Chapter 66:

Her Responsibilities

Wolf Bloodline

With a sense of relief and wonder, Lezlie, Mila, and I arrived safely at the Sea Kingdom, much to our amazement. The breathtaking view before us was simply magnificent, and we couldn't help but stare in awe. Once we got out of the carriage, we made our way towards the castle, which was heavily guarded by soldiers stationed in every nook and cranny. As we walked, I noticed the soldiers eyeing Lezlie and me with suspicion, creating an eerie atmosphere that made me feel uneasy.

Suddenly, An unfamiliar voice interrupted our thoughts, and we turned to see one of the soldiers approaching us with a worried expression. "Princess Mila, we are honored to see you again," he said. "We heard reinforcements were attacked. I hope you are okay."

Mila reassured him, "Thank you, Luyi, I'm fine. These people saved me."

Luyi nodded sympathetically, "And the reinforcements, Princess Mila?"

Mila's face fell as she replied, "Unfortunately, they failed. I'm sorry."

Luyi offered his condolences, "I understand. I'm really sorry to hear it. Our king will be very happy to see you. Please come in."

Mila wasted no time and signaled for us to follow her, "All right, let's go before we waste any more time, Lezlie, Babu. We have to see my father."

As we entered the castle, we were greeted by a long, dazzling corridor that led us to a grand lobby where soldiers and a towering figure were present. I soon realized that the figure was the King, adorned with a crown on his head. Mila's eyes lit up as soon as she saw her father and ran towards him, "Dad!"

The King embraced his daughter with affection and relief, "My Little Girl! So you're back. I was worried about you. Where have you been, what happened?"

Mila's tone was calm but firm, "Calm down, I'm fine. It was just an unexpected attack and a few enemies that's all."

The King's concern was evident as he pressed further, "What exactly happened to you?"

Mila explained, "The fifth elite soldier and several soldiers trapped me. Thanks to my men, I managed to escape their trap, and then I found these people. These people saved me from the fifth elite soldier and helped me get here."

As we stood before the imposing King of the Sea People, I couldn't help but feel a mix of awe and gratitude. Mila had just confirmed that it was us who saved her, and the King's question brought me back to the present moment.

"Yes, Your Majesty. It was our pleasure to assist Mila in her time of need," I replied respectfully.

The King extended his hand towards me, and I grasped it firmly. "Thank you, although it was my duty as a king, I failed to do so. We cannot thank you enough," he said with a small bow.

I shook my head, "No, please don't thank us. Helping those in need is our specialty, and we were happy to be of service."

Curious, the King asked, "So where did you come from, and why are you helping people?"

I took a deep breath, reflecting on our journey thus far. "We're on this path because of our friend who saved us from our difficult situations. We're now helping people to pay him back, and also because it's the right thing to do. Helping those who are in need is a guiding principle for us."

The King nodded thoughtfully. "I understand that. And also, I would like to ask if there is anything you want?" he added. "In the end, this gesture should be rewarded."

Lezlie and I exchanged a glance, both knowing what we wanted to say. I turned to face the King, "In fact, there is something we would like to request from you."

The King raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusement on his face. "Oh? What kind of request is that?"

I took a deep breath, knowing that what I was about to say might not be well received. "We know about the battle you're facing with the second epic, and we want to help you. However, we have a condition. Please give up Mila's forced marriage. Because she doesn't want to do it."

Mila looked at her father expectantly. "They know the man who defeated the first epic, Dad. And they want to help us."

The King's face contorted with concern, and he hesitated before replying. "Mila, we can't just ask anyone for help, especially at a time like this. I understand that you don't want to get married, but-"

Mila's eyes widened in surprise, "What are you talking about?"

The King continued, "Listen, they may have saved you, but we still don't know them. We can't just recruit people we don't know. Or we can't cooperate with them."

Mila's tone became heated, "I don't understand why you think people who stand up to Epic people can't work with them. They help people, and they did help me. You have to understand that!"

The King retorted, "And you have to understand that we cannot trust them!"

He then sighed, "Look, we just can't give up the marriage proposal. I know you're facing a situation you don't want to be in, but you have to trust me. Please, Mila."

Disappointed, Mila replied, "Okay, I understand. Then I'll be in my room. See you then. Thanks for everything, guys."

As she walked away, the King turned to us, "I'm sorry, but I can't accept your offer if there's nothing else you want. Please leave the castle."

As Mila walked away, disappointment and frustration lingered in the air. It seemed as though our hopes for convincing the King to give up Mila's forced marriage were dashed. We knew we had to wait until Ryuu and Hiroshi arrived, as their presence might change the King's mind. However, I couldn't help but think there had to be another way to help Mila.

Suddenly, an idea sparked in my mind. Turning to the King, I spoke up again.

"Well, actually, sir, there's something else we need your help with."

He looked at me, intrigued.

"We've been searching for our friends for days, but we haven't found any trace of them. Would it be possible to send a team to search for them?"

"Are your friends a cowboy and a young boy?" the King asked.

"Yes, that's them. But how did you know?"

"I sent a team to the second port to search for my daughter, and your friends saved my men from the Epic's soldiers."

"And do you know where they are now?" Lezlie asked the king curiously.

"Actually, the news came not long ago. They said they blew up a whole restaurant. But I guess they'll be here soon."

Before he could finish his sentence, we heard a familiar voice behind us.

"Guys!" Ryuu called out to us.

A wave of relief washed over us as we realized Ryuu and Hiroshi were safe. We couldn't contain our excitement as we ran towards them, hugging them tightly.

As we caught up with each other, Ryuu and Hiroshi explained how Princess Mila had helped them reach the castle safely. However, they were still curious about why we were there.

We told them about our mission to help people in need and the conversation we had with the King regarding Mila's forced marriage. As we shared our story, Lezlie interrupted and began guessing the possible outcome.

As the conversation resumed, we discussed our plan to help the Sea People in their battle against the Epic. Despite the King's hesitation, we knew that we had to find a way to convince him.

As we discussed the motives of our enemies, the King's voice rumbled behind us. He explained that his enemies' plan to kidnap his daughter was not only motivated by a desire to prevent an alliance through marriage. His words stunned us.

"The alliance is undoubtedly a significant factor in their plot. But it is not the only reason they want to capture my daughter," the King explained, his tone grave.

Hiroshi's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he turned to face the King. "What do you mean, Your Majesty?"

The King's eyes grew somber as he continued. "They seek something much more valuable than an alliance. They want my daughter's tears."