Chapter 1:
The Tale of a Thousand Lies: Future Arc V4
10 years later, after the great war, laws were passed by the UN for the coexistence of humans and mutants. Some aliens who were the enemies were studied while some were destroyed by sending them towards the wormhole made by Project Rockstar, and some destroyed by throwing into the sun. Device to block mind control was invented with the help of the experimentation of the bug aliens. As per investigation, it turns out that technologies from all ships were the same as all of their technologies were reverse engineered, that the technologies were all the same with current technologies including on what was passed by Rod Mason except for the tech to control dark matter.
22XX AD, at Mindanao University, where Philippine education has advanced ever since hundred years ago.
“hey maria, did you hear?”
2 young female students were gossiping in class while class was ongoing where the room was a normal Filipino classroom.
“what is it?”
“did you know that there are no records about our own teacher? That the teachers all held high respects at him?”
“yes I heard, even while he only has 1 class, which is in science.”
“advanced sciences remember? This is a new subject in the new course in this school which is Bachelor of Science in Space Engineering.”
“yeah, I know--”
“hey you guys, if you don’t want to fail in this class, do listen to my lectures” the teacher said, wearing formal clothes and wearing glasses
“yes sir.” they all said
“Hey sir, is it true that you are acquaintances with jason wild?” a student suddenly asked
“how many times do we have to go through this jerson, im not. Im just regular old jake mason”.
“but sir jake, everybody is saying so. And besides, regular classes are boring."
Everybody gave a bit of laugh
"Just why are u even here jerson?"
"Im just saying what everybody is saying sir." Jerson said with a gesture
"Hahh.. fine, maybe i have been in too much with the textbook. Its maybe early, but i will just push forward with the lesson."
"Really sir? You will just ignore my statement that you are--"
"Shut up jerson and take your seat, thats an order." Jake said with an angry face
"Alright then. No need to get angry about it." Jerson said as he sat with his smile washed away
"Hahh.. well then, would you like a personalized lesson from me which i heard from my scientist friend in the US about Jason Wilds lecture?"
"What?! You do know some--"
"Hes just a friend alright, nothing more, nothing less."
"Alright sir, lets hear it!" A girl said at the side before jerson could even say anything
the whole class then agreed.
"From what jason was able to theorize about his powers, and of the mysteries of the universe, he was able to manifest what we call the powers of the quantum. From that, he was able to tap into the raw power of the universe. Of course, his power comes at a great price for each use."
"How come its with a great price sir? From what we heard, he was loved and chosen by the Gods right?"
"Yes, which is why he needed 6 elemental maidens which will help him control his powers and never let it tempt."
"How come he was able to use all his powers in the great war if--"
"He was able to use those powers only because its the great war. Anyways, from what i heard, he cn control forces like dark energy, dark matter, particles, hes almost like a living god."
"Wow." The class wondered in awe
"Sir, whats dark energy and dark matter?" A guy at the side asked
"Well, dark energy is the energy which is all around the space around us and the universe, you could even say that its God. Since dark energy is the energy that manages all particles and atoms in the universe."
"While dark matter is unknown matter?"
"Nope. Dark matter is the invisible matter which manages all dimensions in this universe. You already have heard of multi-dimension theory right? Dark matter is the thing that binds space and time."
"Wow sir, is that really all that he can do?" Jerson
"Nope. Jason could also control all the elements given by his own powers of the quantum. Anyways, this end class, hope you guys could review as what i said would be on the next quiz."
"Aww." Jerson said in dismay while others were relieved it was already tme to go.
Jake then picks up his phone and calls after he heads out of the room
"There he goes again." The girls in the class whispered
"Yeah, we camt even ask him too much questions."
Then as jake heads towards the faculty room to leave his class record on his table, he was also on the phone.
"Hello alexa, how are things in there?"
"Just fine dear, our stocks are good and we are already in production of your latest designs."
"Thats great! When can i expect them to be completed?"
"Soon dear. Anyways, you may need to come here quick."
"Why? Is it top secret information?"
"They said yes."
"Alright then, will be going as fast as i can."
Jake then puts down the phone and goes to the principals office
"Hi charles, i have an emergency again."
"Hahh.. this is the 3rd time this month, hope they would just, you know.."
"Yeah, me too. Hope they could just solve this by themselves as they now have the power to do so."
"Yes. Well, you be careful now."
"Yes sir."
With that, jake then walked towards the parking lot to get his car and drove out of the school. After a few hours, he arrived at the house he is staying and changed out of his clothes and his glasses, only to fly towards mason industries as jason wild.
