Chapter 2:
The Electric Heart Club!
Day 1: Daiki's POV
Time seemed to slow down when that new transfer girl called out to him. Her pose, her smirk and her attitude terrified the heck out of him. In his mind, when he saw the name Sakura yesterday on his watch, his mind immediately went to quiet, polite and kind. He never imagined it would be a...
"Why are you stuck staring at me bro?" She commented, her head tilted as if beckoning him to walk to her to the front of the class.
Bro?? Wait I need help I don't know what to do! Let me check out with Kenzo!
Much like in the past on instinct when Daiki felt like he was not sure what to do, he glanced over to Kenzo, begging him using their friend telepathy for help.
Kenzo was shooting him a large smirk and winking in his direction, completely misreading his desperate plea for help.
Ah crap, I forgot Kenzo finds dominant girls hot, so he thinks I should be enjoying this moment! But I am terrified!
Daiki felt he at that moment had no choice but to follow Sakura, who was shooting him a glare as he was taking a really long time to make his way to the front. (Unfortunately, Daiki at this moment really wished he was in an anime where he could force time to stretch forever and not have to face this girl).
The teacher piped up at this moment, Daiki sighed a sigh a relief thinking he was safe.
"Well Miss Sakura, it seems Daiki is not interested in this conversation, it would be nice if you could find yourself a seat and get ready as the first class is about to start..."
"Well I have a medical condition where I need to spend some time on the school rooftop and I also need my boyfriend for emotional support as I overcome my panic attack" Sakura rattled off nonchantly.
"I'm sorry what??" The teacher was blinking, thinking of the crazy excuse she just made up but he could not say anything else as Sakura had grabbed Daiki's wrist and gently dragged him with her outside the class. The scene looked straight out of a shoujo manga, with the roles reversed as Daiki was blushing furiously as Sakura took him by her gentle grip up to the roof, a face of determination as she took powerful strides to her destination.
This would have been the ideal place for something dramatic happening, the school rooftop is a famous place in stories for a reason, usually though it would lead to some heart warming confession as the camera pans across the place and gentle music plays.
Daiki felt whatever this confession was going to be was going to be the complete opposite of gentle. Sakura now had him alone on the school rooftop, her arms crossed as she seemed to be studying him.
"Uhh, Miss...what are we doing here?"
"You can call me by my first name, we are lovers after all"
"please forgive me for not jumping at the chance, you have been nothing but intimidating..." Daiki mumbled, his worry increasing as she has yet to address why they were standing on the roof here.
Sakura chuckled, seeing his discomfort (seriously? this was giving him middle school flashbacks, if it were not for Kenzo....) he stalled that thought, knowing that a dramatic flashback needed good timing for it to have maximum effect.
"Well you see pretty boy, we both are meant to be in a relationship, and the watch on our wrists are meant to be pointing out the person we are supposed to be in love with and all, but I did not want to embarrass you in front of your class and all, but I got to say I don't feel that magic spark with you." Sakura said all as if it was a matter of fact.
Daiki took in what she said before nodding in agreement with her, "Well I do have to say I have been feeling that we did go off a wrong start...but isn't the watch meant to showcase who we are meant to be the most compatible with? It doesn't mean we have to be instantly in love or whatever..."
"What stupid crap are you yapping about?" Sakura shut him down.
"Haven't you read any of those shoujo mangas? Or any like romcoms and stuff? Love at first sight is very real and I haven't felt it with you".
Sakura was not budging with this, in fact she was staring all serious face at Daiki as if waiting for his response.
Daiki gawked at her for a few seconds before he could compose himself enough to answer "You do realise all those are fictional? Love does not work like that at all..."
Sakura then suddenly shot him a grin, before she ripped out a large laugh, her hand on her belly as she crouched from the intense laughter that erupted from her. Daiki froze what he was saying and was fearing for his life, thinking that correcting her probably woke her alter ego and he was now going to die.
"Holy crap! I cannot believe you thought I was that naïve enough to believe that love works like that??"
Sakura was now trying to bring herself to be composed again, wiping tears from her eyes from the laughter.
"God, you should have seen your stupid face trying to explain love to me..."
OK, now Daiki was mad.
"No hold on, you literally dragged me up here, saying we do not have a spark, I have no idea where you are from, who you are, what your type of humour is, actually you could also have escaped some crazy place and decided to be the real Sakura or something! My point is this is all overwhelming and you could have killed me from the pressure!"
"Kill?? Pressure??" Sakura erupted in another fit of laughter before she started mimicking Daiki's angry rant, which was pissing off Daiki more, his frown digging deeper into his face.
"Yes! I could have idk some ADHD ultra mode or something and could have collapsed"
"OMG what are you talking about!"
"Idk anymore! Can we go back to class you sicko!"
Sakura finally managed to grab a hold of herself as she now seemingly dropped her stone cold exterior and now held a warm smile on her face. Daiki was super pissed right now but could admit to himself that she definitely looked really pretty when she was not acting like a jerk.
