Chapter 1:

Blue Neon

Red Pretender

The year is 3002, and the world lives in harmony under translucent, high-tech shields. Each city is encased in its own shield, with tubes and tunnels that enable travel at incredible speeds. Even nature has become digital; people walk right through virtual trees and plants. Digital flowers aren’t just for decoration, they fill the air with a beautiful fragrance.

Mark, a white-haired introvert, is preparing to design a vast digital field of flowers. On Earth, all cities have evolved to the point where there are no schools. People are learning independently, storing knowledge in memory chips, or they buy chips preloaded with useful data. Mark, always busy with some project, is working today on a new "flower field" chip, which he plans to fill with red and many shades of blue flowers. A tribute to his feelings for Neon, a blue-haired extrovert who is positive, popular, and kind.

Mark lives in Vena, a city famous for its red shields that define the city’s boundaries. These shields, each city’s unique color, provide benefits like air purification, protection, energy gathering, and support for transportation tubes and tunnels.

After finishing the flower field on his chip, Mark places it in a ground port, making it visible to everyone around. He calls his friend Layla to check it out. Layla, a long-time friend (or so it seems), blushes with excitement on the call; she can’t wait to see what Mark has created. She quickly changes into the latest fashion using her clothing brand Microchip, then steps into the tube in her room, which will transport her from Pink City, Oza, to Mark’s location in Vena.

When Layla sees him, her eyes sparkle with excitement, and she admires how handsome he is. She thinks to herself that she needs to calm down, so she activates her relaxation Microchip to prevent Mark from noticing her racing heart.

As Layla studied the flowers, she caught the softness in Mark’s gaze, a look that made her hope. But then, as if sensing her thoughts, he turned away and began talking about how perfect it would showing these flowers to Neon. Layla forced a smile, trying to be happy for him, even though quiet emotions stirred in her heart, wondering if maybe, just maybe, Mark could feel something for her too.

Ash and Luke walked into the field through the transporting tunnel, laughter echoing behind them. Luke, with his strong, athletic frame, exuded confidence, his gaze drawn to the blue flowers, the perfect tribute to Neon. 

As they approached, Ash smiled warmly at Layla, his thoughtful eyes shimmering with unspoken connection. "Hey, we saw you on this friend gathering app BikBok on our chips and figured we’d drop by since we had some free time,' he said, glancing at Mark and field of flowers.

Mark offered a friendly smile but felt a sudden urge to defend his choice. "What’s wrong with gardening in the year of 3000? Someone has to keep these digital flowers in line!"

The group erupted into laughter, Ash chuckling, "Yeah, because that’s what everyone thinks of when they picture the future gardening!"

Luke added with a smile, "You know, I was expecting laser tag, Giant digital waterfall or something cool, not a digital botanical garden!" 

Mark rolled his eyes playfully. "Hey, even in a high-tech world, someone has to nurture beauty! Or else, it’s just all circuits and chaos. Besides, I can’t have you two stealing my gardening thunder he he." 

Their laughter echoing through the vibrant field, lightening the mood and reminding them that even in a digital age, friendships could bloom in the most unexpected places.

Mark was looking at the sky and admiering that subtle red glow from the Vena's city shilds. But his thoughts were filled with excitment of showing Neon his creation. He was imagining her vibrant smile lighting up the scene, a stark contrast to his quiet world. 

Meanwhile, in the vibrant blue city of Lava, where blue shields were shining in the sunlight, Neon was out with her friends, laughter ringing through the air like music. She tossed her vibrant hair back, her smile infectious as she debated the benefits of wearing digital outfits versus real ones. "Honestly, who needs fabric when you can just change your look with a thought? But if I had to wear actual clothes, I’d just wear my pajama chips everywhere. Comfort over style, right?” Neon said.

 Her friends giggled, one chiming in, “But what would your fans think? One of the greatest model and actress rocking pajamas on the blue carpet?" Neon winked at the imaginary audience, as if breaking the fourth wall. "Hey, if they can make pajamas look this good, maybe I’ll start a trend!" Just imagine: This season’s must have is digital pijama wear! Perfect for your next HoloDinner or if you just want to impress your couch.

As Neon laughed with her friends, her mind drifted to the guys in her life. Luke was amazing on the ballyball (futuristic volleybal) field, showcasing his skills, while Ash engaged in a lively debate about the meaning of life. Mark, the quiet artist in their group, had always been working on something.

"I am so happy that Layla is enjoying flower field, I can’t wait to finish my digital oil painting for that big gathering on the Bittwer app," Mark said, with hint of excitment in his voice. "Maybe I could show this digital flower field to Neon as well later."

Luke raised an eyebrow, intrigued but also protective. "You’re really excited about this one, huh? You know, if you want to impress Layla, maybe I could take Neon to the side when we all come here.

Mark looked a bit taken aback but smiled, unaware of Luke's subtle matchmaking. "Yeah, that could work. But, um, it’s really for Neon. I want to show her what I created."

Ash, leaning in chimed in, "Maybe it’s a win-win! Luke gets to hang out with Neon, and you get to focus on Layla and your art, Mark. Besides, Layla might appreciate your work more if she sees it through Neon’s eyes."

Luke nodded, feeling a mix of hope and determination. "Exactly! Just think of it as giving everyone a chance to shine."

As the laughter from Ash and Luke faded, Mark felt a mix of excitement and tension. He wanted to show Neon this digital flower field, but his heart raced and he also felt nervous. What would that mean for his friendship with Layla?

"Just remember, Luke," Mark said, trying to sound casual, "if you are left alone with Neon on the flower field, make sure to point out how much effort I put into it. You know, the whole "artistry" angle!" You know, I’m basically the ‘Naruto of Flower Fields."

"I will, but maybe I’ll leave that Naruto part out, Mark, "Luke said, laughing.

 "Look at Layla, just making snow angels in this digital flower field!” Ash said with a smile.

 "Go to her now Mark and invite her on a real date after you finish your digital oil painting,” Luke urged. 

Mark forced a chuckle but felt the weight of the moment. Luke genuinely believed Mark liked Layla, and he was grateful for that. However, the thoughts of Neon was going through his mind.

Ash was looking around the field and the three of them walked up to Layla. Ash looked at Layla smiled and said, " Do you know why the digital flower break up with his partner?" Everyone stared at him in silent confusion until he exclaimed " Because it couldn't handle all the bugs in the relationship."

Leyla's loud laughter filled the air, and in that moment, Ash felt something unexpected shifted inside him, a spark he hadn't expected.

Navigating this tangled web of emotions was proving to be more challenging than designing this digital flower field. 

In vibrant, high-tech world where everything seems harmonious, each friend wrestled with thoughts that could turn ther life upside down. With laughter and high octane emotions swirling around them, will their bounds whitstand the unexpected twist of romance and friedship that lay ahead.
