Chapter 2:

I got switched to first bench.

Teenage life isn't supposed to be like this

Alot of days went by and the school just seemed to go pretty smoothly for me. I was just walking by the corridor and I saw teacher Yua seeming someone around the corner so I decided to just go and surprise her.

"Hello teacher."

"Huhhh, Itsuki w-when d-did you come here?"

"Huh I just came now."

"Huh you didn't see anything right."

"Ahh no. Wait what were you doing anyway."

"Ahh nothing."

She tried to catch hold of me but I just slipped through her and saw no one there.

"Ahh please don't tell anyone about his okay!!"

"Tell any one about what ??. I don't see anyone there."

"Really. It's a relief."

"What is a relief?"

"You don't have to know."

"Phew. Thank God he didn't see that I was watching Haruki Murakami."

Haruki Murakami is the school's Physical education teacher. It is his second year working here in Hiroshi highschool.

"Yua teacher I am actually curious what were

you doing?"

"Nothing much."


"Go on class is about to start in a few minutes."


"Please tell me, teacher."

"Huh fine." She dragged me to the spot where she was looking.

"Here, look down. What are they doing there?"

"Ohh so you were seeing them."

"Yes, totally."

"Okay I will be going to my class now."

"Phew, that was a close call. If he knew what I was doing he would probably say it to his friends and then it would have spread to the whole school."

I was in my class and I looked at the time table and I saw that our first period is history.


"Oh let me guess. It is history right."

"Yeah. And I hate it totally."

"Hmm I understand."

"Okay it is decided I will not listen to history class."

"So you are going to skip it. By going roaming outside the class. You do know there will be alot of staff members roaming around and you will get caught."

"Hey hey, I am not that courageous. You don't have to think that much. I am just going to grab my phone and read some manga in it. I plan on doing that by vertically placing my book and keeping my phone on the bench. This is how I am going to do it."

"What if you get caught?"

"What if I get caught you ask?. It is nothing to worry about. I know that I won't get caught."


"You still have doubts right."

"Okay let me explain it to you whenever teacher come this way I will hide my phone in my desk and cover it up with my legs raised."

"Sounds pretty good to me."

"Right Miyu."

"Yeah I hate history class too."

"See Akiyoshi no one likes history."

"Seems like teacher has finally come to class."

"Okay first I will open my text book. And then I will put my phone here. Now is the fun part reading manga."

I was reading manga and did not pay a minute to history class. Class ended sooner than I thought it would.

"Ahh time flies by when you enjoy it."

"You seemed to have enjoyed history period a lot."


"Hey what period is it now?"

"It is physical education." Miyu said.

"W-wait it is physical education. I hate it Haruki teacher will probably ask us to play volleyball or football again."

"Come on give those a try. You can play volleyball and football if you try it hard enough."

"I hate volleyball and football. And not only that, I hate everything about sports."

"What are you going to do then go to the sick room by telling a lie." Miyu asked.


"Itsuki maybe you should give volleyball another try again."

"Huhhh, Miyoko I have tried playing it but whenever I play it I would miss the easiest shots and everytime I tried to serve the ball I would drop the ball and it will fall on to the grind which makes us to lose a point and the team will get really annoyed with me and they were once close to beating me up too, if I hadn't run away from them as quickly as possible. That is why I don't want to come to Physical education."

"Huh okay"

We went to the volleyball court and we lined up and Haruki teacher asked the boys and girls to do something different today.

"Okay, today we will not be playing games today."

"What?" The whole class screamed.

"Yeah, no please let us play volleyball or football."

"Nope sorry today all will be doing exercises. You will have to do a 100 meter Sprint in the ground outside and then you have to perform a shuttle run together in the volleyball Court."

"Well that is atleast better than playing volleyball or football." I thought.

"Well, we started with the 100 meter Sprint. Boys and girls were separated and then divided into groups of five. And we had Sprint once we heard Haruki teacher's whistle"

I was in the group with Akiyoshi, Akio Sato and Hirotoki Ito. Our group was one short.

And we had started to run as quickly as possible. We heard the whistle and we started to run as fast as possible, I and Akio Sato reached at the same time while Akiyoshi and Hirotoki Ito reached it at the same time. Boys had finished it.

Girls had to go through the same process. Miyoko, Miyu, Misa Ichikawa and two others I didn't really know their names. I have never really spoken to them.

The whistle was sounded and the girls went very fast. Miyu came in first, Misa Ichikawa and Miyoko in second and two others in third and forth places.

