Chapter 1:

Delivery #1| Lovely Delivery

Special Delivery!

In the year 2035 the world has advanced farther than people would have thought, however not all cities upgraded alongside the rest of the world. Some cities such as Snail City still have human deliveries. . .

The long haired, unrelenting swordsman was badly hurt, using his sword as a crutch to hold himself up. As cowboy gunslinger stared at him with a smirk, of confidence.

The Gunslinger lit a cigar and puffed it, and spoke with his southern drawl, "Why bring a bigger knife to a gunfight?"

The Swordsman struggled to stand up straight, bullet holes throughout his body,My blade is eternal, I will cut you down, bringing hon-”. He couldn’t finish before he was shot by the gunslinger, revealing the hole in the swordsman's head.

Nothing but a big knife and small talk”, the gunslinger said as he walked away, similar into the distance of the setting sun as the wind blew and smoke trailing behind him. Credits falling over a still screen like a classic movie.

Susu jumped up from her seat in annoyance, "are you serious, it was set up that the swordsman would win, not the cowboy!"

Her friend and colleague Topangi chimed in, “Boss Lady Cade got these movies on sale for a reason, the manga didn’t end like that”.

Susu looked at Topangi who had a headset on his head playing a game, “Where can I read it?”, she asked with curiosity.

She stared at Topangi while he played his game inside his headset, to her, he was just lying there.

 “Oh, you can’t”, he said in a very matter-of-fact tone, trying to end the conversation.

"WHAT, why not?", Susu sulked, hearing this hoping there would be a better outcome.

Topangi took off his headset and groaned, "the world data wipe, we learned this in school". Before people would easily read it on their computer and phones, but now we are stuck with physicals copies, and of course those are almost more expensive than buying a band new pair of eyes.

"Speaking of eyes, one of your eyes are glowing", she said patting his head, "glad to see you have 50% back." 

"It's off again", Topangi said before flopping back on his beanbag.

"Oh, we'll about that manga, I think th-", Susu was interrupted by the boss lady Cade bursting through the doors, "speaking of manga, I have a job for you".

"Did you wait by the door that entire time so you could burst though and-". Cade quickly put her fingers to her lips, signaling a hush motion with a wink toward Susu. 

"I managed to squeeze an extra delivery in today. You’ll be delivering some manga.", she sat on the only hovering chair in the room. I didn't over very far off the ground, each seating spot in the room was different from one another, but it gave the room more character that way.

Cade gives a glowing thumbs up, "I'm sure you both can do a great job with this, the other two haven't been in for a few days, and I'm starting to get worriedbut work must go on."

"Besides these could be lifelong customers, I’m happy they choose our service instead of.", Cade paused and gave a dramatic sinister look, 


Reader's note: Cade refused to even speak the name of their only other rival, even the thought of them made her repulsed. 

Susu was confused and then had a moment of immediate clarityOH, You mean Big sh-”

Cade interrupted before Susu could finish the name, putting her finger to Susu's lips.

 “You’ll get triple pay, which I know you both need”, Susu jumped up ready to take on the mission.  “Sounds good ma’am, give me the direction and off I go!”

Cade smiled and pointed over at Topangi“Right glad to hear you're ready for the job, but you do have to take Topangi along. You’ll be passing through a dangerous area. He’s got combat skills downloaded, so he’ll do fine, just don't pass through that one alley.

Susu felt annoyed by the statement, feeling she was capable of doing it by herself. "I can fight for myself!  Besides, he only has partial fighting skills downloaded, and some of them aren’t even practical. Don't you have to, see, to hit people?"

A memory of a menacing Topangi standing over a beat up crook, appeared in Cade's mind. 

"I didn't know he looked pretty cool when I saw him that one time, you don't have to look treating to be a threat. Topangi smiled and flexed his arm, though no muscle showed because he was wearing baggy clothes. 

Susu was still annoyed by the situation and tried her best to convince Cade otherwise,  ”That was purely accidental, he had no idea what he was doing”. However, Cade just pointed toward the door. “We can talk about Topangi all day, and lose a customer and your bonus or, do you want to know the pickup location.”

It was night as Topangi and Susu, stood in front of a rather rusty looking apartment, dim neon light crackles and suspicion people passed by. Both of them were uncomfortable, Snail City was a mostly alright place to live, but every city had their bad side. 

 "Susu you should knock, ladies first", he lightly nudged her forward toward the door when they were already close.

"That isn’t how that works, dummy", Susu hissed back at him, while Topangi stepped back slightly farther.

They both looked up and down the poorly lighted alleyway, as people walked past them. “I’m worried about nothing”. Susu thought to herself, but her worry increased as they heard crumbling behind some boxes. '"So what if he’s some huge scary gangster looking guy. I’m pretty fast, and wait, gangsters don’t read manga.”

"Do you think this is like an underground manga dealing ring," Topangi said, looking up at Susu. 

"What ever it is, we need the money, so I say the faster we do this job the faster we get paid", Susu gained fake confidence saying these words as she slowly reached out to knock on the door.

Readers note: Gangsters do enjoy manga, some even enjoy Shojo. Just because you kill people, doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a good love story.

A large man with many cybernetics and a beard that almost hid his mouth stepped from behind the red light. While they both tried not to, they couldn't help but stare at the large stature of the man and ponder over why so many limbs of his were actually replaced.  This could both tell this man had been through many things in life. 

Topangi immediately came back to reality as the man's facial expression changed to concern, “Hyper Delivery Services, you need it delivered, we'll do it hyper fast”. 

My name is Topangi and this is my assistant, Susu. 

Susu immediately jumped in to correct Topangi, "What he meant to say was, I will be your delivery agent today and this is my assistant, Topangi. What ever you need delivered, we'll get it there faster than any other service." 

The gangster gave them a menacing scowl, looking over both of them, taking notice of their demeanor and height. 

He walked off, leaving the doorway empty, Susu and Topangi stare at each other, then back at the empty doorway. Susu slightly leaned forward to peek inside but couldn't see much but a red light and some boxes.

The man appeared again holding a box with stickers covering it, the box itself was very plain, but the stickers were from popular shows from the past and present. 

“I need ya to deliver this package across town to my girlfriend. I’d do it myself, but her people don’t like me very much. " 

Susu held her hands out to be given the box, but he didn't hand it to her, "not to be rude, but this seems too heavy for ya! You don't see many girls in a job like this, especially a place like this, dressed like you at least." He looks directly at Susu's mecha like headphones, it seemed to come from a cosplay from the year before her, yet she wore them casually.

Susu puffed out her chest to show confidence, "sir, I can guarantee you that we are the best the company has to offer". Susu tapped the headphones she wore, "these are just obsolete hearing aids, I can't afford and eardrum replacement surgery and the other one looks too ugly wouldn't you agree. 

The gangster placed the box in Susu's hand as she immediately dropped with the box so it wouldn't fall, it was heavier than she thought. Topangi easily took it from Susu, as the man continued.

“ I need it there by tomorrow morning, her 18th birthday, I feel bad I won’t be able to be there. She deserves more than the horrible posh family of hers, this is the least I can do."

 “Should we say it’s from you?” 

“Aren’t you a little old to be dating someone that young?”, Susu quickly gave Topangi a look of shock that he would ask that question to his face. The gangster growled and began a low chuckle.

"Heheh ahah heheh, no, no, she'll know who it's from and to answer your other question".

 I’m only 17 myself kid
