Chapter 1:

Encounter with the Enigma.

Akihabara DEEP.

A looming figure emerged from the swirling dust, seemingly materializing out of thin air.

"Error," chimed a female voice.

Abruptly, the figure revealed itself—an enigmatic entity resembling a colossal eye, adorned with ten appendages extending from its rear.

With lightning speed, the figure surged forward, its movements too swift for mortal eyes to discern.

Its target? A solitary girl.

This girl, the one who uttered the word "error," possessed hair as white as snow, eyes of two contrasting hues, and attire reminiscent of a costume plucked from a straight from a moege..

Unfazed, she awaited the encroaching figure, raising her hand as it drew near.

"Bomb," she murmured.

In an instant, the monstrous entity erupted into a spectacular explosion—a breathtaking display akin to countless fireworks igniting simultaneously. Astonishingly, the surrounding area remained unscathed.

But you might be wondering how I fit into this narrative...

I had been eagerly awaiting the opening of a venue at an Akiba livehouse to catch a glimpse of my favorite idol group, "ChuruChuru Dreamers," when my attention was drawn to a mysterious girl standing patiently...

That girl was none other than my oshi, Komugitan.