Chapter 4:

In the Dark.

Shadow’s Pursuit

Taking a deep breath, Oliver tried to gather his thoughts. He couldn't stay in this cave forever, and he couldn't let the forest break his spirit. He needed to find a way out of Blackwood and continue his quest to confront the shadow.

With nothing but the torn fragments of his ancestor's journals and the lingering memories of his family's teachings, Oliver pressed on deeper into the cursed forest. The path was treacherous, and every step felt like a leap into the unknown. Strange creatures with twisted forms and glowing eyes lurked in the shadows, but Oliver dared not make a sound.

He ventured further into the heart of Blackwood, and noticed that the forest itself seemed to come alive with malevolence. Trees reached out with gnarled branches, attempting to ensnare him, while the ground shifted beneath his feet as if trying to swallow him whole. The forest whispered dark secrets in a language only Oliver could hear, ‘Death.’

Days turned into weeks as Oliver persisted through the relentless trials of Blackwood. He learned to forage for edible plants and find fresh water sources hidden within the forest's depths. Survival became a test of both his physical and mental strength. Both seemed to be slowly failing... the edible plants and fresh water gave him some strength, but they were not enough for the journey he had to go through.

As he continued to walk through the trees, his legs finally gave in as he fell to the ground on his face. Oliver lay on the forest floor, exhausted and defeated. His body ached, and his spirit waned, but he refused to give up. He had come too far and endured too much to let Blackwood break him. With sheer determination, he forced himself to his feet and stumbled forward.

The forest seemed to have no end, and despair threatened to consume him. But just when he thought he couldn't go on any longer, he heard a soft, melodious voice singing in the distance. It was a hauntingly beautiful tune that resonated deep within him, filling him with both hope and unease.

Following the enchanting melody, Oliver pushed forward, his one good eye scanning the surroundings for the source of the song. As he ventured deeper into the forest, the singing grew louder and more ethereal, pulling him closer like a siren's call.

And then, through the dense undergrowth, he saw her—an otherworldly figure with skin as pale as moonlight and hair as dark as the night. She wore a flowing gown that shimmered with an otherworldly glow, and her eyes were pools of endless darkness.

Approaching cautiously, Oliver spoke, "Who are you?"

The woman's singing ceased, and she turned to face him. Her eyes seemed to pierce into his very soul as she spoke in a voice that echoed, "I am the Nexus of Blackwood, the one who walks between. You are a lost soul, young one."

Oliver hesitated to take another step as questions ran through his mind. ‘The Nexus?’ he thought, ‘That can’t be right, its supposed to be a well of some kind...’ He hurriedly pulled out the poorly taped notes from his bag reading the Information on the Nexus once more, but he couldn’t make out what it was saying.

The Nexus looked at the boy with empathy. “You are hurting are you not?” Oliver stopped flipping through the pages as he remained silent. “I can see your soul is in pain.”

He looked up. “that doesnt matter...” He said as he looked at her. “I want to have my revenge on The Shadow.”

“Who is the shadow?”

“I dont know yet.”

“Why revenge?”

“I... He destroyed everything I loved...” Oliver replied, “The reason I came here was to find you... so you could give me the limitless power I need”

“But you are a child...” The Nexus replied stepping closer to Oliver as she grabbed him by the face.

“I DON’T CARE!” he screamed as he pulled away from her, “That thing took away my family, my friends, my eye...” A tear ran down his anguished face. “Just give me what I want, please...”

“...Will you be satisfied?”


“If you finally kill the shadow, will you be at peace?” the Nexus asked as she looked into his one good eye. Oliver, didn’t know how to respond to that statement, it should be as easy as yes, but it wasn’t.

However, as he closed his eye, he looked back at the stories his father told around the fire, the hugs his mother gave him, the laugh of his siblings. “Maybe not, but they will.” Oliver said as he opened his eyes once more.

The Nexus was still hesitant, but his face told her that leaving would not be possible without what he came for. Even if she made this place disappear, he would find her.

“Very well.” She said as she moved her fingers through the air. “I hope you find peace.”

A bright light engulfed the place which forced the boy to tighten his eye only to open them again as he was in front of the entrance to Blackwood forest once again.

He was a bit surprised the Nexus gave in so easily, but he didn’t dwell on it for too long. He checked his body for anything that could be related to an upgrade of sorts. Did he grow taller? is he faster? Is he stronger? Unfortunately, the answer to all these questions were a resounding no...

“So what did she do?” Oliver asked himself. He did notice his wounds were gone, and he could walk properly again. He had strength in his bones once more but that was it. His eye was still slashed, and his journals were nowhere to be found.

‘I dont understand...’Oliver stood still, completely flabbergasted.

The encounter with the Nexus had left him with more questions than answers, as far as he understood, the woman had done nothing to help besides tend to his ailments. He touched the bandage covering his slashed eye, a constant reminder of the pain and loss he had endured. He went through days maybe weeks in those woods always scared for his life, always tired, always starving, and now had come out with nothing to show for it. Nothing to help him kill his enemy.

“Fine!” He shouted at the forest, “I don’t need your help!” Oliver turned around and headed back to Wrenwood ‘FOR WHAT?’ You are probably wondering, simple answer, to take the remaining clothes and good food left and pray to his family’s graves once more.