Chapter 1:

Spirit guardians prologue part 2

Spirit Guardians

* the others finally catch up to the thugs in the alley about 3 miles away from Mashù

Kamira- hey stop right now or thats yo ass

Thugs- Shit they caught up huh.. I guess we have no choice guys it's time to use IT

*thugs pull wisps out of their pocket cartridges and crush the wisp with their hands.

Thugs- Ahhh(scream in agony) what the hell is this

Anjero- what is going on??

Kamira-they're merging with wisp to gain temporary spirit energy Anjero gets back and Yoku gets ready.

Yoku- Right!!!

Thug 1- This power is amazing. No wonder the boss wants so much of these little things.

Thug 2- yea I'm liking this

Thug 3- I might have to keep some for myself.

Kamira- who's your boss?

Thug 3- like we'd tell you little lady.(smiling with an evil smirk)Are you all ready to die?

Kamira- have idea how many times I've heard that

*kamira puts on her twin bracelets

*yoku puts on headphones

Yoku- I guess you leave us no choice.

Kamira- Hulken Rage!!!

*Kamira starts to bulk up and her attitude changes to a pissed off brute

*Yoku creates 2 pistols from thin air

Kamira- Bring it on mfs

*Thugs come for kamira and yoku

(Kamira takes thug 1's punch and throws a fury of punches at him, thug gets up and throws the punches back at her and punches her through a wall)

Thug 1- hehe I guess this retaliate power really works too bad for you little lady but you won't be able to beat me.

Kamira- I'm not done yet cocky bastard Come on!!!

(Yokudan starts shooting at the other thugs but he can't seem to hit them. Thug 2 is bouncing off the wall very quickly. While thug 3 is simply melting them down before they hit her)

Thug 2-Do you really think that those lousy bullets can hit me.

Thug 3- stop playing around we only have so long before these powers are gone

Yoku- I can't hit them, aww man this is gonna suck. Ricochet Bullet!

(Yoku closes his eyes and starts following their movement just by hearing them he ricochets a bullet off the walls and hits thug 2 in the head knocking him out.)

Anjero- Did you just kill him?

Yoku- no I have the ability to modify my bullets to make them lethal and non-lethal

Anjero- oh ok nice

Thug 3- you'll pay for killing him

Yoku- Did you not hear anything I just said he's only sleep

(Thug 3 uses her molting slime as a distraction to close in on Yoku and uppercuts him, knocking him out.)

Thug 3- not that that's done.(looks at Anjero smiling) What's your power?

Anjero-I don't have one

Thug 3- well this should be easy.

Kamira- Yuko, Anjero no..

(Thug 1 kicks kamira towards the ground)

Thug 1- your fight is with me!! (smiling menacingly)

Kamira- Err(cough,cough) you're really pissing me off. *angry that she can't get to her comrades.

(Anjero takes a fighting stance)

Thug 3- oh so you know how to fight huh?

(Anjero right jabs thug 3's ribs)

Thugs 3- you dumb little shit

(Thug 3 throws slime at Anjero who continuously dodges thug 3 then catches his leg burning the flesh on his left calf)

Anjero- Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!

Thug 3- haha I'll kill you for hurting me you stupid bastard

(Anjero sitting there with a blank stare and blood coming out of his mouth)

Anjero- (In his head) why did I even come here I have no spirit I guess I'll just die here.(Anjero closes his eyes)

Aalto- that's not true

Anjero- (In his mind) who's there?

Aalto- I am Aalto the Spirit of Water I will be your spirit from now on until you die

Anjero-(in his mind) why didn't you show up sooner and water??

Aalto- it's because I'm a more powerful spirit so it took me a longer time to manifest than others. Listen I'll take over this time and heal your wounds but you'll have to learn how to use my power on your own after this; ok???

Anjero- Alright Aalto take it away.

(Anjero stops thug 3's in mid-air with water and gets up while his wounds close up and heal)

Thug 3- I thought you said you had no spirit energy freaking liar!!!

Anjero/Aalto- I didn't till now but now I'm more powerful than you'll ever be

(Anjero/Aalto shoots a beam of glowing water at thug 3. She blocks with her slime but the slime starts to evaporate and the beam finally goes through her slime. Smashing her through the wall.)

Thug 1- what the hell??!!?!

Kamira- *smirks at thug 1* Who told you to look away?

(Kamira punches him, breaking his jaw and knocking him out).

Anjero- (In his head) Aalto can you heal yuko also he protected me

Aalto- I cannot because he is out from Spirit Exhaustion.

Anjero- (In his head)What is that?

Aalto- it's when you use more spirit energy then what your body can handle you fall asleep for a period of time to let your spirit regain its strength.

Aalto- I need to sleep now I've used a lot of power and I've just awoken.

Anjero- ok, I'll take over

*Kamira went back to regular size.

*Anjero gone back to normal

Kamira- I see you finally got your spirit.

Anjero- yea...Aal(faints from spirit exhaustion).

Anjero Sutanrì- Age 16 his spirit Aalto spirit of water.

(Mashù shows up badly beaten)

Mashù-I see your fight went well!

Kamira- yea what about you?

Mashù- Of Course easy peasy with Qoyntauz and Retaliate I'm damn near OP

Kamira- with all those cuts and bruises I don't know about that

Mashù- oh!! These I'm fi.....( faints from spirit exhaustion and battle fatigue).

Kamira- awe man (puts in earpiece) S.e.i.d we need evac now.

S.E.I.D.- yes ms.yusei spirit portal activating in 3...2...1..

*Everyone is teleported back to the school.

*Mysterious man looks on what happened in the alleyway

Mysterious man-Hmm what do you think drapnel?

Drapnel- Aalto has finally Awakened this will be fun killing her again Haha haha
