In a world shaped by Arcanos — mystical symbols granted by ancient beasts — Mey Hell, a blind warrior, possesses sensory abilities that surpass human limits. She senses every presence, reads thoughts, and anticipates movements with terrifying precision. Her quest for vengeance leads her to Caelan...
In a land of magic, angels, and beasts; Ivy is a sweet and shy girl who has no recollection of who she was before the age of twelve when she was found by Sakura, a hot tempered and hardheaded fox demon with a penchant for violence. For years they’ve traveled in search of answers to the girl’s pas...
With her homeland ravaged by famine and war, and her sister relying on her, Ashley Liam, a thief by trade, undertakes a desperate mission assigned by the thieves' guild. While searching for treasure in the former capital of a neighboring land, now a necropolis filled with roaming undead, Ashle...
Aris von Frez, the last heir of the prestigious Custodian family and a member of the mysterious Order of the Black Lily, embarks on a dangerous mission within the enigmatic realm known as the Custodian Breach. With deep ties to this world, Aris is burdened by his family's legacy and the responsib...
Albino is an entity beyond space and time. He saw the birth and death of many worlds, of many deities, and of many who are like him - an Albion of the Albiverse, something like the incarnations of all of existence. Albino has lived for far longer than any mortal could ever dream of, but he has...
'Sinner of the Spades' takes place in an alternate early 20th century, at the turn of industrial advancement. Set in a world where one Empire rules over the majority of the western continent, the world is ravaged by the aftereffects of a great war. It is a world of tragedy, of longing for wealth...
Sora, a PhD student, was followed by people all her life, not knowing the reason for it. Yoshio, a tengu, who lived in Japan for centuries, seeks revenge for a forgotten past. Sora, unknowingly has a crimson aura, actually is a magnet for yokai, who want to eat her up, with the power she apparent...
This story is about a older brother and his little sister traveling the world together getting out of a monotonous life. Or I'm pretty sure this is my train of thought writing page so it could really go anywhere! All feedback is appreciated though please be nice.
After the bloodbath that was the Tournament of Scions, Arson must set out to find a man his new master searches for. Even this feat ends up becoming far more than Arson expected it to be. Instead of getting to explore the dungeon school that birthed the genius ability that is his mother’s own por...
I mean, the protagonist in most novels is a strong, morally upright guy, right? But what if the main character of this tale is reincarnated as a villain? Can he eliminate the main character who possesses an infinite amount of plot armor and high luck points? Jack Williams must come to terms wi...