Chapter 5:

This is me

Lost in another world with a shitty fiancee

You've got to be kidding me this is ... me

To be more specific, my reflection is my younger self, long smooth hair, shiny and black, brunette, not so dark but not white, tall for my age, flat as a table, big dark brown eyes, small lips .. yeah that's how I used to look, you know, before I used creams and stuff to be whiter, fix my eyebrows, fill my lips with a lot of shine and stuff, this is a 12-year-old teenager, a normal one, that is shocking but I don't know in what way, because of my bushy eyebrows or the fact that I'm myself, okay, this has to be a dream, or I really died and forgot and started in a new world, the same soul but I remembered today. ..

I'm really confused right now, I mean, a new world is what I normally read, but isn't it a given to be a beautiful girl with money and power? You know, nice silver hair, red eyes or something ... even my maid has blue hair, why am I so normal?Where is my new great life?But this explains a bit the information I have about myself so far, in my childhood, there are only two words: Mary Sue ...Yes, I was like a good female lead, a good person, used to believe in prince charming,  liked the color pink, wants world peace, hates fights, believes in the power of love and friendship, but what I think I know now is that I was easy prey ...I was shy, I couldn't say no. Also in my 29 years of life, I was misunderstood all the time; people thought that I am cold and arrogant but I just trying to protect myself, I have been hurt by many who said they were my friends but only wanted to use me for my good grades or money ...I hate crying and wanted to look strong and independent, and guess what guys prefer? girls who are useless and fragile ...Many girls used their tears against me, and made me look like the villain when they were the villains; so I had a life without love and without many friends.Anyway, I am not a female protagonist, I am the second option, the one that the male protagonist never chose, maybe I am not even an option ... no wonder my fiancé doesn't like me, it's like fate; as the life, I know and I don't want to think anymore.Okay, it's going to be okay, I'm 29, not 12, I already know what men want, and how to get rid of bitches; it's my body too, I know I stopped being flat at 19, but if this world is like the Middle Ages then it's too late to be pretty ... but I know how to exercise which should speed up the time in my body, and maybe I don't know how to make chocolate or a pen but I know what plants and other natural things to use to make my skin and hair great and if I'm pretty that always opens some doors or should at least help with that idiot that I have as fiance, yes, let's make my younger life better.After all, maybe this is temporary, maybe my younger self is in my 29-year-old body, maybe she needs help to survive in this world so I will help her get better ... or so I am assuming, but actually I don't know the reality about this body, but I have a hunch and I think I'm right, so, for now, my plan is to get cool and learn everything about this place ...____Well I hope I have not bored you, in my head, I have defined how I want the development of the story but the idea is to achieve it.

Sorry to be late, I was finishing school T_T