"How are the projects going?" Jason asked alexa
After a few hours of flying towards mason industries, he opens the door to the meeting room where all the board members where present and alexa was presenting jasons plans.
"Just in time dear."
"Come and sit with us sir, we were just talking about your plans for the future." A member said
"Good. Please continue." Jason said as he picked an empty seat at the side
"As i was saying, with these projects in mind, we would benefit from it as well as on all sides. We wont be hiding in the shadows for long and we might become a great influence in almost every industry specially with project stardriver."
"Alexa, you also said there was something urgent you need to discuss with me." Jason
"Yes, that is also part of this meeting. As we all want you to go incognio, the UN wants you on an assignment." Alexa
"Yes. Here are the details of the mission." A member said as he slides a smartphone towards jason
"It involves me checking out and cleaning up alien activity just outside of our solar system is that right?" Jason
They all nodded as jason reviews the pictures on the documents sent.
"But usually, they would just send a mutant team up there to take care of it."
"Thats actually it, they are maybe just making sure. Anyways, would you accept this mission, it will take maybe some time for you to come back. And we cant have that." Said another member
"Your right, we cant have that. Besides, they already know about my powers right? That unless a decision is made with me and the elements, i cant leisurely use my quantum powers, only my lightning." Jason
"They probably just want an expert on the field than having the team be in a blind spot."
"Anyways, you should accept the mission for now dear. I got everything here under control for now." Alexa
"But we are yet having our 3rd child this week right?" Jason said with worry
"Dont worry about it. I got this. What did you think i did during the great war?"
"A-alright then." Jason said, speechless
"Just when the UN had a project going on to send people to space again, i have a bad feeling about this."
"Me too. But for now, lets all be vigilant and prepare for the worst. Contact jackie as well about this."
"Yes dear, i will."
"For now, lets continue with the presentation please." A member said
"Hahh.. fine." Alexa
"Ok then, gotta go, duty calls. Do call me if you might need help here dear." Jason said as he stood up and walked towards alexa
Jason kissed her before he then walked out of the meeting room and flew towards the UN. After a some time of flying towards the pentagon in america, it was now afternoon by then.
"What can i do for you sir?" Said the receptionist at the pentagon which she was busy with her job
"Give me a general right now, so that we will discuss the contents of the mission."
"Name please."
"Jason wild."
Astonished and wide eyed, she finally sees him and stood up to salute.
"At ease soldier. Please escort me to any general." Jason said as he salutes as well
"But sir, only authorized personel are allowed inside majority of the pentagon."
"No worries, just have the general get to me here and he will take me inside if need be."
"Yes sir." She said before she sat and calls someone over the phone
After a few hours, as jason was waiting and fidling with his smart phone to read the latest manga, a general finally came to him. He was also sitting at the couch at the lobby at the receptionists recommendation.
"Jason wild, how nice to see you here." A general said
"Oh, hi there! I would like to discuss the details of my mission now." Jason said as he salutes
"Yes, about that, you would need to come and see for yourself in the control room."
"Its that bad? And are you new?"
"Nope. No major changes at the moment, though i would like you to assess the situation for yourself as well. In any case, im general cesar millan." He said before they shook hands. "By the way, what were you doing there?"
"Just reading the latest chapter of a manga. Anyways, lets get down to the chase shall we?"
"Sure, right this way."
The general then gestured for jason to follow the general inside the pentagon. Then before they arrived at the control room..
"Im just glad that you are also here jason, we have the perfect team ready just for you." Cesar said while they were walking towards the control room
"Is it the usual team?"
"Yes. Though you might need to see where you will be going."
"Ok then." Jason said as they pass through the doors to the control room.
"General cesar and jason wild, we are expecting you jason." A general said before they shoom hands with jason
"Jason, what do you think of this?" A general said as he points to the screen
The monitor showed of a bug aliens mothership stationed near pluto, which the image is coming from a satellite from NASA.
"Damn, they have come back, Though its too soon to tell what they want. Let me go and see what they want." Jason said with a serious face
"It might be possible that they want a truce now? Or just came to negotiate?"
"Nope, we cant fully trust them yet." Jason
"Why not? What basis can they not be trusted?"
"Because, i think that they are just monitoring us at a distance. And if they want peace, they would have already sent a representative by now, or had negotiated peace by the time of the great war."
"What basis or proof would you have that they dont want--"
"Because the Gods or the energy beings that are living with us said so. If they didnt say anything back then with premonitions, we all would have been dead by now and on the defensive."
