Chapter 19:

Everyone has an end.


Aku, Yui, Minato, Kimori and Eda looked for Nakata in the main street.

“This is the only place he could go to, search harder” Yui commended.

“I’m still starving” Eda’s stomach growled.

“So shut your stomach” Aku resembled Yui for a second “your friend’s life is more important than some food.”

“Whatever you say” Eda sighed, other people would be scared from this tone of voice but not Eda, he knew this tone very well.

“I think I found something” Kimori shouted from behind a bunch of bushes.

“What is it?” Yui ran there, everyone followed him there. .

On the thick grass sat a pair of little metal scissors made for cutting nails. From the tip to the bushes, rested on the grass a thin deep red trail, no doubt, human blood.

Minato raised his hands and started to ripe the leaves of the bushes like crazy. Under the leaves was the thing Yui wanted the last to appear. Everyone looked in shock at the tall brown haired teen lying on his belly. Minato turned Nakata back to check if his heart was still beating. His body was not bloody at all, in fact he was cleaner than everywhere, the only thing that could be the reason for him to die was a little scar on his left side of the chest. A little heart shaped scar.

“Fuyuki must have something to do with it” Yui was furious “this scar is the same shape and size as Fuyuki’s tattoo.”

Minato put his head on Nakata’s chest “his heart is not beating, it feels like he doesn’t breathe either. I think this is it, Nakata is officially...”

Big tears started to drop near the blood trail.

“Dead” Minato’s voice echoed around the street.

The people kept walking like nothing happened, their boring life blindfolding them to the truth.

“No.. it can’t happen…” Yui closed his hand to a fist and screamed to the sky “gods! none of this is real. My life might be fake too but I know something is very real... NAKATA IS DEAD BECAUSE OF FUYUKI!”

The people stopped by, they looked for a second and kept passing on by

“What are you looking at?” Yui lost his self-control “another perfect person is down, you are perfect too! I will kill you all and the lucky ones will be ruled by me!”

“Takashima stop, you sound like Fuyuki now” Aku was the only one brave enough to get close to Yui when he talks like that.

“When I die I will make sure to rule all over the world!” Yui was not acting like himself.

“We will bury Nakata and move on with our life” Aku desperately tried to comfort Yui.

He turned his head back in an impossible angle and said three strong words “life? what life?”

Minato finally got the courage he needed before, he got closer to Yui and gave him a single kick on the neck and he fell down unconscious.

“So what are we going to do now?” asked Kimori.

“We are going to eat lunch, bury Nakata and lock Takashima somewhere until he relaxes” Aku made a quick decision.

Minato took Nakata’s body and unconscious Yui on his shoulders and the bunch started to go home, ignoring faces staring at them all over the main street. They saw the nice buildings become dirty and ugly, this is how lifes looks like, in a second they exist, in a second they disappear.

Aku tied Yui’s hand to his bed using a rope Eda made a while ago. Everyone sat near the table, Aku put the food on the table, Kimori also put Nakata’s body on a chair.

“Come on… open your eyes” Kimori pushed food to Nakata’s throat

“I know this is a joke, eat your food so you won’t be so thin.”

“Kimori…” Eda looked so quiet before but now it struck him. He was also struggling to eat his food now, he didn’t believe Nakata would die so quickly.

“Release me now! I commend” a voice could be heard from the sleeping room.

“Should I go check on him?” Aku asked.

“You can” Minato said “but it doesn’t matter what he tells you, we can’t release him for at least a full night. He was in that mood before, it’s not the Yui you know.”

“I will keep that in mind” Aku went inside Yui’s room.

“Here you are” Yui said from the top of the three story bed he shares with two more boys.
“Let me go now” Yui looked down, fighted the rope and smiled “I’m out of the madness now, would you mind untie the rope?”

“I won’t, you are playing games with me” Aku used her serious face “I know how good your acting skills are, but don’t worry please, I will release you next morning.”

Yui’s face changed to a face he hadn't used before, desperation mixed with anger, he fought the rope much stronger this time.

Aku started to exit the room.

“BASTARD!” Yui screamed as Aku left the room “YOU CAN’T JUST LEAVE ME HERE!”

She closed the door and took a big breath, it was not the Yui she knew. She returned to the kitchen and sat in the same place she sat before.

“How likely is the rope to rip?” Aku asked Eda, she saw how strong Yui fought the rope.

“Talking about Yui?” Eda took another piece of sweet potato “almost no chance, the rope is extra strong, almost no human can rip it off. Yui has a weak body so there is no need to worry.”

Somehow, after almost an hour, everyone finally finished their meal, now they need to do the next part.

“Will this spot do?” Eda pointed at a piece of dirt near the house.

“It looks big enough to fit a human in there” Kimori looked at the piece of dirt.

“Wait a second” Aku dug a hole in the dirt in two seconds “put him in.”

Minato came and gently put Nakata in the hole. Aku dug the dirt back.

Everyone looked at the grave and said “rest in peace”.

Everyone has an end. 

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