Chapter 1:

For the last time

Beyond our reach


I walk out for the very last time.

Matthew, you come back here right now or you’ll no longer be part of this house holed!

I didn’t look back mostly because I already knew I was never part of that household.

Fine then be that way your 18 now I would like to see you live on your own you’ll come running back! I heard the door slam and that’s when I knew I was free but what would I do now I had no friends or family not even a place to stay? It was dark out it was around 9 pm the last time I check. I walk a straight path down the street the cold air brush agents my face my hair seemed to flow with the wind it got longer these last few months I should probably think about cutting it but wound mom get mad if I cut it but I remember I no longer live and her household and I was now free.


I walk out of the hospital for the last time now don’t get me wrong it’s not like I’m getting any better at this rate but I’m not about to spend my last few months or even days in the hospital its not like I can afford it and I have no one at home to make me let alone a house to stay. I walk down the street with no place in mind to go let alone somewhere to go. the weather was chilly but the nice kind of chilly to be honest I wouldn’t mind dying on a night like this.