Chapter 2:

New World, New Allies

Point-Blank Ranger

Jayde moved swiftly through the dense forest, his senses guiding the way. Movement like this wouldn't have been possible in his previous world. He was swiftly moving from tree to tree when his senses picked something up. There was a group of four people walking in the distance. Using his eagle eye, Jayde got a closer look. The group consisted of three women and one man. From what he could see, they seemed to be pretty young. The male was clad in silver armor that looked heavy, there was also a long sword on his hip. The girl on the left was wearing white robes and held a staff in her right hand. The one on the right was wearing black robes, but they were much tighter than the white robes of her companion, and she was also without a staff. The last girl was wearing dark pants, a short-sleeved shirt, and a cape with a hood. She was also equipped with two daggers, one on each hip.

'It looks like they're headed to that town as well... Should I approach them? Nah, I'll watch from afar; perhaps I can learn more about this world from observing them. They could also be hostile, so there's no need to take any risk while I'm completely unarmed. I can't believe I was dropped here with nothing at all.' Jayde monologued, perching himself on a tree directly above him.

His stealth ability was allowing him to remain unnoticed, at least that's what he thought. When Jayde glanced away, the girl with the daggers was looking up at him in the trees.

"Hey guys..." the hooded-girl spoke, gaining the attention of her companions.

"What is it, Zenith?" the sole male of the group asked.

"Don't look up, there's someone watching us from above." Zenith confided.

"Are you sure, Z?" the white-robed girl asked, a glint of fear in her eyes.

"Yes, Celestia, I'm sure. I sensed them with my detection ability." she replied with confidence.

"Just point me in their direction, I'll burn them with my flames." the black-robed girl interjected, a slightly unhinged glint in her eye.

"You can't burn away all of your problems, Flarez," her male companion chided.

"Okay fine, what should we do then, Torin?" Flarez interrogated, crossing her arms and pouting.

"We should keep moving. They have not presented themselves as a threat. If they were to attack, we would be forewarned by Zenith. We need to make it to Aria before nightfall, the monsters at night around here are too dangerous." Torin commanded, a serious look on his face.

"Yes, Sir," Flarez sarcastically remarked.

Jayde continued to follow the group at a distance, unaware that they were already on to him. As the forest grew thicker, Jayde noticed movement in the underbrush around them. Upon looking closer, he saw the camouflaged beings. They were small in stature and had green skin.

'While I didn't play many games, I'm sure the green things are goblins... Should I warn them? Nah, I'll keep observing for now. I need to learn more about this world.' Jayde concluded, watching the events closely.

"Hey guys... " Zenith spoke, stopping the group again.

"What is it this time?" Flarez responded, an annoyed look on her face.

"There's enemies in every direction, prepare for an ambush." She answered in an even tone, drawing both of her daggers preparing for battle.

"You heard her... Watch each other's back. We promised to become adventures together." Torin commanded, confidently unsheathing his long-sword.

"I'll keep you guys safe." Celestia added, the tip of her staff beginning to emit a golden glow.

"Finally, I get to let loose!" Flarez exclaimed, small embers sparkling from her hands.

The group proceeded cautiously, their senses on high-alert. Suddenly, a group of goblins burst out of the underbrush. Brandishing crude weapons and shrieking battle cries. The party immediately fell into defensive stances.

The battle erupted with a flurry of motion. Torin charged in to engage them head-on, Celestia immediately casted her best support spell on her allies, Zenith stealthily faded into the underbrush, and Flarez immediately summoned a ball of fire in each hand, throwing them at every goblin she could.

Jayde watched the battle intently, analyzing each combatant's technique. They were holding their own against the horde, but the goblins had an overwhelming numbers advantage. His attention was drawn to the hooded-girl, she was very agile, and it was as if her presence was vanishing momentarily. She was taking out the goblins one by one, but he could see her starting to fatigue. Looking towards the others, Jayde could see their stamina waning as well. However, the goblins weren't faring much better. Their numbers had dwindled to about a dozen, a fraction of the initial horde.