Now we had to do the shuttle run. After 10 minutes of intense shuttle training we were all so exhausted that we all lied down on the ground right after we had finished it.

"Guess it is finally time to head back to class then." I said.

We had went to the restroom. To wash our faces.

Right after I had washed my face. I heard a voice calling me.

" Hey, Itsuki can you do me a favor. My good friend Akio seems to like Miyoko so could you help him with that?"

"Huh why are you asking me that."

"It is just that you and Miyoko seem to be close friends. So I thought you could help him."

"We are not close friends. We are just friends."

"Huh can you please help me Itsuki." Asked Akio.

Akio is a very silent guy he is a very silent guy and Hirotoki on the other hand is a smart guy just like Akiyoshi. Hirotoki is also dating Misa Ichikawa. Hirotoki and Misa are boyfriend and girlfriend.

"Huh, Akio I don't know how to help you."

"Huh, okay I seem to understand why you yourself are in love with Miyoko."

"Huh what are even saying now."

"That isn't true." Akiyoshi said.

"Nope. I am pretty sure that you are in love with her. But there is nothing to worry about. I won't tell this to her."


"So let's be friends Itsuki."


"And you too Akiyoshi."

"Sure we can be friends from now on."

After this we headed straight to the class and then there was indeed a big surprise for me

I is maths period and Yua teacher was waiting for us and then we all asked permission for our teacher and went and took our seats. And Yua teacher had this announcement to make.

"I am going to change places for all of you guys."

The front rows were pretty excited about this while the back row were not at all excited about this.

"Ok Akiyoshi time to hide, I am going to pretend as If I am checking for my book in my bag."

"Same here. Itsuki."

"Same here too."

"Same here too."

"W-wait if we all do the same thing we all going to get caught for sure." I moment I finished saying that teacher called me.

"Itsuki pack your bag and come to first bench. Then Akio please go to Itsuki's place and that's it."

"Wait didn't you say that you are going to change the seating arrangement for everyone teacher." The first bench student asked.

"Yes I don't feel like changing the places now. So let's just stop here and proceed with the class."

"Huh" I said to myself.

"Oh and Itsuki please come to the staff after school and meet me there. I have some work for you."

"O-okay Yua teacher."

School had finally ended and I was about to leave to he but I remembered that my teacher asked to come to her office after school had finished. So I said good bye to the others and went to the staff room.

"Ahh Yua teacher I have come as you told me to now what should do I do."

"Itsuki what were you doing during the history class."

"W-what about history class."

"You do know what I am talking about."

"No I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about teacher."

"So is that so. I suppose you weren't reading manga from you phone which was hid using a textbook infront of you."

"Crap she know that. I guess it is best to surrender at times like this."

"I am extremely sorry for that teacher and I won't let that happen again."

"It's not like I called you for your apology. I just wanted to let you know that you are going to stay in the first bench from now."


"And I also made as if it wasn't a punishment for you, so that others won't know about it and I even called you personally as if I had some work with but the class won't know the reality about it. So you don't have to worry about people talking about you."

"Huh." I couldn't possibly argue with that. And I do feel guilty. I couldn't open my mouth after she said something like that.

"I won't even tell your parents about this. And won't even take your phone."

"Ahh I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything. You just have to sit in the first bench and listen to your teachers."

"I am sorry."

"Hey, it's over now you don't have to give an apology."

Yua teacher started to tickle me so hard that I that I burst into tears.

"I can't breathe please stop."

"Now all back to normal."

"Thanks mam."

"Huh. Hey Itsuki are you free for sometime."

"Huh. Hm okay."

I called Take grandpa and told him that I might come a little late today. When I said that he immediately agreed. I have never asked for holidays before.

"Come with me."

She took me to her car and then we went to a restaurant and treated me to a very expensive dish.

"Teacher, why are you treating me to something this tasty all of a sudden."

"If teachers were friendly then it would make a very good bonding between a teacher and a student. When that happens it makes it easier for the teacher to help the student change his bad character easily than behaving very rude and harsh. You need power only when you need to do something harmful, love is enough for everything else."

"Woah. I have never seen you talk like that before."

"Hmm,did you like your food."

"Yeah, it was really a treat."

"Okay let's go home."

"Yeah, but Sensei how did you find out that I had read manga during history class and also how I did it."

