

I'm a big fan of the isekai genre and while I do say that, I'm not a big fan of the lackluster of isekai animes, mangas and light novels that are coming out.

I don't know why or how but these isekai with long titles that basically tells their plot in general getting an anime adaption is very mind-blowing in a bad way. I expected more from the studios in Japan for bringing a good isekai but only a few managed to pique my interest.

Re:Zero and...wait, excluding the good old isekai animes, there isn't really much. The only isekai light novel that kept me within its grasps is MobuSeka (The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs), I guess that explains everything.

Anyway, I'm striving to become a good isekai author which brings new, creative and good isekai stories that doesn't follow the lines of isekai stories created nowadays.

My first story is an isekai, but a different one. Enjoy it!

registered at: Jun 04, 2020
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    Time(Daily access) Level 2


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    Sudohara Kitou, a loner in school with zero reputation. In all of his life, he never had once made connections other than his family. The reason for this is because people are afraid of him because how mean and angry he looks akin to a delinquent. But he didn’t mind it, he has VR Social World to ...

    Updated: Aug 26, 2020