Chapter 4:


Izanagi's soldiers and Izanami's warrior

“Man is not what he thinks he is, he is what he hides.”
- André Malraux

"Who are you?"

I opened my eyes and saw the people above me. I thought there were four of them judged by the sounds, but I only see three, maybe the fourth is still inside.

"I'll ask you again, who the hell are you, and why are you here?"

A white-haired boy bends down to me. He was wearing a mask, and he has different colored eyes. Are contact lenses this fashionable? There were two girls beside him. One of them had pink hair that she wore in 2 braids. The third looked the 'most normal' black hair as would you expect of a Japanese girl.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you ... in what you were doing. I think I'm in the wrong place, so I'm gonna go now." The pink-haired girl took the book from my hand. "Oi, what are you doing?"

I snatched at my book, but the boy grabbed my wrist before I could touch it. I pulled my hand back and put it in my pocket. She poked the shoulder of the boy. Firstly he looked at the book and then at her. Finally, all three of them looked at me.

"Whose is this book?"

"It's not like it belongs to you. I don't have to answer." The boy hit the wall next to my head and I shuddered but I still wanted my book back. I just can't let it go. "I don't know what are you doing here or who you are, but that book is very important to me, so give it back ... please."

The black-haired girl pulled the other girl's uniform. "Chi-chan, just give it back to him. He doesn't feel anything out of him. And Tsurugi-kun, don't be so aggressive. He's a special guest if he found this place." She turns to me. "Stranger-san, do you want some tea?"


Awkward. That's the only word that comes to my mind. After I thought I was going to die, I'm drinking tea with them now. I just want to go home. Chi-chan and Tsurugi-kun, right? Why did they listen to that little girl?

"Oh, I forgot, what if we introduced ourselves? My name is Naomi Okazaki and my brother is Naoto Okazaki."

"And where is he?" Chi-chan and Tsurugi-kun started laughing. Did I say something funny?

"I'm Chiyo Hasegawa." Ah, so they ignore what I asked. Huh, wait Hasegawa? Then this cafeteria belongs to her family.

"Tsurugi Nishikawa"

Okazaki-san looked at me and gestured, it seemed she wants me too to introduce myself.

"I'm Shuichi Takaki"

"Shuichi-kun I'm glad we got to know you!" My first name? Okazaki-san stood up and sat down next to me. She's so cute. She took my hand and smiled at me. Then that smile froze on her face. "Who are you?" Her voice, her looks, and ... her strength have changed. I couldn't move, as if my body was frozen and it didn’t do what I wanted. I couldn't even breathe.

Hasegawa pulled out two pistols from a bag and pointed them to my head. This is not good, not good! I have to run away!Nishikawa turned my head toward him.

"I'm going to ask questions, if you don't answer or I catch you lying, Hasegawa, will kill you. And just, you know ..." he leaned closer to my ear. "She never messes up a shot."He straightened up and turned to the pink girl. "I think we should demonstrate our strength."

She turned one of the pistols toward the boy, exactly to his red, left eye, and shoot. Nishikawa grabbed the cartridge a few millimeters in front of his eyes with two fingers.Who are these people? And why can't I speak?Hasegawa nodded to Okazaki, who lifted his little finger from my hand. I took a huge breath and felt how life is returning into my vocal cords.

"Whose book is that?" Now Hasegawa asked, I could barely hear her voice.

"My grandmother's. I don't know why she had it or what it is. Her stuff is gone and I thought the people at the address might know what happened. With her." I laughed while I looked at the girl "Looks like I was wrong."

"Did you tell anyone about it?"


Hasegawa lowered her arms and sat down on the chair in front of me. She sighed heavily and spook after a few seconds. "Naoto, let go!"

I looked at the girl who took my hand and then released it for the command.

"Wait, you said Naoto? But it's not ..."

'Naoto' held out his hand to me, which I slowly but accepted. I was still under shock from what happened in the last few minutes. 

"I'm Naoto Okazaki, you already know my sister."

"But-but first ... you don't .."

His gaze changed again and his voice became thinner.

"I'm sorry Takaki-kun, Naoto told me not to introduce him because he wants to introduce himself in person." Is that what he calls an introduction?

Hasegawa tapped the table to draw attention, and in the meantime, Nishikawa sat down next to her.

"What do you know about us?"

I shook my head. "Nothing and I don't want to get involved in the business of your little sects." Not to mention that their weirdness is creeping me out.

"Takaki-kun, is this your original hair color?" Hasegawa wrapped her pink hair around her finger and kept looking at me. It'd be so embarrassing if the situation were something else.

"Strange isn't it? My grandparents said this is a gift from the gods. This makes me special."
"We are all special," Nishikawa said to me, or rather to himself while drinking his cup of tea that was in front of him. "Hasegawa's pink hair, the twins, my red and blue eyes and white hair. And your red hair. It shows that Izanagi chose us. "

"What are you talking about? If it's some kind of prank, it's not very funny."

All three stood up from the table at the same time. Hasegawa picked up her bag that contains her weapons, Okazaki began wrapping his hands in gauze, and Nishikawa was already at the door. Looks like... I survived?They went up the stairs and I sighed. The last one, Okazaki turned back to me.

"Shuichi!" Ah, this is Naoto. "If you want to know the truth about yourself, your family, and your whole life, come with us. I can't tell you what to do," Couple of minutes ago, weren't they forced me to respond? "But grow up and don't be so childish."

I don't want to hear this from a child! He also went out the door and I was left alone in the small room.