Chapter 0:


Akari the Despicable

Life is empty and mundane.

My name is Akari Luceria. I’m 20 years old. I’m the daughter of Amon Luceria. He’s the CEO of Luceria Corp. They hold a monopoly on every product and service market in the world. 

Many call him a god. Many call him evil.

I call him dad, but he’s been absent for most of my life.

Since I was born, I was always thrown into something I hated; whether it was a strict boarding school away from my family, or a military summer camp where I was “taught” discipline, respect, and loyalty. Now I’ve been forced into the most prestigious university in the world, pursing a degree in business.

I don’t want to be involved in anything related to business at all. I don’t want to become like my dad. A man so obsessed with his career that he forgets he has a family. Honestly, I have no idea what I want to do in life.

Every day, I stick to a routine to maintain my sanity:

I wake up at 4am and run 7 miles around the city.

At 5am, I come back to my house and make myself a light breakfast. An omelet with spinach and milk, sometimes with toast if I feel like rewarding myself.

I head to the basement, and I practice shooting for an hour in my personal shooting range, which is soundproof to the outside. My shots are always on target, regardless of if the target is stationary or moving. When satisfied, I clean and dispose of lead dust, brass, and other hazardous materials.

At 7am, I walk to my first class. I’m always greeted as soon as I enter the university. I can’t tell who is who. Everyone has the same face. They only interact with me because of my dad.

After my classes finish at 5pm, I spend three hours studying at the library. Then, I go home, take a shower, and get ready for bed. I always have the same dream of a life filled with love and happiness. A life where I have a father who cares about me, teaches me, and raises me.

Then I wake up and the cycle repeat…

Today is the second to last day of finals week.

I’ll be able to enjoy 3 months of summer break after tomorrow. I never know what to do during breaks. I usually just follow my same routine, but instead of going to class I just read or wander around the city aimlessly until dark.

“Good morning, Ms. Luceria. I hope you have spoken kindly about me to your father?”

I respond with the brightest smile I can show. I’ve trained myself to fake my emotions since I was a child. I always appear what others expect me to be.

“Yes, he is very happy. He can tell from my grades that you are an excellent instructor. He is truly grateful.”

“Thank you, Ms. Luceria!”

I don’t even talk to my dad.

“You all have 3 hours to complete the exam.”

I can finish in 5 minutes. That's one thing I don't get about this place; they always give us way too much time. I usually finish before anyone else.

“Ms. Luceria, enjoy your summer break.”

“You too, professor. I appreciate the time and effort you put into teaching us.”

“Of course, Ms. Luceria!”

I hand my test and walk towards the exit.

“Just one moment, Ms. Luceria. I hope this isn’t too much to ask but, would it be possible to arrange a meeting with your father?”

“I’ll talk to him tonight.”

“Thank you so much! Enjoy your summer!”

I leave the classroom.

What a complete waste of four months learning something I will never use.

I already know that I’m going to pass. I might as well study for the last test tomorrow. Expectations of being perfect at everything can sometimes be a burden.


Leaving the library, I start heading home. The night sky is empty, no stars visible, hidden by thick carbon clouds of pollution, and the streets are dimly lit. But I start to feel the presence of a few men following me. They’re getting closer, and the street ahead seems abandoned of any signs of life. 

Suddenly, I recoil as I sense an unwelcome touch, a grope directed at my backside.

“Hey gorgeous! Come play with us for a bit.”

Suddenly I’m surrounded by five thugs. Finally, an opportunity for fun.

“Sure, let’s go somewhere more private. Follow me.”

The gang of thugs eagerly follow me. They reek of alcohol and cigarettes. I was never a fan of drugs; they can cloud your judgement.

I stop in front of a manhole cover leading into a sewer.

“You nasty girl, you want us to go down there?”

I respond with the most submissive voice I can project.

“If we go down here, no one will hear us. You can have your way with me. You can do anything you want to me.”

Their eyes sparkled with anticipation as I motioned for one of them to lift the manhole cover. I descended into the murky depths of the sewer, and they eagerly followed suit.

I guided them further into the sewer, our footsteps echoing in the darkness as we left the entrance far behind. With each step, the surroundings grew dimmer, and I could feel their patience wearing thin.

“It’s dark as shit in this bitch.”

“That’s facts, this place reeks.”

“Don’t worry guys, she’ll make it up to us.”

Without delay, one of them gropes me again.

“Okay, we’re in far enough. Now get on your knees and give us a good time.”

I let out a smirk as I kneel down in front of the thugs.

“Anything for you. Let me grab my toy to make things more exciting.”

The thugs share an excited expression. I could feel the heat from their desperate panting like the dogs they are.

With swift reflexes, I snatch my AM7 from my briefcase, unfolding it in one fluid motion with my finger on the trigger.

The thugs remain unfazed. It's too dark for them to see. Time to direct them to the light.

“What a big toy. Can you show us how you use it?“

“Anything for you, sir.”

I point my AM7 towards the thug. In an instant, I squeeze the trigger three times rapidly, each shot reverberating loudly throughout the enclosed tunnel. The thug falls down face first into the feces of the sewer like a pig, his silhouette merging with the darkness of the tunnel floor. The remaining thugs panic, turning their backs to me fleeing in horror. I rapid fire in the direction of the thugs until my magazine is empty. They fall swiftly, one after another, like a chain reaction of tumbling dominos. Their bodies crumple and sink into the foul mixture of sewage, splashing as they merge with the filth below.

For a moment everything is silent. My ears ring as an intense sensation courses through me. I relish in the pooled mixture of blood and waste beneath my feet, saturating my loafers. The distinct aroma of gunpowder infiltrates my nostrils, inducing a euphoric state beyond my wildest imagination.

I put my AM7 back in my briefcase. I take one last deep breath and take in the beautiful sight of the bodies lying before me.

When I reach the surface, I burn my shoes and walk home barefoot. Today was actually a good day.

Perhaps I’ll add a piece of toast to my breakfast tomorrow.

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