"Besides, they dont have the notion of peace and war in their culture, only survival am i right?" Cesar
"Yes, your right. Anyways, let me go check on my team now." Jason said with a salute
"Ok, here is the file for your team. Go through it as you go towards florida, at NASA." Cesar said as he gave a file containing the information about the team
With the file at hand, jason then walks out of the pentagon and flies towards NASA florida base slowly while reading.
At NASA florida base, there came about 4 black cars where they stopped at the entrance of the main building. There, 4 people got out of the cars and walked forwards towards each other.
"Does anyone here know where this is? I got suddenly called and took a long ride, this is where they got me." Erwin
"I dont know. But we must follow orders as we are still part of the reserved forces for the military." Yagi
"Yeah, its also the law. Hahh.. anyways, how are you guys?" Fox
"As you can see, just fine. Though it seems we have a newbie." Yagi said as he shook hands with old members
"Hi, im gerald hunt. Im still 20 years old but i signed up for the program."
"Hello gerald, im fox and they are erwin and yagi. If your here meaning that you have a power as well." Fox said as he introduced the others
"Laser sir. I can shoot lasers in my finger like a gun." Gerald
"Thats nice--" erwin
There was then a limousine that also came and parked along with the other cars.
"Who might be insise that?" Gerald
They then saw that it was former president max ohama that got out of the limousine, and they all saluted
"At ease guys. Im a former president now, and we are all equals in this team right?" Max
"Probably, though doesnt change the fact that you have been a president." Gerald
"Forgive him max, hes a newbie, so he doesnt get your personality for now." Fox said as he leans his elbow to gerald
"Yeah. Anyways, i have been briefed of the mission while on the way here, you guys also get the mission?" Max
"Not yet." They agreed
"I guess you guys are now fully acquainted now." Jason said as he came from above
"Sir jason! Long time no see!" Fox said as they were smiling
Jason then touched down the ground to greet the team.
"I see old faces here. And gerlad hunt right?" Jason said as he shook hands with gerald
"Yes, gerald hunt sir, and have been a fan the way you saved the world during the great war."
"Well, i guess everyone is now acquainted. So shall we get to the chase?" Max
"Yes, the mission this time is observe and destroy." Jason
"Observe and destroy?" Erwin
"I see. Observe if they might be a threat and destroy if necessary, isnt it?" Yagi
"Yes. We also have to be fast as well." Jason
"Why?" Max
"Cause i still have a birthday celebration to attend."
"Oh, i see. Your 3rd baby will be born soon right?" Fox
"Yes. Lets all get inside the building now. NASA probably is expecting us by now." Max
They agreed and walked towards the main building. After a while of briefing the information gathered by NASA, they put on their space suits and walked towards the ship which will be launched in after a few minutes.
"Hey max, your the former president. So what happened to your guards?" Erwin
"Well, i just reasoned with them that i will just be out of the planet for some time." Max said smiling
"Of course, they dont stand a chance against the bug aliens anyways." Gerald
"And you have us right? You couldnt ask for more protection than this." Jason said which he was sitting beside max which they were behind the driver
"Yes. Though i didnt expect bruce to be with us." Max
"Im here for the driver and as the vice captain of this ship." Bruce
"Congrats on your promotion" jason said as they all agreed
"Were counting down now, please hold on." Bruce
With that, they went to countdown towards the launch of the rocket. After the countdown, they then launched towards space. Then after some time, when they were now at space, they approached the gravitons which were on standby.
"Hey jason, remind me why we are using a space shuttle and not the excalibur with this?" Max
"They said that they are just recycling. Hahh.." jason said with a facepalm
"Right. Anyways, are we ready yet?" Gerald
"This is your first time right? So just hang in there and sit tight." Fox
"Yes, we will arrive at mars with the slingshot and from there, we are on our own." Yagi
"Procedures are done. Proceed with the launch?" Bruce
"Yes. Lets deal with this as fast as possible." Erwin
After a few seconds, They then proceeded with the procedure for the slingshot and launched themselves at almost the speed of sound towards mars. And from there, they go for formation delta where erwin takes care of the space around the ship, fox takes care of gravity, while jason takes care of the time around the ship. And as a precaution, max takes care of the bonds of the ship while they are going at near the speed of light towards the bug alien ship which was stationed beside pluto.
After a few minutes, they arrived at pluto.
"We have arrived." Bruce
"Whew! That was exhausting." Fox said as he was huffing
"You might have lost your touch." Max said as he was also huffing
"Thats enough guys, we still have a long way ahead of us." Jason said as he unbuckled
"Yes. Agreed." Erwin said as they all agreed before unbuckling
They then put on their battle suits which was the improvised versions of the titania suits
"You guys take care here near the former pluto base, We will now be going." Jason said after they finished suiting up
With foxs gravity powers, all 6 of them floated towards the bug alien ship without any kind of resistance from the mothership itself. After punching a hole at the ship, they inflitrated the ship also without any kind of resistance.
