Chapter 0:


For the Sake of Humanity.

5000 years ago, in the tremendous war between Askaya Clan and Derdus Clan, a man named Izuya Hikiro from Izuya Clan wanted to end the injustice brought to the humanity as a result of that war.

But to end it he needed the power to do so. And to gain that absolute power, he unlocked the secrets of human body due to which he became invincible.

But unfortunately even those powers were helpless against the aging factor and natural death.

So to pass those powers to his 5 sons as his successors before his death, he divided those powers into 5 parts which were named after his children themselves as -

Perkus  ,Jomviz , Ashkenn, Korinz, and the strongest son with the strongest power among them was Yuron.

His children ruled the world after their father. And the Izuya Clan is still considered the strongest clan in the world.

And in the present day, powers are still utilized by the successors of the Izuya Clan, but some of the powers can also be used by the people who don't belong to the Izuya clan.

And those powers are- Jomviz , Ashkenn and Perkus

And the Izuya Clan is able to use all of the powers except Yuron - Only Yuron himself was able to use it.