Chapter 2:
Queen of Dodge!
Yakuza sat on his knees with his head hung and his eyes closed. He had been tied around his arms, torso, wrists, and neck, all with a singular piece of rope. His eyes then opened as a giant ball was hurled towards him. He quickly spun out of the way before the next ball flew towards him at a faster speed. He ducked before he sprung up to his feet and looked around the darkroom. Another ball was hurled towards him before it struck him in the gut. He bent over slightly before he turned and launched the ball from his body by thrusting his pelvis. The two balls collided before falling to the ground. Yakuza gave a full growl as he turned his head to one side before he clenched his fists and flexed his muscles in a way that caused the rope to snap and fall off his body. He exhaled as he walked over to the ball thrown at him and picked it up with his palm. He looked the ball over before he saw the number 50 on it.
“It appears that even these are beginning to tickle.” He said as he walked over to a man in a suit and grabbed a t-shirt. “Any news?”
“Yes,” the man in the suit said, “Today, the schools will be recruiting for new club and sports team members. They were wondering if-“
“The dodgeball team at Mishima Academy is perfect. There’s no need to change it.” As he started to put on the button-up shirt for his school uniform, he said, “However, I do want to stop by Kiryu Academy. There’s someone who has piqued my interest.”
“Yes, of course.”
Kiryu Academy
Minami, Daisuke, and Ryusuke all stood at a table underneath a collapsible pavilion. On the table were sign-up sheets and Minami and Ryuske attempted to hand out flyers. “Hi! Please join the Dodgeball team!” Minami smiled as she handed out flyers to students who walked by.
“Hey, Ryusuke,” Daisuke said, “Do you have a minute?”
“Hm? Sure,” Ryusuke said as he turned and sat behind the table with his brother, “What’s up?”
“Don’t you think Choki-San is a bit strange?”
“What do you mean?”
“Yesterday, Yakuza showed up, and from what we saw, you and I both know she got the worst of it. Yet she’s standing here all fine as if nothing happened.”
“Yout think that’s strange? When she finally woke up, she had apparently fallen in love with the guy!”
“Well, anyway, I do know that she does weightlifting, she’s also Okinawan and does their martial arts, so perhaps she’s used to being beaten around.”
“Yes, but…” Daisuke then leaned forward and lowered his voice, “You and I both know that Yakuza has completely destroyed cars just by throwing a dodgeball. Hell, if he had enough of them I’m sure he could take down a house.”
“Yeah,” Ryusuke responded, “However, there’s a lot we don’t know about Choki-San; for all we know, she’s been hit by a car and was completely fine.”
“I don’t think-“ Daisuke then paused when he took notice of how tight Minami’s blazer was on her arms due to her muscles, “Hmmm, now that you say it, it does make a little sense.”
“So don’t worry about her so much; I’m sure Choki-San won’t break easily!”
“Yeah,” he said as they turned to Minami, “For being built like a Shonen Jump hero, she’s actually pretty cute.”
Minami did her best to try and hand out flyers. However, no one seemed interested. She gave a soft pout before she then heard a voice, “Woah, you’re huge!” She turned to see a slightly overweight student approach her, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a girl as big as you! Not to mention you’re absolutely stacked!”
“Oh, thank you.” She said with a smile before she handed him a flyer, “Would you like to be part of the dodgeball team?”
“Hm? Dodgeball?” He looked over the flyer, “Eh…sounds pretty violent; I don’t think it’s for me.”
“What?! Are you sure?!”
“Yeah, I’m sure I’m not really a violent person, you see.”
“Oh, I see,” she said, a bit saddened. She paused to think before she had a brilliant idea.
“Yeah, so I’m sorry to-“
“If you join the team, I’ll squish your head between my thighs,” Minami said with a grin,
“EH?!?!?!!!!!!!!” Ryusuke and Daisuke screamed internally in unison,
“I see,” he said as he looked down before he cleared his throat and said, “Where do I sign up?”
“Just over there!” She said with a smile as she pointed to their booth.
“Thank you.”
“IT WAS THAT EASY?!?!?!?!!!!!!” Ryusuke and Daisuke internally screamed once more,
The student turned and walked over to the table, and started to sign up. Minami gave a soft giggle as he finished signing up and walked back over to her.
“So, what’s your name?”
“Rando Pocha!”
“Hmm, that’s nice. Can I call you Pocchan for now?”
His face boiled to a hot red as steam blew out his nose, “You can call me whatever you like.”
“Alright,” Minami said with a smile, “Practice will be after school today; I’ll see you then.”
“Of course, I’ll see you.” He waved before he turned and walked off.
“Wow, he seems really kind.” She then turned to see a black car parked by the school entrance. Being curious, she then walked over to it. She looked at the backseat window and smiled before saying, “Hi! Would you like to join-“ She then began to slow down as the window rolled down and Yakuza removed a pair of shades.
“No,” he responded, “I have no interest in your dodgeball team if I could even call it that.”
“H-H-H-H-Hi~!!!!!!” Minami responded as her face began to turn pink and her cheeks a rosy red.
