Chapter 1:
Newton's Empire
Hello, Dear Friend,
My name is Lord John Kepler the Third. But being the astute reader you are, you would have noticed this by looking at this chapter's title. You are probably wondering why I'm addressing you at a time like this. Breaking the fourth wall, as you might call it. Well, reader.... Some things will become apparent as you keep reading. Let's get some key things out of the way first. You need to understand who I really am and the kind of world I live in.
I am John Kepler, the great great [insert a lot of great's here] grandson of Johannes Kepler. My great grandfather, being a scientist of great renown. As such, I serve as a High Lord on the Scientific Assembly. This is where all money is allocated to research and to where our laws are passed. Each High Lord can make a motion for the other High Lords to consider. There are thirteen High Lords in total. For the law to ascend to the heavens, it must have the consent of nine. From there, it would be received by Isaac Newton, the living and immortal god of our world.
Newton, having discovered the gift of immortality, transcended into godhood in 1785. From there, Newton spent the next five hundred years building the scientific community and changing the world from the one you are living in now.
Oh, yes... I know about your world. I may be one of the few. Let these pages be our way to traverse worlds between yours and mine, at least for the time being. For now, let's change our reality.
I'm the only person with one of these left. Make sure not to tell anybody. Tesla's Plasma Globe. This was the only object that could be seen in the dark space between. The purple and bluish lights running along the insides of the perfect glass globe. All I needed to do was reach out my hand to go back. Go back to when, exactly... How many days had I spent inside this realm communicating with you, Dear Friend...
Time to go back to my reality.
I touched the globe. In an instant, I was back. On the dusty old table, a smaller replica of the larger globe (the one that was found in the in between spaces.) This globe no longer sparked. It has lost its power coil from my recent use. It would take me a while to find one. No one could use the globe with the proper coil. And getting a coil wasn't easy. To be on the safe side, I left the globe in this old and unused house. It wasn't safe to keep this on my person. I had to have faith that nobody would rummage through this useless place.
But even so, who would really know what this was. And without the coil.... No. It was safe here. I had to trust that My Friend on the other side had understood my last message. It was too bad I could never have a proper conversation with them. I never heard a word back, but they knew. They knew of this place and this time.
Kepler's Ring - The metal disk that went around the Earth. The Earth, having been left to preserve its perfect nature, was now enclosed in a glass dome. The deep, dark blue oceans and large green spaces are clearly visible from the Ring. The only humans left were the ancient, unadvanced tribes who still lived in harmony with nature. And the researchers... Those who could get approval to go to Earth. I had never been there myself. I had spent most of my life on the Ring, with the occasional trips to Mars or Venus.
The Ring served another purpose besides hosting most of human life. The Ring had replaced the moon. It is documented that the moon had gradually left the Earth's orbit about one hundred years ago. Instead of trying to keep it in orbit, the High Lords at the time decided to enhance the Ring's ability to function as the moon's gravitational force. The tides kept flowing the same. The birds flew where birds were supposed to fly.
That was someone's voice.
Lord William Einstein the First - The great great [I think you understand the point I'm making here] grandson of Albert Einstein (The man had originally tried to defy our God by inventing a great and powerful weapon... Though no one knew much about the weapon he tried to make. It was a running theory of mine that My Friend, who read my notes, knew of this weapon quite well.)
William Einstein looked nothing like the famous portraits of his great grandfather. His short black hair was combed back neatly, and he had an affinity for wearing a white lab coat, even outside a lab. (Though that seemed to be a common trend recently, most casual wear consisted of being light brown business suits with dark black shoes.)
"Lord Kepler, I have been trying to track you down for the last three days."
"What is the date?"
"Nice try avoiding my question."
It has been a serious question. At least I knew I had been in the dark space for three days, but it could have been longer than that. Last time, I had been gone for six days. I only knew that Einstein had been looking for me for three days. That wasn't enough to determine the exact timeline of things.
"You missed the last calling. I got a little worried."
"The last calling!" I almost gasped. Had a month already passed? It couldn't be possible. I couldn't panic. I needed to know more details. Asking Einstein would be too risky. It would be easier to get a copy of today's electronic tablet. I would make a point to rent one later.
"Don't fret; it's not like you missed too much. We all just thought you got lost in one of your scientific adventures again. Though it is nice to include friends in your little schemes."
"I'm working on something..." That was the right path. Research was of paramount importance in this world after all.
"Well, keep me in the loop. I wouldn't mind my name being added to a paper. I haven't been credited in quite some time."
Oh, yes, being credited in an outstanding paper. The best way to game fame in this world. Famous writers even got to meet Newton himself. Though I had never aspired to meeting God. I had other things to keep me occupied. Like exploring what the dark space really was. A realm outside time.
Perhaps... No, thinking about it was to much... But if there was a way. I would like to discover the secret to Newton's immortality myself. Even though I was young, I was terrified of dying.
I will find a way to defeat Death... And perhaps I too can transcend to Godhood.
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