"Its too quiet." Max said as they marched towards the queens room.
"In any case, we must move forward." Jason said as they agreed
They then slowly opened the doors to the queens room where a queen was waiting for them
"So this is a queen." Gerald said as they went into fighting position
"Jason wild, i have been anticipating you." The queen said through telepathy
"Guys, becareful not to let her take your mind." Fox said on high alert
"No need for worry, i am not here to fight."
"Stand down. Lets hear her." Jason said as he steps forward
They all stood down, but still on high alert
"We have all analyzed your culture, as well as with the reptilians. You guys care nothing about peace just survival am i right?" Max
"Yes, We are a highly evolved race which cares nothing except to abide by our instincts. But if we had something, we can think as well."
"we know that. Though brings us the question, what more would you need from us now?" Jason
"You really ask direct to the point." Yagi
"We are a race specialized in mind control, thus we have the abilities that our brain can possibly do. And your species truly intrigues us. Please do come work for us."
As the queen said that, they were taken aback except for jason
"No, we are no slaves to any master." Jason
"But why do you have slavery in your culture?"
"Dont know! But we are our masters, not you." Jason
"But your species can only access about some of your brains potential, and we are a highly evolved species, so why does your species win over us in that war?"
"Because we are maybe supported by the universe as the protectors of the creatures of the universe, to protect and manage all species alike. But the way you are doing now, we can only assume that you are destroying all life in this universe." Jason
"And who might say that"
"The universe itself. Anyways, we arent here to negotiate, we are here to check you out." Jason
"Sir jason, i think that we should negotiate, this might be our chance." Gerald
"Nope, it isnt." Fox
"Hes right, i was right that your only here to observe us from afar am i right?" Jason
"Yes, im only here to observe all of you from afar."
"Damn it! Weve been tricked!" Jason
"What?! How?!" Fox said as they agreed
"You guys are about to do something to us humans am i right? You are only here as a diversion." Jason said while turning towards the queen
"Your right. As we suspected, you are most interesting of them all. Your powers are more interesting than billy craw, maybe even all of humanity, to suspect and know our moves.
"Gerald, this will be your first order from me, kill her." Jason
"But like i said sir, we can negotiate with--"
"Dont you get it gerald, if you dont kill her, she might do something to us later!" Erwin
"Maybe not, she has no army right? And maybe she can communicate with the others!" Gerald
"You totally dont get it do you, your in a military mission now. You dont follow orders, you will just--" fox
"Leave it fox. Gerald, you have just a minute to decide whether to kill her or not, or face punishment." Jason
With what was said, gerald had a choice whether to kill her or not. Then after a minute, he decided to kill her with a laser right at the chest.
"Gosh, go right at the head." Yagi
"Wait, what?!" Gerald said as he was surprised the queen was still alive
"Their strength and weakness are all in the head. Shoot the head." Max
"Ughh.." gerald said as e was in anguish, before he shot the queen at the head.
"Thats it, lets all leave this area and go back home now. I have a bad feeling about this." Jason said as he turned back
They all then left the mothership and gone back to their ship.
"Dont sweat it gerald, as jason once said, they have plenty of queens out there in the universe." Yagi said as they were now on the ship, changing back to their space suits.
"But we could have pulled a negotiation with them right? With this team, there is nothing to fear." Gerald
"Thats naive of you gerald, since the great war wasnt just won by powers alone, it was won by the effort of all us mutants. Even though jason froze all of the enemies by the ens of the war, it doesnt change the facts." Yagi
"Yes. And besides, the last time i went all out was very tiring that i slept about 3 or maybe 5 days straight. And to think that anyone of them could have already attacked us while we were at our weakest. We would have been fighting a very long war by now." Jason
"So lets all trust jason." Fox said as they all finished buckling themselves
"I hope your right about this." Gerald
"You guys ready?" Bruce
"Yeah, we are." Max
"Formation delta again guys, lets all go home." Jason
With that, they went back towards earth.
Meanwhile On earth, at mason industries where jackie was besides alexa at the meeting room..
"Hey jackie, what do you think would be a good name for her?"
"Her? So the baby is a girl this time?"
"Yes. And im thinking of stopping there."
"I see--"
"Maam alexa, a call from the military." An employee said after she got in in a hurry
"Its time huh." Alexa said as she gave the phone to jackie "you answer"
"Its better if its you, thats what i feel."
Reluctant, jackie picks up the phone.
