Chapter 2:

Chapter Two

I Love You

Arthur's POV

This episode of Jake's had seemed worse than usual, and in the back of his mind, Arthur knew that the reason it was worse than usual was because of this job. He worked at the exact place that had ... broken his favourite person. Although many of the doctors that worked at the chop shop had grown to become completely desensitized to the fact that they were chopping up someone's child, someone's friend, someone's life ... Arthur shook his head, disgusted at the fact that he, too, had been like that, had been completely like that, with no regard for what he's doing. Yeah, okay. He's still doing that. He knows that. But it's not like he's happy that this has to be his job, that he has to do the thing that traumatized his reason for living, Jake.

~four days later~

Jake's POV

Another fight. This one was more intense than the others, and with Arthur's - although caring and kind - sarcastic and attacking nature, it was hard to never fight. They were a couple, anyway, so fights were to be expected.

Although Jake generally didn't spit comments and insults, this time for some reason he felt different. Screaming matches were rare, but still happened. Jake had a fuzzy memory because this kind of stuff, especially with Otika was too much for him to deal with. He remembered the worst things that poured out of his mouth, the deepest, darkest and most locked up places of his mind finding the key. "It's your fault I have to suffer so much! I hate you!"

"Then why would you STAY with me? If you hate me so much, Jake!"

So much screaming...

"I have no idea, but right now you should know that I will NEVER fall in love with someone who takes people's LIVES LIKE THEY'RE TRASH AND THEY DON'T MATTER TO ANYONE, and I will never, ever fall in love with someone who agrees with people letting their OWN kids DIE AND NEVER COME BACK."

At some point during the fight, Jake had stormed out of the house and just sat in the grass, willing all his thoughts to go away so that he could just sit and think, sit and think.

I Love You