“Yes, hi.” He said, “I’m surprised you’re able to stand upright. Out of all the students I took out the other day, the one who stood out to me was you. Normally when I throw a ball, it’s always too fast for the human eye to see, yet you somehow caught the one I threw at you.”
“Oh uh, I did?” She said as she nervously played with one of her pigtails,
“Yes,” he said, “You have potential, so why are you here?”
“Oh, uh, well, uh, I-“
“You could come to my school and play on our team.”
“Well, I, uh-“ She paused as she thought about her and Yakuza spending every day together playing dodgeball. She then paused for a second as she realized why she even liked him in the first place, “Well, that’s very nice of you, but, honestly, I’d rather play against you instead of with you.” She said as she started to play with her hair, “I’ve never really met any guy stronger than me, and yesterday I guess you showed me that guys like that really exist. So I want to push myself harder and eventually play against you for real.”
“I see,” he said with a smile, “Respectable.” He then put on his shades as he said, “If you change your mind, you know where to find me.”
“Yeah, okay.” She said with a smile as she backed up and started to walk back to the school. She stopped and turned around as she wanted to say something, but the car had already driven off. “I’m definitely going to beat you next time!” Her heart then skipped a beat before she added, “And maybe steal a kiss~!” She then turned and walked back to the booth for the dodgeball team.
Eventually, the end of the school day came, and Minami, Ryusuke, and Daisuke met in the gym with Pocha. “Alright!” Minami said as she came out of the equipment closet with a machine. “I asked the baseball team, and they said we could use this!” She then put the machine in the middle of the gym. It was large and had wheels on the front of it. It had two large wheels, which began to spin really fast the moment Minami turned it on. “With this, we can practice dodging and catching! Any questions?”
“Um, yeah,” Pocha said, “Is there any other form of workout we should do?”
“Hmmm,” Minami said as she leaned on the machine and put her finger on her chin, “There’s a few, but for now, we just need to focus on this. When we face off against Yakuza, he’s going to be throwing the balls at incredible speeds. Hopefully, this should be able to replicate his strength.”
“Oh, I see….”
“So, who wants to go first?”
“I’ll go!” Ryusuke said as he raised his hand. Minami smiled,
“Great! Get up there!” Ryusuke nodded as he put on his goggles before he ran out to the middle of the court. “Are you ready?”
“Y-Yeah!” Ryusuke said,
“Okay! Here we go!” Minami placed a ball on the device before she pushed it through the spinning wheels. Pocha and Daisuke watched the ball fly through the air before hitting Ryusuke in the face.
“Ooh!” They winced in unison,
“Oh my! Are you okay?!” Minami asked as she rushed over to Ryuske and knelt at his side,
“I’m fine….” Ryusuke responded as his eyes swirled, being unable to focus.
“Are you sure?! You got hit pretty hard!”
“I’m fine…” he said as he sat up, “Just give me another chance…!”
“Are you sure?”
“Oh, well, alright.” She then stood up and walked back over to the machine as Ryusuke got back onto his feet. Minami put another ball through the machine, and Pocha and Daisuke watched it fly through the air. This time Ryusuke moved out of the way with an effective dodge.
“Aha! I did it!” He said only for the ball that flew past him to bounce off the wall and then hit him in the ass. He screamed in pain as Minami gasped and covered her mouth with her hands.
“Ouch!” Pocha and Daisuke said in unison.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Minami asked, trying to suppress some laughter,
“Yeah! I’m fine!” Ryusuke said as he then hobbled over to the bench and sat down.
“Okay, who’s next?”
“I’ll go,” Pocha said as he stood up and walked to the center of the court. He rubbed his chin as he looked at the machine before saying, “Alright! Show me the best you’ve got!”
“Alright,” Minami said as she pushed a ball through the machine. Daisuke watched the ball fly through the air as Ryusuke leaned forward in tears rubbing his backside. Pocha folded his arms as the ball slammed into his face before falling onto the ground. “Uh…you’re supposed to dodge,”
“I know,”
“Oh…are you okay?”
“No! I’m fine!” Pocha said with a chuckle, “I just need to get a feel for how fast these things were going; even at full speed, it’s not enough to harm me. Now I know how much effort I need to put into dodging!”
“Oh…uh,” Minami said, “I’m a bit confused?”
“My dad is an infamous Sumo Wrestler! As such, I grew up training as he did, so not much phases me in terms of pain.”
“Oh! Sumo?! I do Karate!”
“Oh! Really? That’s quite interesting!” He said with a smile,
“Wait, I thought you were a nonviolent person….” She then said with a flat expression.
“I am; I trained in Sumo to learn how to defend myself.”
“Oh, okay, that makes sense.” She said as she grabbed the next ball, “You ready?”
“Alright!” She pushed the ball through the machine, and Daisuke watched it fly through the air. Pocha quickly squat down this time, causing the ball to fly over his head. He then shot up and moved to the side as the next ball flew towards him, “Alright! Way to go!” Minami said with a smile before turning to Daisuke, “It’s your turn!”