"Hello, this is jackie."
"Miss jackie, we need you right away! Its an emergency!"
"I cant go there right now, i have plans for now. And who might this be?"
"This is general cesar from the pentagon! Anywhere is fine! As long as you can delect all missiles that are headed straight for earth! All over the world!"
"Whats the situation?"
"The UN has already issued a red alert for all and evecuation is already underway."
"Roger that!" Jackie said before she cuts the line. "I gotta go, but i wont be long alexa."
"Im counting on it. Please be safe." Alexa sais before jackie went
Jackie then walked straight towards the changing room at the roof of the building where a helicopter pad was, to change into her titania space suit, before she flew towards space. There she saw many missiles at the distance heading straight for earth, around the world.
"This is overkill!" Jackie shouted
"Dont fret jackie, you can do this!" Alexa said over the comms
"Yes, we all believe in you." Cesar said over the comms
"Alright, i will try."
With that, she concentrates everything she had on making thunderstorms all over the world so that she could strike all the missiles that were heading all over the world. And as fast as possible, she was able to conjure up some thunderstorms all over the world and shot lightning towards almost all missiles, which also didnt blow up but only sealing the missiles. Then upon entry towards the atmospere, some missiles were successfully opened or blew up upon entry while majority remained sealed upon bumping towards the ground, smashing some buildings along the way. The thunderstorm then dissipated as the threat was now gone.
"It didnt explode? Weird. But i have a very bad feeling about this." Jackie said while she was still in space
"You can come back now jackie, its all over." Alexa
She then immediately came back towards the mason industries building where alexa was also talking to the general over the monitor
"Its really weird i tell you, those aliens just sent us tin cans hurdling straight for earth." Cesar
"Yes. I know its weird, but we cant be out of the woods yet general." Alexa
"Your right, which is why all military personel have been depolyed to collect all containers and shards of those missiles."
"Please do becareful with those, i have a very bad feeling about what might happen." Jackie said behind alexa
"Oh, reports are now saying that jason and his team is back." Cesar
Jackie and alexa both celebrated his return.
"This is jason here." Jason said speaking on the monitor at the ship
"So how was the ride jason? And how was the mission?" Cesar
"Mission was a success, though which leave me a bad feeling about what is about to happen. What about you guys?" Jason
"We just intercepted all the missiles headed straight for earth with the help of jackie." Alexa
"Truly, with mutants on our side, we might not need nukes anymore." Cesar
"Yeah, hes right--" alexa
"We arent out of the woods just yet." Jackie said as jason agrees
"For now, i will return by myself while you guys land maybe somewhere in the pacific, or maybe have fox escort you guys." Jason said towards the crew
"Aww man. Give me a break." Fox
"Anyways, wait for me there jackie and alexa." Jason said before he cuts off the line
"What would he want from both of you?" Cesar
"Maybe something only he can accomplish, since all this seems fishy from the start." Jackie
"alright then, I will trust you on that. Please contact me again if hes there, so that we can listen in on what hes thinking. In the meantime, we will now analyze all the missiles that came on our side.” cesar said before he also cut the line
“what do you think that he might do when he gets here?” alexa
“dont know. Lets all just believe in him.” jackie
Meanwhile, during the time Jason cuts communications when he was still on space, he was then in a hurry in changing his suit to the new titania suit.
“are you really going jason?” max said as they all try to convince him to stay and go back with them to NASA
“yes, im going.”
“why? Cant it wait? Our worlds best top researchers are now also on this case right?” erwin
“it cant wait. Cause the moment we will wait, it might be too late.” jason said as he finishes suiting up.
“but sir, do you think that there might be something more to all this?” fox
“yes there is. The bug alien race is a highly evolved species as they say, so its only normal to not underestimate them.”
“maybe we shouldnt return yet. From what jason has told us, it might be best to remain here on space for now.” gerald
The team was in deep thought on what he said.
“anyways, let me go back for now. It would just depend on you guys if you should stay on not.” jason said before he floats towards the hatch
“i say we stay then. Lets just have the captain of those military ships on standby to escort us inside for now.” max
with that decision, they all agreed before waving their goodbyes to jason who was now at the hatch. As jason then flies towards mason industries, the space shuttle fires up its engines towards one of the military ships on standby.
A few minutes later, jason was able to land on the helipad where alexa and jackie are both waiting for him. But when jason landed, he then received some kind of information through his quantum entanglement.
“do you have an idea on what is going on?” alexa
Jason then walked down towards the meeting room.
“probably, but I would need proof first. Lets contact the pentagon for now.” jason said as they were walking
“i agree.” jackie
They then contacted the pentagon when they arrived at the meeting room where jason removed his helmet before contacting.
