Chapter 6:

Some thoughs

Lost in another world with a shitty fiancee

While I was lost in my thoughts about what to do when I still don't know my whole situation well, I heard noises, I guess the maid came back. I went back to the first room I entered and saw this Maria. In her hands, she had a silver tray so large that I was sorry that I had to carry it, and several plates covered by what I did not know what they were. She places them on the table one by one and in my mind, I crossed my fingers because it was not a 100% medieval meal, that of eating with my hands, or salads, or meat in excess, I do not fancy. I am quite picky with food, even at 29 years old I eat like a girl, what I like and preferably sweet rather than healthy. I'm not a fan of fruits and vegetables, I really should seriously worry about having diabetes in the future. Fortunately, it was a tomato soup, slices of bread, butter, and cheese; Well, this is edible to me, although something simple if I reason all the tv shows where you see royalty eating a lot of things. Maybe it showed on my face because Maria added.

-I have been indicated a simple diet by the blow of the young lady

I started eating without paying attention to it. When she finished looking at her, she seemed distracted, staring at the door.


She reacts scared.

-Yes, Miss

-Tell me about you

She was silent for a moment.

-I am the tenth daughter of Duke Croix. My father the Duke has 15 daughters and only 1 son. I am 17 years old so it was recommended to me to serve the lady

-Isn't it strange that a daughter of a Duke serves a daughter of a Marquis?

I felt some suspicion grow in me. Damn, I must stop reading so many novels. I watched her, she was analyzing me too.

-Normally it would be, but the Duke has too many daughters to take care of all of them, and although the young lady is from a family of Marquis, a position of Princess at least is expected in the future; for which it is an honor to serve you

Her answer is reasonable, but I wonder what kind of man her father is, a Duke is not necessarily rich unless he sells his 15 daughters. My question is, is he the type with so many daughters who sends them to work because he can't support them, or is he the kind of father who has daughters to use on his behalf. It's rude to ask that in the first meeting, I'll have to do more research. The other question is where to research, books? Maria? Family? I don't know who to trust. Most would say in the family; but when I think of my royal family ... poof, I haven't talked to them for 4 months yet living under the same roof. Not for nothing did I spend my day reading, I had a great depression ... I have, but this is not the time for apathy, I need to know more about this place, maybe that will give me an idea if I'm dreaming or not. Once again I was lost in my thoughts and Maria seemed as lost as I was.


Some hours passed until Lady Burton returned and took us to the exit, they had sent someone from the House of the Marquis to take me back. In a not very comfortable carriage, they took me to what seems to be the house in the capital of the kingdom, the official residence of the Marquis is in the marquisate. 

A house more similar to a small mansion in my real world; all grayish stone, with a few simple gardens in front and an unnecessarily long path to get there, if I were to walk with this weak body it would be very annoying. 

A butler as is normal I suppose welcomed me and took me to my room; Apparently, my father lives in the territory for which he was slow to return, but an older brother asked that they return me to the house for the time being. 

So what I know so far is that I have a father and a brother ... in my original life I have a mother and zero siblings, my father died when he was young. In this life they tell me the opposite, my mother died being my current me, a baby, I have a father and several older brothers and sisters. 

My room at the mansion is as boring as the one at school, so it must be the fault of the owner of this body, which doesn't make sense if it's really me but young. The original 12-year-old me had stuffed animals all over the place, and all-around in pink. Here I only see sobriety, the curtains are pink and that's it. I was watching and didn't find much, maybe my things are in the territory, apparently, I just moved here to attend school. I saw a teddy bear on my bed, red velvet with a black bow, some nice dresses, and accessories but just that, it seems that I came to visit, it is annoying, I want to know more. I guess it's important. They left me alone, there was no one who came so I had time to be looking here and there.

Frankly, I don't know what to think. Was I, a mistreated child?