“Are you sure?” He asked, “You know I can handle myself. If anything, I think we should see what you’ve got.”
“Yeah, he’s right.” Ryusuke said, “From what we saw yesterday, you seem to be good at throwing and catching, but you haven’t done much dodging. You really should train in all three.”
“Oh, well, alright.” She said with a smile before she moved in front of the machine. Ryusuke walked over to the device and placed a ball on it.
“Are you ready?”
“Alright!” Ryusuke pushed the ball through the spinning wheels and flying through the air. Daisuke and Pocha watched the ball fly towards Minami at incredible speeds. Minami’s first instinct was to catch the ball, so by the time she went to dodge, and she was hit in the shoulder. “A little bit slow on that one.” Ryusuke said as Minami picked up the ball and tossed it over to him.
“I’m sorry,” she said as she rubbed the back of her head, “My first instinct was to try and catch it. I just imagined the machine as Yakuza, and all I could really do was catch it.” She then clapped her hands on both sides of her face as she said, “Alright! Give me another chance! I’m ready!”
“Alright, here it goes!” Ryusuke said as he pushed the ball through the machine. Minami gave a soft grin as she quickly stepped to the side, avoiding the ball. Ryusuke pushed another ball through, and Minami avoided the next one by stepping to the other side.
“Woah,” Daisuke said as Ryusuke put ball after ball through the machine, sending them flying at Minami. Minami stepped from side to side, avoiding each ball as it hurtled towards her, “She’s pretty good at dodging.”
“It could be partially due to her Karate skills,” Pocha said as he rubbed his chin, “In a lot of Karate, you learn to avoid attacks but also counter and parry at the same time. If she’s been in a lot of fights, then that could help.”
“Is it like you?” Daisuke asked, “You said you do Sumo.”
“Yes,” Pocha said with a nod, “When I ducked earlier, I merely squatted down the way I would if I would prepare for a match.”
Minami then held out her hand and caught the last ball to be thrown towards her. She exhaled heavily as she wiped the sweat from her brow, “Wow, that was very good, Choki-San!” Ryusuke said with a smile,
“Thank you,” Minami said with a smile,
“Say, Captain?” Daisuke said as he raised his hand,
“Yes?” Minami asked as she turned to him,
“We still need about four to six more members to have a full team. What’re we going to do?”
“We’ll just have to try harder to recruit people, is all!”
“How do you suggest we do that?”
“We could put up posters and flyers all around the school, and I’m sure we can get it announced during homeroom for all the classrooms!”
“Yes, but they still need something to look forward to.” Pocha said, “Which brings me to a proposal.”
“And that is?” Daisuke asked,
“Well, the way she got me to sign up was that she promised to crush my head between her thighs,” he then slid over to Minami and whispered to her, “You’re still going to do that, right?”
“Yeah,” she said, “A promise is a promise.”
“Excellent,” he said before he went back to the bench and grabbed his bag, “This is normally very popular in the city when promoting sales and other kinds of things.” He then pulled out a magazine and flipped to a page before showing it to everyone, “It’s simple! We just have to put the Captain in a Bunny Costume!”
Minami’s face went dark red when she heard his suggestion, “A Bunny Costume, eh?” Daisuke said as he rubbed his chin,
“Yes! With the Captain’s muscular frame and strikingly cute face, we’ll draw all sorts of new members!”
“Oh, uh, well, uh….” Minami said as she tried to find words,
“Think about it, Captain,” Daisuke said, “With this, we’ll draw in more and more recruits! We can build a top-grade team!”
“Or a degenerate one….” Ryusuke said to himself, “Are we sure we want to embarrass Choki-San like that?”
“What do you-“ Pocha began as he looked at Ryusuke as he removed his glasses and wiped his face, “That’s it! We’ll put you in a Bunny Costume too!”
“Wh-What?!?!?!!! Me?!?!?!!!!” Ryusuke said, “B-But I’m a boy!”
“Yes, a very pretty boy! We could easily pass you off as a woman!”
“Wh-What?! No!!!” He then turned to Daisuke, “Daisuke, what do you think?!”
“Well, you are disturbingly pretty.”
“Th-That doesn’t help!!!”
“Then it’s settled!!! We’re putting the Captain and Ryusuke in Bunny Costumes!!!”
“Oh dear,” Minami thought to herself as she placed her hands on her face and closed her eyes, “If Yakuza is around the school, he’ll see me in a Bunny Costume! I don’t know whether or not I should be happy or afraid!”
Wow! I can’t believe the amount of reads this has already got! It’s nice to meet you all! I meant to put an author comment on the last chapter, but oh well haha. So I’ll be updating this story every Sunday and Thursday, when we get to the climax of each arc expect a full week of updates! Make sure to follow me on twitter for more updates, character drawings, and feel free to ask any questions and share some fan art with me!
Let’s see, I guess I should tell you all something about Minami, right? Well, her favorite Kamen Rider is Kamen Rider Kuuga followed by Zero-One and then X from the Showa era!
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