Chapter 62:

Chicken Race and Athletics

Voice Academy Diaries

From the perspective of Elize, who has become Eric

Thanks to our full sprint on the eighth basement level, we managed to catch up with the leading group.

"Finally showed up, huh? Kept me waiting!" Allegro joked as he greeted us.

"Is it a confession? Are you finally confessing?" Sonata asked, referring to our conversation on the previous floor that everyone seemed to have overheard.

We continued to clear various floors: the monster-fighting floor, the puzzle-solving floor, and the athletics floor.

"Let you guys play the lion!" the top favorite, Largo, commanded, challenging us.

Akira seemed hesitant at first, so I encouraged him, "Go for it."

"Show them your overwhelming strength. You can do it. I guarantee it!" I assured him.

Akira's eyes steadied, and he nodded, "Okay!"

Leading the way, Akira helped us clear numerous floors.

Soon, the others began to show signs of panic.

"How deep are you guys planning to go? The next levels are dangerous! That's it, we're out!" one group bailed at the sixteenth basement level.

"That's enough! We've set a new record for the Giraffe Class beyond the twentieth floor! Be satisfied with that!"

"Exactly! Exactly!" Two more groups dropped out at the athletics area on the twenty-third floor.

The ability to play the lion role depended on the male voice magic users, while those following, the hyenas, were significantly impacted by the female voice magic users.

Without bragging, among those currently with us, I had the highest singing ability.

Sonata and Tenuto followed, but there was a significant gap in skill between us and them.

Yet, they both desperately kept up with us. The reason? Only the top two teams could advance to the Phoenix Class, a middle-tier class.

Whether they would advance to the next grade hinged on not dropping out here.

In the monster area, it was simply about the lions defeating powerful enemies, and in the puzzle-solving area, one just had to mimic the answers.

For the hyenas, the athletic area became a potential dropout point. Even those with limited physical abilities could compensate with female floating magic, but the challenge demanded sustained long tones and strong vocal projection, as well as precise breath control at critical moments.

Everyone managed the initial levels, but it gradually became more challenging.

"Don't push yourself too hard, Sonata! This isn't our last chance," I said.

"I know! I think I can keep up a bit longer," she replied.

The chicken race continued, and finally, on the twenty-ninth basement level, Largo and Tenuto gave up.

"That's enough! Tenuto, you did well! If we go any further, you'll ruin your voice!"

"Damn... I understand, though it's frustrating to drop out."

And with that, the advancement of our two teams was decided.

Allegro sighed in relief, but Akira was all fired up, "Now, let's dive even deeper."