'Hmmm... seeing real magic is intriguing... I wonder, how much will I be able to use? Ehh... that's a question for later. Wait, what's that?' Jayde deliberated, before noticing a metal glint.

There was a goblin perched on a nearby tree. It was equipped with a bow and arrow. The beast had its sights trained on the humans below, specifically the girl clad in white robes. Zenith was busy taking on three goblins, she couldn't detect the foe up in the trees.

'Guess I've watched long enough,' Jayde remarked internally, leaping from his perch.

Just as the Archer Goblin was preparing to take the shot, Jayde came flying in with a perfectly aimed kick, completely crushing the goblins head against the tree. After wiping its green blood from his face, he grabbed the archer's bow and arrows.

[Weapon Equipped]: Crude Bow - Pitifully weak bow crafted by goblins; Damage boosted by 50%

'Guess I should try it out.' Jayde decided, nocking an arrow and drawing the string back. He aimed for a goblin on the forest floor, but his shot went wide, narrowly missing the white-robed girl.

'SHIT!' Jayde cursed internally, eyes wide with panic as he watched the arrow zip past the girls head.

"What the-?!" Celestia yelped, ducking instinctively.

The group looked up to see Jayde in the tree, bow in hand.

"Who are you?!" Torin shouted, but was attacked by the goblins before he could receive an answer.

Jayde leapt down from the tree, landing smoothly on the forest floor. He immediately dropped the bow on the ground, preparing to fight with his hands. Jayde made his way to Zenith first, kicking one of the goblins in the back, severing its spine. Then sending a right hook to the jaw of another goblin, twisting its head around. Before he could finish the last one, Zenith cut it down with her daggers.

Zenith looked at the newcomer and simply said, "We'll talk after this is over."

Jayde responded with a curt nod, then dashed off towards the last of the goblins, Zenith in pursuit. With the five of them working together, the last nine goblins were handled easily. After the battle was over, a notification appeared in front of Jayde.

[Experience Gained]:

Goblins Defeated: 6

Total Experience Gained: 120

You Leveled Up!

Level 1 -> Level 2

Stat Points Awarded: 5

Inventory Unlocked!

'I'll have to take a look at this later... ' Jayde rationalized, preparing himself for the upcoming interrogation.

"Now that the goblins are out of the way, who are you?" Torin inquired, a stoic expression on his face.

"The name's Jayde, and uhh... I'm not from around here." He introduced, before turning towards Celestia and offering a small bow, "I truly am sorry for almost hitting you with that arrow, it was my first time using a bow."

"It's fine Jayde." Celestia offered with a warm smile.

"What the hell? He could have killed you!" Flarez admonished, glaring daggers at Jayde.

"He gave me an apology." Celestia rebutted, her nose up in the air and her arms crossed.

"Why were you following us?" Zenith interjected, offering a blank stare.

"Honestly, I have no idea where I am, and you guys were the first people I came across. I didn't approach sooner because I was being cautious." Jayde replied, staring directly back into her eyes.

"Okay then, why follow us if you're so 'cautious'?" Zenith interrogated, making air quotes when saying cautious.

"I saw that you were headed to the town in that direction." Jayde answered pointing towards Aria. "I'm headed there as well, and I was using you guys as a guide to how things work around here."

"Alright that is enough." Torin stated, "He put his life on the line to aid us, and his answers seemed truthful. We should introduce ourselves. I am Torin Dragonhammer, I am a Paladin." Extending his hand towards Jayde.

Jayde accepted the handshake, "Jayde Starfell, since you used your family name. Oh... and I'm a Ranger." He added, before realizing just how big Torin is. 

'I'm pretty tall myself, but he makes me feel short. He's gotta be over two meters tall.' Jayde thought, the perspective from up in the trees deceiving him. He also studied Torin's physical appearance, observing his slightly tanned skin, blue eyes, and light brown hair.

"I'm Celestia Starrose, a Priest! Thank you for helping us." She established in a bubbly tone, a warm smile on her face.