“hello, may I ask if is this line secure?” a general said on the line
“yes. Anyways whats the status?” jason said before he switched towards the girls behind him. “please sit, this might be long.”
They both agreed and found a seat for them.
“our teams all over the world are still on the process of getting samples, as we speak.”
“thats maybe not good enough. Right now, from what I have received from my quantum entanglement was that the me from the future would see a mass extinction!” jason
They were all shocked at the revelation that the general who was holding a cup of coffee just dropped his coffee.
“damn it!” said the general
“anyways, lets make this clear. Your quantum entanglement lets you be one with your future selves throughout time is that what you told us right?” cesar
“yes, thats right, From the moment I activated my powers of the quantum. Its just like having a bonus skill on a RPG game.” jason
“i see. So did you see or know anything else that might lead--”
“like I said, you must hurry up with the analysis or else many would die.” jason said with a serious face
“ok then, I will believe you jason.” cesar
“though this would be the first time that you have used such a power. How come you cant predict everything?” alexa
“my power of quantum only works when there is an agreement between the elements to use such power. Though for my quantum entanglement, i can only see or know events revolving around me.” jason
“did you see yourself on how you would die?”
“yes. With this power, I could only see myself die of old age. But nevermind that, you must hurry the analysis!” jason
“dont worry, we are hurrying up as fast as we can. Also, with your powers, how do you think we can solve this problem?” cesar
“all I can say is to take immediate measures for a major lockdown for all countries around the world.” jason
“what?!” cesar
“just how is your information valid in the first place?”
“i have nothing to say to that. Since I will only rely your findings on this one.” jason
“hah! You have no evidence of whatsoever!--”
“enough with the trashtalk general! If what hes saying is true, the best that we can do is prepare for the worst.” cesar
After that, there was then a soldier which delivered information to the generals.
“it seems that your information was spot on jason, we just received word that inside the missiles, they saw many kinds of alien viruses and bacteria.” cesar
“what?!” all the generals were shocked to find out, as well as with the girls
“if thats true, all nations must issue a warning now!” jackie
”why is that?” alexa
“once I talked with mother nature, and she said that she doesnt care for humans at all, as she cares for all life equally. Its all survival of the fittest. In any case, us humans are on our own!” jackie
“yes. I can only assume that jackie made thunderstorms all over the world to strike lightning towards all missiles if possible.” jason
”yes, thats true. She did strike lightning towards majority of the missiles.” cesar
“if thats the case, rain would also be present around the world by then and all the other missiles which successfully entered our atmosphere opened up right? Which then transferred towards--”
“no way!” the generals said
“yes, transferred towards the water droplets.” jackie
“damn it! What are you waiting for generals! Contact the president right away!” cesar
“we will also contact our president here. Please prepare for major lockdown on all countries if possible. The next upcoming weeks would become living hell.” jason said before facing alexa. “contact the president now!”
Alexa agreed as all the generals were going haywire with doing calls
“as for my report, I will say it now so that you guys can just write it down. This call is recorded right?” jason
“yes, it is. Damn it jason, what the hell did you see or do out there?” cesar
“i did nothing! Anyways, the bug aliens really were honest with what they were doing.” jason
“what really happened ya?” jackie
Jason then told the whole story of what really happened at the bug alien ship.
“i cant help but think that we might have fallen for their trap.” cesar
“yes, by getting my brother out of the picture, they were then able to execute their plans.” jackie
“they did say that I fascinate them. As a compliment from a higher form of specie.” jason
“no time for jokes here jason.” cesar
“i know. I was just repeating what they said. Anyways, how do you suppose we should do now?” jason
“you ask me? I don’t know! Will try to ask WHO for now.” cesar
“yes, please do that. If only there was a mutant which can control viruses and bacteria or something like that.” jackie
“thats it! I think the japanese has them!” cesar
“maybe that may help, but from the information that I derived from my quantum entanglement, they are but kids and twins to boot.”jason
“how did you know about them?” cesar
“i may know everything, but I also don’t know everything. Quantum entanglement is a very powerful power general, so better take care of that mutant I made a year ago that has the same power.” jason
“we will. So this is also what you meant back then when you told me that you will see his worth in the future.”
“yes, though quantum entanglement would be very powerful, please do becareful on how that power will be used. With great power comes with great responsibility and a great price.”
“my brother is right. Even though my power is called storm breaker, I can only call upon the earth to do something, I cant control weather itself.” jackie
“yes, I get what you mean. So thats also why jackie don’t have any price to pay when using her powers right?” cesar
“yeah, as stated on the documents I sent to every military in the world.” jason
“in any case, we now know what to do thanks to you jason. Will call you again if I may need something.” cesar said before he cut the line
By that time, alexa also had finished her call with the president.
