Jekyll Hustuar

Jekyll Hustuar

Greetings all, I am Jekyll Hustuar. My planned web novels to be posted here are to be done in a sort of classical book style and inspiration from authors you may know such as Robert Louis Stevenson and Jules Verne all whilst drawing from anime and manga inspiration such as plot devices in equal measure.

I hope you may find interest in my works and choose to give them a read. With that, thank you and enjoy what I may present to you.

registered at: Jun 08, 2023
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    Novel Cover Upload Level 1


    NAPOLEON; Emperor of Another World

    Many individuals who are sent to another world by means of death and gain fantastic powers and abilities. But one is much, much different than that. Enter Edmond Cieutal, a university student in France who is a fanatic for all things related to Napoleon Bonaparte and everything within the ti...

    Updated: Jun 11, 2023
    ActionFantasyHistoricalIsekaiMilitary / War