Chapter 1:


Sokka's Chronicles

,,....I always wanted to live in Tokyo, but somehow God sent me to Noto, a small town, neither big nor big, I've always been alone since my family was killed, and my older brother was the last time I saw him. it was 5 years ago, I was going by train and I met him, he probably didn't even know me, but I didn't know him for the first time. I have only one dream, that dream being revenge. Since my parents died, I train daily to become stronger, it was hard at first but over time, I managed to progress, it was never easy, if it was easy, then everyone would be invincible, no one was beaten and everyone was equal. Besides the fact that I was left alone, I have someone by my side who always helps me hard, he is my sensei, Getou, he trains me almost every day and teaches me new things, he also taught me to swear and read, because my parents mine died when I was 8 years old in front of my eyes and Getou saved me since then he is for me as a kind of father.One day Getou told me something that changed my life he told me  ...."


Leo answered phone


Boss:You're transferred to Tokyo tomorrow

Leo: Okey, but ,why ?

Boss: Tokyo needs more surgeons, it is a wave of injured for some reason many people die and are seriously injured.

Leo: Okay

Boss: It's a very good offer, you will be in Tokyo and in time you will have a higher salary, you agree ?

Leo: Yes

Turn off the phone

Leo: he had begun to pack the important things and everything he needed


Leo gets on the train, he enters and sits down, Suddenly he noticed a bizarre man who seemed to be reading a newspaper, a newspaper about the deaths in Tokyo

Leo: Excuse me, but are you going to Tokyo?

Roy: Yes

Leo: Me too, you go on vacation or work ?

Roy: Work

Leo: Okay, by the way, what's your name ?

Roy: My name is Roy Kawaragi, what's your name ?

Leo: Leo

Roy: And what profession do you have?

Leo: I'm a surgeon by profession

Roy: It's true that you were sent, because surgeons are needed ?

Leo: Yes, how did you guess ?

Roy: So I was right, for a long time many people are dying and many are injured, I'm a detective and I'm going to investigate this, all I know from the newspapers is that married couples die, and the other cases, many young people was in love each other are injured, other victims are not, which is very bizaree.

Leo: What could be in the middle?

Roy: Probably a madman who failed to marry the woman he loved.

Leo: A psychopath?

Roy: Yes, but he's very smart, it leaves no trace and no clue to catch him, which worries me terribly, it makes me think we can't catch him

Leo: ...

Roy: I don't really think he's just a man in the middle, but if he's just a man, then he would have been caught

Leo: What if he's not human?

Roy: Impossible

Leo: I think you are right

Roy: No matter how many people there are, or what kind of person he is, I will find him and put an end to it .