"Well, that's simple I can into the class to check for my math textbook and checked each and everyone's benchs. And then I found your bench had a phone in it. And came right after you guys left and when I touched the phone it was a little hot so I guessed that it would have been in recent use. And then I went to check what the previous period was and then I found that it was history, our history teacher is a little old so she only stands infront of the desk and reads the text out loud and finally I just guessed that you would have kept your textbook vertically and then kept your phone behind so that you can read it easily."

"Okay it seems that you are very smart."


"So did you find your textbook anyways."

"Nope, well actually I did find my textbook but it was all torn and pages were ripped from it."

"So I had to buy a new textbook.So let's go to home."

"Actually, teacher, I have to work so can you drop me where I work."

"Where do you work? Shoku restaurant."

"Huh, isn't that Miyoko's restaurant??"

"Yeah, it is Miyoko's restaurant."

"So it seems like you are interested in Miyoko afterall."

"What are you even talking about !?. I am not interested in her. I just work there and there is nothing else in between us."

"Ok-okay I get it, don't yell at me."

"Huh, here it is. Thanks Yua teacher."



"I really wonder now how doesn't she not have a boyfriend yet. She has a really good heart. And she is also very cute."

"Okay time to go in."

"Hey Take grandpa."

"Hey Itsuki can you please go give the order for our supplies. I don't want to send Miyoko alone."

"The still didn't get the line fixed, did they."

"They did not."

"I will go, but I don't know the route to go."

"Ok since you are a man I can trust you."

"I will send Miyoko with you."


We were on our way to give our order for our supplies.

"Hey, Itsuki, why did Yua teacher call you to the staff."

"She asked me to help me with her arranging the books and stuff. And she also treated me to some really delicious food."

"I see."

"Oh here it is let me go in and give the order till then please wait."

"A couple of minutes later she came back."

And then we were on our way to the restaurant when Miyoko stopped near a vending machine to buy one coffee. After seeing that it made me want to buy one so I decided to buy one too. We were walking and I saw three very familiar faces but I didn't know who they were. We were walking and then Miyoko tripped and then the coffee can fell on one of the men and they immediately got angry and we about to pour some coffee on her. But I went and stopped them.

"I was an accident so can you please forgive her this once."

"So why don't you take the punishment instead of her."


They poured coffee on my hair and then dirtied my shirt as well.

"I am really sorry Itsuki. Because of me you had to go through that."

"Yeah it is ok."

"There is a washbasin in that park. Let's go there and clean your shirt."


I washed my hair with water and then my face.

I wiped it off with my hand kerchief.

"Sorry Itsuki." She said that while wiping the stains in my shirt. She was really close. I could literally smell the scent of her. Her hands were touching my shoulders.

After she finished cleaning that day. And after a long day at work I went home and took a nap.

The next day at school I was going to school and I passed by class 3-B and then saw the same faces as the ones he saw yesterday.

I then went to my class quickly and then sat down.

"Did they notice me anyway. Wait why am I running after seeing them anyway. They did take their revenge yesterday itself."

I then heard the sound of a can opening and before I could see that, they we about to pour coffee on me.But Miyoko from behind just kicked their hand which made the coffee can to spray on the class of 3-B students present there.

"What do you think you are doing?"

"Hey, wait. What do you think you are doing? Coming to our class and picking on our friends. You better be ready for this." Said Akiyoshi and Hirotoki.

"This class is full of airheads."

After hearing this the whole class started to throw random things on the students of class 3-B. Which forced them to leave the class.

"Thanks Miyoko and everyone."

"Hey Itsuki, what happened between the two of you guys.?"

"I will explain it."

It has been a month after that incident happened and then finally Yua teacher took the word of changing our seats. I asked this out of nowhere.

"Okay teacher where should I sit now."

"In the first bench."

"Wait, untill I finish changing the others seats."

"Okay teacher."

After a few changes to everyone's seats.

I once again asked.

"Teacher what about me."

"As I told first bench is your seat."

"Why do everyone except me get to change their seats. This is unfair."

"Please change my seat please."

"Or I will have to leave your class."

"Then I will have to tell your mom about it."

"Don't need to tell my mom about because I won't do it."

"Okay then I will do my homework before I go home."


"Then will you change my seat to somewhere else other than the first bench."

"No, I never said I will"

"What have I done to deserve this?."

"You don't know what is the reason you are here. Because you in his-"

"Ahh got it teacher."

"Good, don't ask anymore questions about changing places okay."

"I would rather be sent to hell than stay in the first bench."

"Oh GOD show some mercy, please."

"I want to go to the last bench or in the very least second bench please."
