He admits. "I admire places like this, but I always thought it should have stayed mom and dad's responsibility, even if they were busy. But, Michael...he has his reasons why, but when he saw the place wasn't getting cared for right. He insisted on making sure we kept it in good shape. And, well, how do you say no to family, right?" Ken spoke and, right then, I thought that he may not be such a bad guy. Smiling a little, I find myself nodding along with his words. "Well, that's my reason for working here. What's your reason for ending up here?" I take a moment, considering if that's the kind of information I can just give out, but upon considering the character of the person in front of me, figure it can't end too badly.

"Well, we're...on our way to our uncle's house. Our parents kicked the bucket and I decided that I can't possibly accept Chloe and me being split apart. I don't think there's a single other person in the world who can keep her safe. I know as long as I'm breathing, though, that I will, so It's safest to keep things this way." I say. Ken contemplates my words, before giving me a ruffle through the hair. I hesitate for a moment, before simply allowing him to do so. It's sort of nice.

"I understand. Don't worry, I'm sure you'll get there. Though, I got to be honest, I don't like the idea of just letting two kids off on their own." I feel a sudden jolt of fear, which is instantly washed away by his next words. "How about you stay here?"
