Chapter 24:

Secret Training

Voice Academy Diaries

From Akira's Perspective

"By the way, you two," Alegris called out to me and Elise.

"What are you sneaking out of the dorm for every night? It’s not a rendezvous, is it?"

"It’s the talk of the girls' dorm. They’re saying you two might be in a relationship," Sonata chimed in.

"What are we doing? Well… training, I guess?"

"Training?! For what?!" Alegris and Sonata asked in unison.

"Well, magic," I replied.

"How boring," Sonata turned away, disinterested.

"Because Akira can only really use the whirlwind attack properly," Elise explained.

"Whirlwind? You mean the one taught in third grade?" Alegris was surprised.

"Well, it's actually a tenor version of the attack spell," I clarified.

"Huh, it’s amazing you even got into this school with that level. You didn’t use the back door, did you?"

"Hey! Alegris! Don't be rude," Sonata scolded.

"Sorry," Alegris apologized.

It was a conversation that stung more than it should.

In this world, just as Japanese students learn kanji every year, there are magic spells recommended for each grade level.

Coming from another world, I obviously lacked the basics.

That's why Elise was giving me special training in magic.

"You’re improving quickly. Maybe it’s because you have a good ear for music," she praised, but I couldn't tell if she was just being polite or if she meant it.

"So, what magic can you do now?" Alegris asked.

"Basic Fire!" Elise answered confidently.

"That? That’s the basic magic boys learn right after their voice changes. Are you sure you’re okay?"

"Oh, Basic Fire is a practical spell that grows stronger with vocal ability. Haven’t you heard? Those who laugh at basic will cry because of it."

"Still, relying on Basic as your main weapon... I think that’s a bit much."

Alegris had plenty to say.

But I didn’t have enough knowledge of magic to argue back.

"It’ll work out," I said, trying to sound confident.

"That’s right! That’s right! Don’t underestimate my Akira. It’s annoying!" Elise defended me.

"You guys really sound like a married couple," Sonata teased.

"We’re not married!" we both protested.

It was during this light-hearted banter that the train suddenly started to brake hard.