"It's nice to meet you, Celestia." Was the response from Jayde as he began to take in Celestia's appearance. 'She's a cute girl... Those golden eyes glow with innocence, and her golden hair frames her face perfectly. She's shorter than I thought.'

"My name is Zenith Silvershade, I'm an Assassin Class. I appreciate your assistance, but I don't trust you." She introduced with a calm demeanor, a slight frown tugging at her lips.

"It's a pleasure, Zenith." Jayde declared simply, slightly wary of her feelings towards him. Her appearance did interest him. 'She's absolutely beautiful, her cool exterior fits her features. Those violet eyes just draw you in, and the silver accents in her raven hair add to her allure.'

"Flarez, a Sorcerer." The last of the group introduced herself, a mistrusting look on her face.

"It's lovely to meet you, Flarez." Jayde supplied with a curt nod. Her appearance was the most interesting by far. 'Whoa... She has real crimson hair, and her beautiful face is headlined by her eyes, one crimson, and the other emerald.'

"Now that the introductions are out of the way, we should loot these goblins and be on our way. It will be nighttime soon." Torin commanded, taking the dagger from one of the slain goblins and putting it in his inventory.

'Hmmm... that dagger just disappeared. I suppose that must be his inventory." Jayde concluded, reaching for the bow he dropped earlier. The status screen popped up after he picked it up. The bow disappeared from his hands after he thought about adding it to his inventory.

Item added to inventory!

Capacity: 1/20 - (Only 5 five slots can be used for weapons)

'Okay... that's convenient.' Jayde remarked internally as he began to loot the other deceased goblins.

After they finished looting the goblins, the newly formed group could be seen walking towards Aria at a brisk pace. The warm glow of the sun setting cast over the group. Jayde was walking a few paces behind the group, he noticed Zenith stealing glances towards him. He was curious as to why, but his curiosity was sated when she spoke.

"Jayde, you declared that you were a Ranger, correct?"

"Yeah, why?" Jayde questioned back.

"Well, Ranger's are supposed to have excellent aim, and you were so inaccurate, you almost hit Celestia." Zenith explained, staring into his soul.

Jayde could only wince at her words, he knew she was completely right.

"Also, you are proficient in hand-to-hand combat, much better than anyone I've seen. Ordinarily, Ranger's are exempt from learning such skills. You are an enigma." Zenith added for good measure.

"Honestly, I didn't know I was a Ranger. Where I come from, we had no knowledge of our classes. That's why I've trained all my life to fight with my fist." Jayde explained.

"Trained?" Torin interjected, his tone confused.

"Yeah, you don't train your sword skills?" Jayde inquired, one eyebrow raised.

"No, the fastest way to improve is through leveling up and acquiring additional skills. The training you speak of would take much longer." Torin replied, Flarez and Celestia tuning into the conversation now.

"Hmmm... I suppose if you can learn by leveling up, it would be more efficient. What level are you guys? I'm level two." Jayde questions the group.

"I am level 3." Torin was the first to answer.

"I'm level 2!" Celestia chimed in, holding two fingers up in a peace sign.

"I'm level 4." Flarez replied with a smirk.

"I'm level 4 as well." Zenith answered last.

"So, you guys are beginners as well?" Jayde inquired.

"Yeah, of course! You can only officially level up once you turn fifteen years old." Celestia cheerfully added.

"Right... so you're all fifteen?"

"No, I am seventeen years old, Celestia is fifteen, Flarez is sixteen, and Zenith is sixteen as well. We all promised to become adventures together as children, which is why we waited for Celestia to turn fifteen," Torin explained in response to Jayde's question.

"That's nice, you four must be really close." Jayde admired, seeing the gates of Aria he spoke again. "Look, I can see the gate."

"How can you see that far? I can barely see outskirts." Flarez asked with an incredulous look on her face.

"It's just my eagle eye." He responded immediately, a slight smirk on his face.

As they drew closer to Aria, Jayde felt a slight sense of joy welling within him. He was in a new world that was bound to be full of challenges, and he had already met some people that he could call allies in the future, depending on if they saw him that way too. It was only a matter of time until they reached the gates of Aria. That's when his true adventure would begin.