"Well you failed the test anyways for now, I was tryna bait you and see how your banter was, it seems you got so spooked you could not banter back, not that I mind that, that is something we can improve the more time we spend..." Sakura then took a moment to lean in super close to Daiki, who froze up seeing how close she was to him. They were a few meters apart when they were talking, but now she was a mere few inches from him. She softly placed a finger on his lip, her face really close to his as she leaned upwards, his height forcing him to look downwards to meet her halfway.
"Being this close to you, you do have some amazing eyes Daiki..." her eyes scanning his made him start to blush up like crazy. Her finger was still on his lips as she continued "save those angry lips of yours for when we get to know each other better, cmon we got some class to go to..."
Sakura then drew back from him, and made her way to the staircase that would take them down to their class, humming a tune as she smirked to herself as she made her way down. Daiki stood still for a few seconds, analysing what went down on the rooftop before realising he was all alone and decided to quickly go down the stairs to catch up on the class that must be going on right now
Dammit I was too intimidated, next time I will be prepared he thought as he made his way down the stairs...
Hold up, next time?
The rest of the day was a daze for Daiki. The girls in the class were drilling him for answers, trying to get him to talk about what the whole deal was in the morning, their eyes showing their envy of the new girl having Daiki all to herself. Their boyfriends would have took their anger out on Daiki if they had the chance for stealing the girls attention, but they were too intimidated by Sakura to make a move. Sakura herself cracked her knuckles and send a glare whenever she felt some guy had some bad intentions with Daiki.
Daiki really wanted Kenzo's help with this, but when he was looking for his best friend, it seemed he was in the sick bay for some odd reason. Daiki was not sure what went down but apparently it was some fight the moment Daiki was dragged out of class. He was not sure with who, so he could not find talk to his friend and was locked in with his thoughts in the morning for the rest of the school day.
He managed to finally see his friend at the end of the school day, he was beaming despite having what seemed like a bandage wrapped around his head.
"Kenzo!! Where were you buddy! What happened to your forehead!?" Daiki rushed to his best friend, they were at the front of the school gate like they were in the morning, this time Daiki was the one running to Kenzo.
Kenzo was just smirking and shook his head before replying "Bro don't worry, I got into a small brawl with some annoying dude right after you left, nothing important. I am really curious though about your time with your girlfriend, I am so jealous of you bro, she was crazy in the good way!"
Just as Daiki expected, she was totally his type.
"Well as long as you are ok Kenzo, I am lost..."
"Why? What's up bro?"
"It's just...she and me are so far apart in compatibility. Granted we had one conversation, but we are thinking in pretty much different wavelengths, and that is with not even factoring in whatever my parents would think about this...they were under the impression she was going to be some daughter of some person who was in the same tax bracket as my parents..."
Kenzo let out an 'ahh' realising his friends dire situation, he then grabbed his friends hand and dropped to one knee.
"What" Daiki was confused.
"Daiki, my dearest friend, I have a proposal to you..."
"Omg boys? in love?? are they proposing?!"
A few of the girls walking by as they were leaving school started to crowd around the two boys, waiting to see this spectacle.
"Aw hell...what are you doing Kenzo??" Daiki was really confused now. "You must have hit your head really hard!"
"Not hard enough" Kenzo seductively said those words as Daiki died from the cringe inside and the crowd around them squealed.
"Daiki, my best friend, my proposal is that you join my newly formed club!"
"Huh?" This was not going where Daiki was expecting it to go.
The crowd all moaned in disappointment as they started to disperse, ignoring the couple now.
"Why did you do all that drama if you wanted me to join your club?" Daiki asked, bringing Kenzo up to his feet.
Kenzo smirked before responding, "it was meant to be funny, meant to get eyes on us and meant to get the word out. This cringe display will now be the talk of the school tomorrow, alongside the news of me opening a club, I want you to join it though, as I think I can help focus and fix your confusion, and your heart issues, because that is exactly what this club is!"
"A love club?"
"An Electric Heart Club! A club to solve heart and love issues! A place where outcasts and confused people like us can feel safe and free!"
"Outcasts? what do you mean Kenzo?"
Kenzo let out a sigh as he got slightly serious before answering honestly.
"I was referring to myself, my LifeHelper did not assign me with a lover, I am an unloved one."
Daiki suddenly became super serious and grabbed his best friend's shoulders.
"Are you serious?? You are not joking? I am so sorry Kenzo! I did not mean to be talking about my love issues if you haven't....why though? You are an amazing person!"
Kenzo smiled at his friend as he felt his care very strongly, his concern was very much appreciated.
"That is what this club is for bro, to solve my thing, and to help anyone else going through love issues, even if they have a special someone like yourself..."
Daiki took a breath and stared into Kenzo's eyes. He saw the determination in his friend's eyes and knew that they both needed this. For each other and for themselves.
Daiki then slowly nodded before verbalising his agreement.
"I, Daiki, will accept to be a member at your Electric Heart Club."
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