“how was the call?” jackie
“the president was in a state of panic when I told him of all of what happened.” alexa
“so will he also issue an order?” jason
“he said it will depend on the situation.” alexa
“damn it! If only I was able to seal all of the missiles!” jackie
“no need to be hard on yourself, you did all that you can on the situation. Lets just now hope for the best.” jason
With that, they only stared at each other for what may come.
With an announcement going on from all nations about the alien viruses and bacteria that has entered earth, there was then unrest and chaos among almost all nations.
"Report, almost all places i have gone to have been deserted." Jason said hovering around place to place around the world
"Me too. Though there are some places which some people are doing some activist work." Jackie said also hovering through place to place around philippines
Both of them were also using the new suits which has enhanced durability.
"Better not go down there jackie, you know the rumors going on."
"Yes. We are even getting some activists on our front door at our house and just outside our company." Alexa said over the comms
"Im just glad that we have an underground base under the company." Jackie
"Yeah, its old but still usable." Alexa
"Anyways, will now go to an interview in the US while im still in europe." Jason
"Please fully explain to them about the situation alright ya?" Jackie
"Yes. You becareful as well." Jason said before he flew towards US
There at the whitehouse, where the vice president was also present, they were all now discussing on whats really happening before jason flew down from the front door where they were doing the interview.
"Ah! And here we have our own superhero, jason wild, who just flew in." The host said
Jason then touched the ground and walked towards the stage where the interview was being held, before he took off his helmet.
"Hey guys! Whats the topic now?" Jason
"We were just starting on what really happened. Please, sit down." The host said
"Nope, this suit isnt suited for sitting by the least, so i will just stand." Jason said as he stood beside the VP
"Glad to have you here jason." VP said
"For now, lets introduce ourselves again to the public. Im earl whisky, your host for todays interview."
"Im glen frier, your vice president. Well, you all know jason wild right? The hero."
"Well, i wouldnt even go there yet. We are all heroes, yet it depends on our actions that makes us a hero in our lives." Jason
"True. Though you have to admit that if it werent for you, we would all have been dead during the great war." Earl
"Yes. Though i was also debating with myself back then if i should really use my powers to do what i must do back then, since what if it might fail?" Jason
"Really? But we are really greatful nonetheless." Glen
"In any case, please do tell us whats hapoening right now?" Earl
"Everything is as what the presidents of the world has said, aliens have sent their virus and bacterias to us. We tried fending it off but we fell for their trap." Jason
"What trap? The fact that you had to go to space?" Earl
"Yes, that trap. If i were still here back then, i would have already incinerated all missiles heading towards earth." Jason
"maybe, tho what were those missiles?" Earl
"We think that those missiles have ion engines and is made up of alien metal." Jason
"Well, whats happen has happened. Now we are dealing with these new cases of viruses and bacteria which only mutants are immune to." Glen said changing the subject
"What do you mean? That only mutants are immune to these viruses and diseases?" Earl
"Because of the enhanced brain capacity of mutants, our immune system would usually take care of everything." Jason
"Really? Its just that simple? I mean, others are also struggling against the virus and bacteria, including some mutants." Earl
"Well, yes. Due to their unique dna alteration due to their evolution, they just have an allergic reaction within their system." Glen
"Its like catching a bad cold. Once you have that kind of cold, the immune system would try its best to purge such viruses and bacteria." Jason
"I see. But what is really happening to our earth? I mean, animals are acting weird, though dont know about plants." Earl
"Its the same with our case, the immune system of animals are also trying to fight such foreign viruses and bacteria in their systems." Glen
"What does the experts have to say about it sir glen?" Earl
"For now, experts are still studying about the new kinds of viruses and bacteria being dispursed around our envieonment." Glen
"As for nature, the rule still applies about the fight for the strongest rule. Nature itself didnt interveine as it is the rule." Jason
"Whats with that? Meaning to say that we arent loved by nature?" Earl
"We are loved by nature, dont get me wrong, since how can we ever get to where we are if it werent. But as nature loves all of its creation or creatures, it treats all fairly. Which is why the rule must be absolute." Jason
"Why do you even say this now? What evidence do you suggest we are being treated as such by nature?" Earl
"You shouldnt have said that jason, it will only lead to people misunderstanding things." Glen
"I think so too." Earl
"True, but the people has the right to know about this. Of course, what did the people do anyways about climate change? About global warming? Wars are still going on in the middle east. Obly a few things has changed ever since 200 years ago!" Jason
"Cant deny such facts, even though i have to admit that majority of people would just be fine with staying in the safe zone, not that they try to totally eradicate climate change." Glen
"Also, since we can talk to mother earth. She really is also pissed on what us humans have done with the planet." Jason
"Like, is there amy room for a negotiation jason?"glen
"Nope. From the start, its just presumptuous that we can ever bargain with nature when we ourselves dont also keep promises." Jason
"Hmm.. cant you do something about what is happening right now jason?" Earl
"I can but--" jason
"You can?!" All of the audience was in awe and shock
"I can but it will be difficult. 10x more difficult than just regular quantum entanglement." Jason
"How so, please elaborate." Glen
"My quantum entanglement range is the whole solar system, and i can also edit the dna and atomic structure of a person with just my thoughts. But to combine both, i would need more energy than my limit, and even more with concentration." Jason
"Wow! So how can that be done?" Earl
"You just had to ask.." jason looking down on the floor
"What? Is it really that hard?" Glen
"Yes, because all i need are the souls and brains of a thousand people, and i mean literally. Since i need a thousand people to sacrifice themselves and connect with me, so that i can use 100% of their brain power along with mine, to alter the dna of the alien viruses and bacteria, and to boost human immune system." Jason said to earl with a serious face
"But with your powers, arent you basically like a God now?" Glen
"Nope, im still human. I die as well, tho not from any calamity i guess." Jason
Everyone then went quiet from the information they heard.
"W-well.. putting that topic aside, what course of action have been implemented?" Earl
"As our research teams all over the world is still on to finding a cure or vaccine for those viruses and bacteria, we have implemented a quaranteen protocol for all US citizens." Glen
"Which is also called the lockdown and the preventive measures am i right?" Earl
"Yes. And the philippine government is also assuring of such a protocol." Jason
"Hope that other countries would also do the same. Anyways, its good to have you guys on the show today!" Earl said as he stood to shake hands
"Its our pleasure as well." Glen said as he shook hands
"Well, there is just one thing thats bothering me, how do you pee with that suit on?" Earl said as he shook hands with jason
"Haha. There is a feature that lets one able to pee. Anyways, gotta go back now to my house." Jason said as he put on his helmet and flew off
"That guy never ceases to amaze me." Glen
"Though this is the best that we can ever do huh." Earl said with a grim face
"No matter what the circumstance, this is yet another challenge that God has given us. Let us face all this together." Glen said assuring earl
"Are you really sure this is what we ought to do jason?" Cesar said looking over jason who was checking over their work
A week later after the global interview with him, jason was now at NASA along with top officials with mason industries and the representatives from militaries all over the world.
"Yes im sure, we may have the virus thing but work still has to go on right?" Jason said with a smile
"Hahh.. fine. Though just what is this thing?" Cesar
"Its project stardriver and project quanta. You will know soon enough though." Alexa said walking from behind them
"Ah, i see. So these are the projects i heard so much about." Cesar
"And we even have much more, though others are already stated on the plans we just gave you." Jason
"Anyways, can we start now?" Alexa
Cesar then looked over the whole crowd with both familiar and new faces.
"Ok then, have a go at it now." Cesar said turning back towards his seat
“ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to my presentation for projects stardriver and quanta.” jason said towards the audience.
“presenting to you, the anti gravity device and the new type of laser using dark matter.” alexa gesturing towards the projects
“but first and foremost, I must congratulate my wife alexa, for giving birth to our third child just this Tuesday!” jason said happily
“dear, this is no time for that.”
“i know, I just..”
She then gave a kiss on the cheek
“ahem! Firstly, congrats. But I hate to say this but can we go back to the presentation?” max said interrupting the conversation
“sorry max! Haha! Will get right back to the presentation now.” jason
“as the project suggests, one is about anti-gravity where the craft can have no gravity at all, and the other is a new type of laser where it uses dark matter as energy source.” alexa
“so the project stardriver uses also dark matter am I right?” fox said after raising his hand
“good question. Yes fox, it uses dark matter as the energy source.” alexa
“by using the special properties of dark matter, it can thus make anti-gravity a possibility.” jason
The audience was then pleased to hear about the new project.
“and here we have a car which has the project stardriver installed, also with the software for the car.” jason said pointing towards the car behind them.
The car was a regular van which was installed with the project stardriver underneath.
“you may also inspect the car if you want.” alexa said also pointing towards the car
“without further ado, we will do as you suggest.” max said standing up
“but please don’t touch anything yet. The plans for this car are as what is provided to you on paper.” alexa
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